Chapter 898

This is an indelible fact. After receiving the benefits brought by this Tao, that is, after watching the Tao, you will naturally have to pay something. This gift is the best respect for the Tao, and it is also the best gift in return. .

But even so, after the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian made a salute, Ge Qizhi at this moment also calmly accepted the humane salute from the two of them, but he didn't feel uncomfortable in the slightest.

After accepting the Dao ceremony from the two people, Ge Qizhi at this moment has already become one with his Dharma image sitting on the throne in the palace hall. At this moment, Ge Qizhi truly feels the most real of myself.

Loneliness, indifference, indifference, all kinds of emotions appeared on his body, and some distracting thoughts were cut off by his own terrifying mighty power before surging in his heart, and it was the same, at this moment Ge Qizhi had reached the state of emptiness .

It was the same, everything was fine, at this moment Ge Qizhi stood up, and the thick black air behind him kept surging.

There was a huge wave of big and small waves all around, and in this huge wave, terrifying coercion swept all directions. At this moment, Ge Qizhi really felt his powerful power.

It's also the same, after possessing great power, Ge Qizhi felt a little swollen at the moment.

He felt that he could smash the entire palace with one punch. Of course, this was just his illusion. After his strength had been greatly improved, there was no suitable state of mind to match it, so this happened.

Of course, this is because Ge Qizhi is currently using his relatively weak mortal avatar to control the true god of stock demons, and this is also the case with such a powerful gap. The huge gap in essential power made him think so at this moment. .

It's not good, it will dissipate soon. If Ge Qizhi really has the strength to smash the palace, then if Ge Qizhi's real body and the ancient demon and true god are merged into one at this moment, then what is waiting for him is not such a peaceful sky. It's the same, but the thunderous thunder and lightning added to his body, the terrifying catastrophe that will smash him into pieces, and it's the same. Facing the current calm, he soon woke up.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi only felt that he was a lonely king, looking down at the sentient beings below, he only felt that his heart was filled with endless coldness, and the surrounding coldness surrounded his body, but he couldn't feel it at all.

It was just accompanied by the infection of this will, at this moment Ge Qizhi couldn't help blurting out a sentence, his cold voice was full of melancholy that could see through the ages, and the endless loneliness, this loneliness made Ge Qizhi very sad at this moment It is uncomfortable, because the strong will not endure the loneliness of the seventh heaven, and it is still the same.

After enduring solitude, it is time to celebrate the coming of life, the joy of springtime, and not such solitude.In Ge Qizhi's view, this is not a strong man, but at most a powerful ant.

I saw that Ge Qizhi's tone at this moment was still that cold, icy voice, faint like ice, without a trace of ripples, he opened his mouth to speak, his face was icy cold, without the slightest change, as if it was the beginning In the end, he always had the same face, and Ge Qizhi sighed: "The peak produces false support, and the dawn witnesses the faithful believer!"

Then, I saw Ge Qizhi stand up after a faint sigh, and he stood on the throne like this, and then I saw him speak suddenly, and he was talking about the devilish energy around him, constantly emerging All kinds of visions come out.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi has completely dissected his own Tao to them, allowing them to truly feel his own Tao. This has already reached a higher level of wheel Tao.

I saw that behind Ge Qizhi, all kinds of visions were all over the sky, the black magic lotus was filled with endless flames, and all kinds of strange beasts continued to appear all around, carrying a powerful force. Constantly growling.

Among them, behind him, there are Kunpeng bleeding, Zhuxian Qingyunzhi sinking, and ten thousand demons returning to their ancestors. All kinds of grand visions have completely surrounded Ge Qizhi's whole body, which is rumbling in Miaoyin at this moment. It's hard to see clearly, but it's also at this moment.

The country's Wei Zhaozhang and the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian beside him had already completely listened to Ge Qizhi's words. At the moment when they were faced with such a powerful vision, their faces were slightly shaken at this moment, but The faces of the two are not exactly the same.

There is not only vibration in the face of this cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian.

There is also endless fear and astonishment, because he can't figure out why Ge Qizhi just knocked on the gate of heaven, escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and saw his true self. Why is he so powerful? It's just the endless coercion in it It just made him vibrate extremely in his heart.

What's more, such a terrifying vision, what exactly did he experience, and what exactly did he realize? , so far amazed.

Because in his eyes, Ge Qizhi belonged to the kind of person who turned salty fish over, but Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god at the moment, couldn't show his terrifying killing intent, but silently gave this killing intent to death Hidden in the bottom of my heart, I saw that the cold-faced murderous god Jiao Linxian took a deep look at Ge Qizhi at this moment, his eyes were full of fear, such a powerful vision was enough to make anyone extremely afraid.

From the very beginning, Guowei Zhaozhang gave Ge Qizhi a very high status.

The tone of communication with him is also very gentle, and he has never faced a direct conflict with him. Everyone is smart and criticizes each other. Naturally, it is nothing, because these are just the attention and temptation between opponents.

But the current Ge Qizhi is also showing his strength and endless potential after the step of preaching.

It has already made the current Guowei Zhaozhang understand that he still underestimated the general in front of him.

This is a lesson for me, Guo Wei Zhaozhang thought so, still looking at Ge Qizhi, together with the vision around him, looking at Ge Qizhi in front of him from the west, but he also understood what was going on in front of him. What is extraordinary about Ge Qizhi.

When he looked at Ge Qizhi in front of him, his innate magical powers had already been stimulated.

