I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 895 You are afraid of death, so you want to live forever

Chapter 895 You are afraid of death, so you want to live forever
"After I had merit, I thought about how to live forever. After I got the real method of immortality, I realized that I still need endless power, and only I have that endless power , I can change my fate against the sky with my endless luck, steal the secrets of heaven, live forever, die and die."

The longing and madness in Jiao Linxian's eyes gradually diminished, but at this moment, the flame in his eyes was already burning, burning endlessly.

As if it would never be extinguished, this ball of flames danced crazily in the eyes of Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god.

Then, I saw him utter some earth-shattering words in that old voice, and I saw him speak:
"Immortality, Immortality, Immortality, isn't that important? I believe that no one can resist the temptation of immortality. Dare you say that you have never had such an idea, the premise is that you have the method.

It's like, you have the method of immortality, and you have the power and strength to try this method, so, after you have been irrigated with the power of immortality for the first time, will you still resist it?Are you sure you won't become like me? "

"Although my path is wrong, power is power, and power represents endless luck. The fate of the country and I are the foundation of immortality. If it weren't for the disastrous defeat of the Great Zhou Empire this time, And Ge Qizhi's previous defeat, how will I take this risky move. However, this is exactly what I want. The new forces of your new reforms were too arrogant, too arrogant Now is the time for you to pay the price."

"Ordinary people go against the sky, and it can be said that they seek immortality and longevity. Immortal Jiao Lin, today, with a crippled body, seeks the foundation of the great way, and defends the foundation of my state of Chu and Yue forever. There is nothing wrong with it. They are all Wei, so the surname of the monarch is Is there a difference between Xiong and Jiao's surname, I dare to ask you two."

At this moment, the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian expressed his ambition without haste.

So arrogant, so crazy, this Jiao Linxian is not afraid at all.

"You know, the fortunes of the Chuyue Kingdom are not so easy to win."

Guowei Zhaozhang suddenly burst out a burst of light from his eyes. From the beginning, he heard that this cold-faced murderous god was like a blood-sucking insect, constantly sucking the blood of the empire from the huge body of the empire. , When destroying the foundation of the empire.

The body and mind are full of extremely terrifying murderous intentions and killing intent, but they have not found the right time to release them, but at this moment, after his words are finished, the Guowei Zhaozhang has not concealed himself in the slightest. With that insane killing intent, he just looked at the former cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian in front of him, who was once a pillar of the Chuyue Kingdom.

Up to now, he has completely transformed into a treacherous person, and he has lost the slightest sense of propriety, righteousness and shame. What the cold-faced murderous God Jiao Linxian did at this moment really made the Guowei at this moment Zhao Ming couldn't hide the murderous intent in his heart.

However, in the face of the Guowei's crazily killing intent and endless killing intent, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god at this moment, still dismisses it, because he is not that easy to kill.

What's more, it's just an accident of Ge Qizhi at present, and the other means he prepared are useless. If this is the case, then he will rebel and become a traitor.

He has already attacked the palace, and has already entered the inner courtyard of the palace, and there is only one step away from the final goal, so what is he afraid of at this moment, his backhands have not been cleaned up yet .

He has enough qualifications to negotiate with him. In other words, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer at the moment, understands that whether to fight or to talk is in his mind, but in the current situation, it is already a matter of leaving. In such a situation, it is impossible to talk about peace, and the three people at the moment know it.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, at this moment Ge Qizhi also opened his mouth and said: "After we discuss the Dao, it will not be too late to fight."

"Good." The cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian said first.

At this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang also recovered from the state just now, and also suppressed the endless killing intent in his heart. At this moment, he could only say something with a cold face.

After that, I saw Ge Qizhi's cold voice, looked around the three of them, and saw him speak:
"In this world, birth, old age, sickness and death, love and hatred, emotions and desires are all part of a person's cultivation. The three of us are people who can see our true selves. We are naturally extremely attached to what we are chasing after each other. Are you right? People can change, but in the current situation, this old fox and I have already fallen behind. Both of us do what we want for our own human feelings, and we seek such a way, and the three of us Among them, there is only one fellow Daoist, seeking the endless Dao."

"Although I, Ge Qizhi, am not a good person at the moment, I also understand the meaning of a seeker of the Tao. I dare to ask you, don't forget your own way, and please wait for my wish to fight for that way together. I wish fellow Taoists to hear the Tao." Ge Qizhi also understood after hearing the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian's Tao, one is the Tao of longevity, the other is the Tao of self, and the other is the Dao of the world.

Among them, the way of longevity is Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, and the way of the self is Ge Qizhi, following nature, and everything in the world passes by with me. The last way of the world has another name, that is, the way of heaven.

This is the most terrifying way, and it is also the most respectable way. The person who seeks the way is Na Guowei Zhaozhang.

This obvious mind and mind are so broad and broad, which has already been praised by Ge Qizhi.There is only one or two in everything, and there is no three or four, which is why Ge Qizhi will be extremely solemn this time, because after that, they will be enemies on the road, and he has already praised the national captain twice. No more reason to praise him.

The same is true of Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced murder god. He opened his mouth at this moment, and said to the Guo Wei Zhaozhang indifferently: "Shan, I wish fellow Taoists to hear the truth."

No matter how much hatred or sorrow there was between the two of them before, but in the face of such a situation now, they have no right to ask for the one in front of them. People in the Dao of Heaven can make any evaluations, and they can't have their own resentment against such people, because this is the way of the way.

