Chapter 893 Who is not afraid of death in a hundred years of life
At this moment, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, is obviously a little crazy, his words are full of madness, and his words are full of deceit, but even so, he actually feels that he has gained more and more sense. The faintness in the words, the tone of the tone is getting more and more serious now, and it has been taken for granted. At this moment, the cold-faced killer is already in an extremely dangerous state.

After listening to his words, Guo Wei Zhaozhang frowned tightly at this moment.

But he only has a very vague concept of the past of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, and he is not very clear. At the same time, after hearing such shameless words of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, he also laughed angrily Standing up, he immediately retorted:

"You, Jiao Linxian, have been able to see the true self for more than eighty years. In the endless pursuit of the Tao, in the long and long journey, your pursuit of the Tao has deviated from your original heart. From the very beginning of a life hanging, Do your best, until now you are going to grab it abruptly, you think you are right."

"You know, you have already deviated from your original heart, and you are no longer a seeker. From your more than [-] years of practice, you can see that you are getting weaker and weaker. You have taken the wrong path. Really The Dao is not what you begged for, the Dao is never what you ask for, and what you want to take away." Ge Qizhi said these words at the moment, but it was extremely flat.

Seeing the ups and downs of emotions around the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian in front of him, and the black air that kept wandering out, there was a smile on the corner of Ge Qizhi's mouth at this moment, because the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian at this moment was already It can be said that he fell into his trick.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi still opened his mouth and said: "When you reach a high place, you find that you are always lonely, no one talks to you, and the lonely severe winter makes you tremble. So what do you want to do in a high place? Living like this is true. Do you want it?"

"Is this your heart attack strategy? When I reach a high place, I will have that endless power. When I have power, I will have absolutely everything. How can I be unhappy if I have everything. More What's more, if I have the power, I can live forever." The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian said at the moment.

"Is that so? Can you sit down and discuss the Tao, and please join me." Ge Qizhi had already walked to the side of the two, and was sitting on the ground at this moment. At the same time, he looked at the two with sincerity in his eyes, and immediately spoke.

After Guo Wei Zhaozhang took his seat, he opened his mouth to preach without any wavering in his eyes, as if he was declaring a fact: "Justice will win in the end? Of course, justice only belongs to the victors!"

"Yes." Ge Qizhi echoed his words, and so did Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer.

"Then what is everyone's Tao?" The cold-faced killing god was the first to ask his own question.

"To live, there is only one purpose from beginning to end, to live, to live happily." Ge Qizhi said without hesitation.

The simplicity of the words stunned the two people next to him, but Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, understood what Ge Qizhi meant, and immediately said:
"In that case, what's the difference between you and me? I just want to live."

"We are different. You are about to grow old and die. I will not grow old. I said that to live is absolute power, but you are power. Our pursuit is different." At this moment, Ge Qizhi resolutely broke Cut off the words of Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murder god.

Hearing this, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, did not speak, but looked at Guowei Zhaozhang in front of him at this moment, wanting to see what he was. With a solemn expression, he said:
"In Chuyue Kingdom, people are like dragons. In this world, I, Chuyue, only need 99."

It is said that Ge Qizhi and Jiao Linxian are silent at this moment, completely silent, because the Dao of the Guowei is bigger than the other. First, let’s talk about the first Dao, that is, the people of Chuyue Kingdom. Everyone is like a dragon.

This is the point. Although this point is simply stated, what is this concept?

Because, everyone is like a dragon. This is not a small concept. Maybe, after all, everyone is like a dragon, which means that we have to fight against everyone, not only the elders and nobles, but also the forces from all walks of life. At this moment, Ge Qizhi was silent in his heart, he couldn't speak, but suddenly Standing up, he saluted Guowei Zhaozhang, and then said: "I wish fellow Taoists prosperity and prosperity."

After seeing all this, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murderous god, became silent and said nothing. Seeing him like this, Ge Qizhi at the moment didn't intend to talk to this brazen old fox, and saw that he was about to make the most The cold words stripped away the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, and stripped away his essence: "Actually, you don't need to hide yourself. The one sitting here is not a true self who knocks on the door of heaven. How can you hide your true nature like this?" On the contrary, the heart has fallen to the bottom, what do you think."

Hearing this, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer at the moment, became silent. After a moment of silence, he didn't say anything more, just opened his mouth and said:
"I am afraid of death. No one is afraid of death in a hundred years of life. Therefore, I changed my fate against the sky, seized the destiny, and used the power of the king to order the luck of the town, and to follow the orders of the emperor, order the luck, and swallow the luck." The law is used to maintain my own life, and this is also the secret of why I can survive."

At this moment, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, may have been attacked by Ge Qizhi's few words, and his mind was already confused at this moment. Immediately, even when he saw him speak, there was no scruple in his words. , the most pure self said it out.

The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxia himself also understands that he has deviated from his own heart and has forgotten his most fundamental way, but he really doesn't want to die, just as he said just now, life is only a hundred years , these hundred years are really too short and insignificant, really in this brilliant world, he is that one speck of dust, who can't set off billowing waves in the general trend of the world, the tide of history, It is even more impossible to preserve the history.

