I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 894 When Did I Became Like This?

Chapter 894 When Did I Became Like This?
It is also because of this that the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian either wins over or suppresses, and already has absolute control over the entire court of Chuyue Kingdom, although behind the rapid growth and rise of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian.

It is inevitable that some people contribute to the flames, but in the face of such a situation, Xiong Han, the new monarch of Chuyue Kingdom, is naturally unwilling to live like this all his life, becoming a puppet raised by them in captivity.

Because of this, when he was pretending to be a dandy, he was addicted to sensuality.

The Xiong Han Queen of the Chuyue Kingdom who lived in the midst of the delusion and delusion of the entire Jinling City was also nibbling away at the rest of the people, using her nominal throne as the Son of Heaven to seek benefits for her prince's subordinate soldiers, but this is the case, It will definitely be exposed.

That's why, the first person to discover this Xiong Han's behavior was the current Guowei Zhaozhang. Guowei Zhaozhang, who has already taken control and unified the power of the younger generation of the current Chuyue Kingdom, after the two had a knee-to-neck conversation all night, they already deeply understood that the other party is the monarch and ministers they need. After that, Xiong Han gradually regained his power under the step-by-step planning of Guo Wei.

Moreover, those people in the hands of Guowei Zhaozhang, those young nobles are already very dissatisfied with the notice of the old nobles of the previous generation. These old nobles, and the elders, are already extremely weak, and their resourcefulness has long been exhausted. It has declined, it has no minions at all, and it is already incapable of making better plans for the future of the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

If we talk about the root cause, it is that these people have already blocked the progress of the younger generation and hindered their future. This is what makes them feel bad.What's more, most of them are already knighted and have their own names. In other words, these people are already big and old. If these old people don't abdicate, they already have no There is no way at all, then the only way is to force them to abdicate.

Why with the same title, I can only have a false name.

Therefore, they don't have the slightest right, which is unfair to them young nobles who are already big and big, and because of this, they are the descendants of Chuyue King Xiong Han and Guo Wei Zhaozhang to deal with those old nobles. hand.

As they gradually fought, Xiong Han, the ruler of the Chuyue Kingdom, gradually gathered the power of the Chuyue Empire, the power of this war machine, and soon after gaining enough power At that time, Xiong Han, the ruler of the Chuyue Kingdom, no longer had the slightest patience.

Afterwards, following Guowei Xiong Han's planning, at this moment he has no tolerance for these people.

In the next hunt, Xiong Han, the ruler of Chuyue Kingdom, brazenly launched a coup d'etat. After that, the forces formed by the old nobles and veterans were jointly attacked by these new nobles and veterans. , and then became sluggish.

It was also after this that Xiong Han, the ruler of the Chuyue Kingdom, completely controlled the power of the entire Chuyue Kingdom. After worrying about whether his life was in danger every night, he now truly controls the entire Chuyue Empire and has the power of this war machine for the first time.

It was also at this moment that he thoroughly realized the feeling of being a king and the beauty of having power. Soon, he abandoned his lavish customs, and even accompanied him to life before, and was in chaos together. He also kept away all the naughty cronies and friends. He gradually started to be close to virtuous ministers and far away from villains, and gradually managed the entire Chuyue Kingdom in an orderly manner.

Afterwards, under the impetus of Guowei Zhaozhang, the reform was carried out, but when he proposed the reform, all the old courts in the entire Chuyue Kingdom had been silent for a long time. Nobles, the old veterans refused this time.

These people seem to be desperate. At this moment, they are madly opposing, constantly admonishing, and writing letters. Regarding what these people have done, that Xiong Han just has a headache, and he doesn't know what to do. Not sure what to do with these.

Even so, it was a headache for him, but he still controlled the power of those new nobles and veterans in his hands, and it was because of this that this fierceness was able to deal with the letters of these old nobles and veterans. But soon, this stalemate was broken, and some of the new nobles and veterans were shaken. Those who had already realized that the letter to the king of Chuyue Kingdom Xiong Han was fruitless, and they had already united. Wake up, afterward, some of the veteran nobles of the new sect also made a complete comeback at this moment.

Until this time, the current Guowei Zhaozhang came out from behind Xiong Han, the king of Chuyue Kingdom, and walked to the front desk. Facing these people now, the current Guowei Zhaozhang displayed monstrous means. His family, the Zhao clan, is the most powerful family in the Chuyue Kingdom after experiencing the peak of the Great Zhou Empire. In the entire Chuyue Empire, except for the royal family, there is no other family that can compete with him.

Soon, under the leadership of the two most powerful families in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, as well as other families attached to them, they already had a strength of seven to eighty-eight.

Soon, the rebellious forces of the Chuyue Kingdom were crazily suppressed and massacred. This was the bloodshed that night, and after that, after experiencing the brutal suppression, after that night, the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian , and the people behind him are already hiding deeper, but under such circumstances, these old nobles and old veterans were suppressed by iron and blood after they resisted.

Later, under the order of Xiong Han, the ruler of Chuyue Kingdom, Guo Wei Zhaozhang had already made a stronger plan for these people to limit their rights. At the same time, he also decided to prevent the Chuyue Kingdom from The resistance of the nobles and veterans was even more intense, so it was only a superficial level of reform, but in order to paralyze and confuse the outside world, they still directed and acted out a scene.