They are all people who have already knocked on the door of heaven and escaped from the sea of ​​misery in the world. After seeing their true self, they have already taken a strange journey. This journey has an alias, which is called the road of seeking Tao. , Along the way, they can attack and kill each other, but when they hear the Dao, they can't have the slightest grievance, because this is the common sorrow of all seekers.

The journey of seeking the Tao is long and long, and it is good to be accompanied by someone, because in the long and incomparably lonely, only those who seek the Tao can deeply understand it.After meeting different Taoist friends, the roads are different, that is to say, there is a saying that the Tao is different and they do not conspire with each other.

At this moment, the three of them are sitting here discussing the Tao, and they have transcended their original identities. Now they all have only one identity, that is, seekers of the Tao. It is reflected in the body.It is also because of this that at this moment they have already escaped from the low-level mortal world, and the three of them are seekers of Tao.

After such words, there was endless loneliness in Ge Qizhi's eyes at this moment, and suddenly, a sense of loneliness from ancient times appeared in his body. This loneliness has endless powerful power, and the thick and heavy The breath of history is the most daunting, but what surprised the other two is that this loneliness comes from ancient times, which shows that Ge Qizhi has already had an epiphany once, and under such circumstances , The origin of his epiphany is not small.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi's cold voice appeared on this side of the stand again, with an incomparably cold and quiet voice: "The life of a person is born with the yin and yang qi of heaven and earth, and the qi is thick. The thinness of qi has become a definite number, high and low, high and low, etiquette, trustworthiness and adultery are all caused by qi."

"However, the theory of luck is extremely mysterious, and the mystery in it is not worth mentioning in our realm. If you blurt it out forcibly, the meaning of the truth in it is less than two or three out of ten. From this point of view, it is of no use."

"Immortality and immortality are against the sky. It's too undesirable. What's more, I'm afraid you have used other means to maintain your luck. So, please ask, fellow Taoist, what is your intention?" At this moment Ge Qizhi already had incomparable clarity in his eyes, and then he saw him preaching, and he refuted to the Taoist Jiao Linxian in front of him.

Hearing this, Jiao Linxian refuted it, confronting it with his own Dao heart: "Life is born with permanence, but acts in impermanence. Why not do those things that go against the sky. Immortality is not what I want, and prosperity can be the same .”

The discussion at this moment has become the heart-attacking method of Ge Qizhi and the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian. At this moment, they no longer have the slightest harmony before. They are attacking the opponent's heart at this moment. If the heart is broken, then in the next moment, he will die completely. This is the horror of the way of attacking the heart.

This is also the most terrifying and frightening part of this sit-and-talk discussion, and therefore, in the face of such a situation, at this moment, the former cold-faced killing god collided with Ge Qizhi with his Dao heart, and then A daoist speech ended the heart attacking discussion.

"You are afraid of death, so you want to live forever, so I don't know if you know. Only the truly strong can become stronger after experiencing the loneliness of the seventh level. Do you know that you have already lost The heart of the strong is already a weak person. Then do you still think that you still have something to ask for in your own path of longevity? It can be said that no one who seeks the path of longevity that I have seen is like this You rely on external forces to seek the way of longevity, because the way of longevity is not the way to seek the law, what do you think, please tell me, how do fellow Taoists view your own way of longevity.” At this moment, Ge Qizhi asked again, using the power of the strong Xinlai bombarded that cold-faced killing god's strange way of longevity, devouring luck and longevity, it was really unheard of.

This kind of road is obviously wrong, even Ge Qizhi has already achieved the body of an ancient demon, and his body is full of demons, but he didn't have such a crazy idea. You must know that this luck is born.You are rewriting the destiny and going against the sky. If this happens, once the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian reaches the point where he cannot be stopped, then what he will face will be the unfettered punishment of heaven.

What is Heaven's Punishment, is that people in the world do things that are not allowed by the heavens, and they will bring about disasters. No one knows how to manifest this disaster, but everyone knows that once a person encounters God's punishment, he will definitely die, no matter you are Who cares whether you are a seeker or not.

However, there is permanence in the way of heaven, there are fifty in the sky, only 49 are left, and one of them is escaped. This one is the place of survival under the punishment of heaven. , this is already a dead end, with no future in sight.

In Ge Qizhi's eyes, if the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian would be killed if he encountered the punishment of heaven, there was no possibility of survival at all, because the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian's strength was not that strong Even if he has really achieved the luck that can change his fate against the sky and swallowed his luck, if his body is not strong, then after he has swallowed enough luck, the punishment will come that day hour.

This is also the time when it is bound to perish, no matter how many methods he has prepared, all kinds of backhands are still like this, the punishment of heaven is not a simple thing, the existence that can experience the punishment of heaven without dying has already broken the world The boundary gate flew away.

In the past, there was an ancient dynasty that was extremely terrifying, and the entire dynasty rose together. This is how the history of the entire continent will be broken, and the competition among them is extremely fierce.Because there is a reason for this, there is a legend circulating in the entire continent.

This legend says that when someone dominates the world, seals the four realms, and performs the feat of ascending to the sky, when the golden dragon of luck transforms into a real dragon, the real dragon will lead the entire dynasty and the country to ascend, and then will be A round of robbery appeared.

This is the legend spread in the whole world, and because of this legend, the whole world is fighting endlessly, in countless countries

(End of this chapter)

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