There is also a reason for this, which gave him an urge to not want to die, until all kinds of inconveniences when he was aging, as well as the warmth and warmth of the world, made Jiao Linxian, a cold-faced killer who had already tasted half of the glory and wealth, How could he tolerate it? Because of this, after he got the method of swallowing qi to maintain his own life, he practiced it on the same day, and the effect was not bad.

After he found that this method was useful, after he recovered, he immediately carried out the craziest and most severe revenge on those who despised and disdained him when he was sick in bed. Shenjiao Linxian's own desire for life is getting stronger and stronger, and this luck is swallowed up by him more and more, until his contribution to Chuyue Kingdom, as well as his honorable name and title can no longer make him grow When it was his own life to maintain for a long time, he did it.

He began to try to use his influence to cultivate his own power in the court of Chuyue Kingdom in secret. Under the control of the previous monarch of Chuyue Kingdom and those aristocratic families, he was able to Given a few chances, for such a terrifying war machine, he began to gradually cultivate his own power in the dark, where the war machine could not take care of. Afterwards, the cold-faced killer who reappeared has already become a powerful force. I saw the power he gained over the entire court of Chuyue Kingdom. This power is used to increase the luck of enfeoffment and it is enough to keep him alive. After going down, he used such a unique method to deal with his enemies. Among them, in such a country's public weapon, the war machine had already noticed the slightest clues to their existence. .

These people were either drawn in by them, or eliminated by the forces of the Blood Shadow Pavilion killers formed by them. Jiao Linxian seemed to be hiding a huge shady curtain in it, and it was a huge cancer that was constantly devouring the luck of the entire Chuyue Empire.

It is also because of this that before succeeding to the throne, Xiong Han, as the prince, had already sensed the huge shady curtain covering the entire Chuyue Kingdom empire, but this shady curtain was too huge, and because of this, within but inside There is a dark curtain covering the empire, the infiltration of power, and the endless peaks of the Great Zhou Empire outside, as well as the eyes of Han and Wei. He has no strength to change everything in the face of all this, even if it is After he noticed it in advance, there was still nothing he could do.

It can only be submitted to his father, the king of Chuyue Kingdom has seen it, but he has not made any indication. The imperial city was destroyed, and he and others moved south immediately. The old king of Chuyue Kingdom He had died for his country in the imperial city, and the entire Chuyue Kingdom was already falling apart.

Fortunately, he had a battle with the entire Great Zhou Empire, but only the entire Zhaozhang was left, and the people of the Zhao clan had the best relationship with him, and because of this, he gathered some of his own crown princes. After the soldiers, they had some soldiers and horses. With the help of Zhaozhang and the Zhao clan, they quickly gathered hundreds of officials who had fled to the south, and opened another kingdom in Jinling City. It was also at this moment that the news spread in the north. Knowing that his father was already dead, he had no choice but to bear the pain in his heart in grief and indignation, and put on the robes of the king of Chuyue Kingdom while wearing hemp and filial piety. After wearing the Tianping crown, the current crown prince Xiong Han has completely become the only king of the entire Chuyue Kingdom under the witness of all the officials. It is also at this moment that he understands the weight of the crown and thinks about restoring the country. After recovering his national strength, his weight dropped rapidly without realizing it, and Xiong Han, who had ascended the throne unexpectedly, learned how to deal with government affairs quickly after experiencing a short period of stunned and flustered hands. After that, Xiong Han did better and better.

However, he discovered a phenomenon, that is, these ministers have lost their will to go in, and they have been completely scared by the Bingfeng of the Great Zhou Empire, but they don't have the slightest desire to return to their homeland The wish of the country is gone, and I just don’t want to go back to the country. I have lost the slightest arrogance in this intoxicating, heart-wrenching place of wind and smoke all day long. Surviving inside for a few more days, these people simply don't think about how to restore their national strength. In this new king's capital, they just rely on their own status or their own strength. The entire Jinling City began to domineering, and it was the same. After some testing, the new king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, had already stifled his fierce ambitions, and it was impossible for him to be able to do so in today's world. It was carried out under the circumstances that the entire Chuyue Kingdom court was full of luxury and money.

His heart was dead, so in order to survive, he pretended not to be ambitious anymore, and still lived a life of sensuality. The whole person was in the gentle wind and drizzle of Jinling City, and before he knew it, he was fascinated by luxury and money, day by day. Day after day of drinking and having fun, he also forgot the deep hatred, and he couldn't do anything about the raging revenge and the feeling that made him almost suffocate, because he It is no longer enough to have enough control over the current court of Chuyue Kingdom, he can be said to be the puppet of these remaining aristocratic families, if he does not follow their ideas, then , I will be the next one buried somewhere in this nameless palace.

This is what he didn't want, so he started to pretend, which was the way above, just to let those people dispel their doubts about him, but he never dared to forget his deep hatred.However, the huge shady scene above the court has been completely controlled by Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murder god, and he has no way out. After using the elixir refined by the cold-faced murderous god with that luck, they really felt that their bodies were getting better and better, and because of this, they gradually believed in this cold-faced murderous god Jiao Linxian. up.

(End of this chapter)

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