However, in the later period, it was still due to Guowei’s obvious reforms. After the shallow reforms were implemented, the national power of Chuyue Kingdom improved a little in a short time. Only by virtue of these, the whole After Chuyue Kingdom experienced failure in the battle against the powerful soldiers of the Great Zhou Empire, the haze of the previous defeat has been swept away, and the entire Chuyue Kingdom is growing at an astonishing speed.

It was also at this time, when the power was getting stronger and stronger, Xiong Han, the monarch of the Chuyue Kingdom, had suddenly realized that he was facing the approaching war with the Great Zhou Empire on the opposite side. His strength seems to be very strong, or a terrifying increase, but facing the power of the Great Zhou Empire on the opposite side, he was already terrified, and he couldn't help but think about it. Can the State of Yue still compete with the armies of the Great Zhou Empire?

After discussing with Guowei Zhaozhang of the Chuyue Kingdom, they came to a very frustrating conclusion, that is, once they start a war with the Great Zhou Empire, the current Chuyue Kingdom will definitely be destroyed by the Great Zhou Empire Yes, such a result made the heart of the king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, beating wildly, and he was at a loss. After carefully studying the root of the current problems of Chuyue Kingdom, they sprouted An idea of ​​marching into Yizhou and re-establishing the country.

After this bold plan was established, the nobles and elders of the whole new faction were completely crazy. These people took over the position at a very late age, and now they are living step-by-step every day Now, this makes their ambitions unfold, and now Xiong Han, the king of Chuyue Kingdom, has placed this great achievement in front of them. How can they not be crazy after this? Facing the current situation, the contradiction between the new aristocrats and the old aristocrats is irreconcilable. Therefore, the current situation will appear. Perhaps it is the most important reason for the current situation of Chuyue Kingdom. The most important factor is the fear from the great Zhou Empire's military force.

Everyone who is doing it naturally understands this point. These three people understand this truth, but the current Great Zhou Empire is too powerful and full of talents. Not only that, but it still has extremely strong popular support. Their Chuyue Kingdom is already in a situation of internal and external troubles. Although some reforms have been carried out, in the face of such a terrifying empire, the reforms they have carried out are still not enough. Therefore, it may be because of this reason , they will think about destroying Yizhou, and use it as a base camp to re-establish the country and re-inspire the blood of the people of the entire Chuyue Kingdom. Only in this way can they make a final desperate fight. It is also the same that the spark that can survive is not destroyed by the Great Zhou Empire. After establishing the direction, their people are frantically advancing towards such a goal. Under such circumstances, the three of them at this moment They all understand.

It is also because of this that after Ge Qizhi had brought the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian to this step, he directly reminded him not to use some small tricks. Before the war that is about to break out, while discussing Dao, I showed my true self thoroughly, and let them see what the Dao they are after. At this moment, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murderous god, opened his mouth He said: "At the beginning, I just wanted to be a useful person for the country and seek the well-being of the people of the entire Chuyue Kingdom. But after that, I don't know when or when it started. , I have changed, I have become extremely cold-blooded. I started to pursue power, I no longer look at these emotions, I started to pursue power."

"When did I become like this? Perhaps it was after Donglin Juncai who devoted himself to the officialdom, was contaminated in the filth and darkness of the officialdom, or was beaten to pieces. There is no trace of it." The method, the whole person is ignorant of what is wrong. I have changed since I realized how difficult it is to live in this world. I don’t understand why they can’t be like me when I kneel to survive. Later I found that I was too naive to think about death. Others have strength, power and background, but I have nothing. I only have a back. As for strength, under such circumstances, it only depends on your background and background. Family status, how could there be a place for me."

Speaking of this, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, couldn't help laughing at himself, then opened his mouth and looked at the two people in front of him, and continued to talk about himself, not preaching, but telling about his past.

But the other two didn't interrupt, they just listened carefully, without the slightest sense of impatience. Just like that, Jiao Linxian spoke again and continued the words just now:

"After that, I changed. I used all means for power. I knew that only the endless power could control everything. So, I started to use all means to obtain power crazily. The means, from the very beginning, persisted My bottom line, to the back, I don't know what the bottom line is, I just know that the peak of the endless power is waiting for me."

"Until I became the person under the supreme existence of the entire Chuyue Kingdom at that time, it can be said that one person was below ten thousand people. I had a name that shocked the entire court, and that was Leng Face to kill God. Gradually, I yearn for power, but I have always hidden my desire for such a supreme power in my heart. I understand that a war machine like the Chuyue Empire is terrible, and because of this, I am Desperate to run him, to hold him."

Speaking of this, the eyes of Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, revealed endless longing, and at the same time, his hoarse throat became hurried like a broken bellows. At such a moment, Jiao Linxian continued:

"Afterwards, I am afraid of death. I am a complete villain. I have not yet tasted the highest power, so I will not allow myself to die. It is also the same, and I will come back again."

There is endless madness in Jiao Linxian's words at this moment, and he has completely fallen into the misunderstanding of seeking Tao at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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