But in the past, according to his experience, the innate supernatural powers that are invincible at this moment also showed a slight deviation, because Guowei Zhaozhang couldn't see anything on Ge Qizhi's body, he just saw an endless fog wrapped in Ge Qizhi, he wanted to see clearly what was in the mist, but he only felt sore eyes.

Obviously, it is impossible to stare at Ge Qizhi carefully, otherwise, his innate supernatural powers will be counter-killed. This is the news from his own innate supernatural powers.

Then this means that the Ge Qizhi in front of him is no longer destined to be in this world, he is completely out of this world, so is he still Ge Qizhi now, who is he?
How could he have no fate, but he could see Ge Qizhi's fate clearly before without any effort, why in such a short period of time, even if he knocked on the gate of heaven, escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and successfully saw his true self , and the top ones would not have such terrifying strength.

Guowei Zhaozhang is stronger than that cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, and that's why he saw more things. It was also at this moment that he raised Ge Qizhi's position in his heart to extremely dangerous, and at the same time, in the eyes of Ge Qizhi , with some doubts, he is now wondering whether Ge Qizhi was taken away by some demon from outside the territory.

But there is still no evidence at all. It can only be said that he will just watch it. Soldiers come to cover up water and earth. This is his way of life. Even if he is really an extraterrestrial demon, he will kill him himself.

Thinking of this, Guo Wei Zhaozhang also let go of his heart at this moment, and continued to listen to Ge Qizhi's sermon quietly, but he was also amazed when he looked at the terrifying vision in those eyes.

There are endless mysteries in Ge Qizhi's words at this moment, but at this moment, he opened his mouth and said:
"Dao is not Dao, its name can be named, it exists, it is called the messenger of all things, nothing is the mother of all things, so it can be said to be non-existent, always exist, in order to conform to the heaven and the earth.

The Tao is the name, and the heaven and the earth seal the real name. The name is the meaning, and the meaning is born and aura is formed. "

"It's also like my name, Ge Qizhi, and those who are not Ge Qizhi's name in heaven and earth. I seek the Tao and I also seek me. Why am I?" Ge Qizhi asked at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, he explained: "Find the purest point in the purity of my heart. This point is the id, and the id is me!"

"It is not seeking the Tao, not seeking the Tao, not seeking the others, but seeking from me. If you seek something from me, then writing about the universe, falling flowers in dreams, divination to the world, golden words, and rising clouds are nothing more than the strange and obscene skills of the humble way! Please! If I have obtained it, I will obtain the Dao, and if I obtain it in this way, what regrets will I have if I die?"

Hearing this, Guowei Zhaozhang frowned and thought about this at the moment, but he didn't say a word.

At this moment, he also didn't know what to say about Ge Qizhi's words. The words in them stirred up the universe in his heart, and he was suddenly angry. He didn't argue immediately, but he was just thinking about the truth in Ge Qizhi's words. .

Ge Qizhi's Dao has been completely explained just now, but they also clearly feel that there is a great mystery in Ge Qizhi's words at this moment, but at this moment he can't find it anyway, an intuition is in him emerged in my mind.

That is, the voice deep in his heart told him that if he could carefully comprehend the mysteries that Ge Qizhi in front of him told, he would take his avenue one step further.The same is true, at this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang is in his seat, carefully comprehending Ge Qizhi's mysterious sound of the Great Dao just now.

At this moment, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, heard Ge Qizhi's great words. As a conservative, at this moment, a feeling of panic appeared in his mind.

Therefore, Ge Qizhi's words have already subverted the world he knew. Such words are shocking to the world. This is an absolute heresy. Thinking of this, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer at this moment, also sat up suddenly at this moment, and saw him His body shape changed suddenly, and after getting up and saluting to Ge Qizhi, he revealed his true self.

In the sky, a one-eyed black dragon appeared, rolling freely amidst the thunder, lightning, and wind and rain. At this moment, the large black cloud had become his dojo, and within the dragon pupils was the endless brilliance. Jin Guang, the dragon scales on his body are poured into the whole body like iron ink, but there is only one on the dragon horn.

The other dragon claws are extremely sharp, there are four of them on his abdomen!At this moment, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god who has merged with himself and his true self, looked around with his dragon eyes, and roared to the sky. Jiao Linxian was startled by this move.

Guowei Zhaozhang narrowed his eyes at this moment. He seemed to have a vague impression of the strange beast transformed into the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, but now he couldn't remember the name of the strange beast at all.Ge Qizhi just looked calmly at Jiao Linxian, the god of death with a cold face, without saying a word.

Sitting majestically on the throne, quietly waiting for Jiao Linxian's cold-faced killing god's words, the rest of the soldiers in the inner courtyard of the palace just saw a black dragon rolling, But it was also in a moment that he lost his mind and was at a loss.

After looking around, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer at the moment, was satisfied with the reactions of the people, and achieved the effect he wanted. As for the calm faces of the other two, he was also expected. No more nonsense.

The one-eyed ink dragon transformed into the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian completely stood still in the high sky, and then heard the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian's voice, which had endless majesty, and there was something in the words All kinds of mystery, but there is a little anger in the secret words.

I saw that his ferocious and terrifying dragon head revealed the majesty and strangeness of a dragon in every word and deed. He said: "If it is like the king's words, anyone who can seek the Tao can be said to be seeking the Tao. Male, female, old, young, lowly in status, aristocrats and veterans? Do you know that etiquette is not inferior to everyone? Mencius said adulthood, Confucius said righteousness, dare to ask why both of them use etiquette? But there is a difference between your words. , the way of a fellow Taoist can be regarded as a courtesy, but it cannot be a courtesy!"

"Besides, the Tao can be taught, and the name can be named. There is a sequence of hearing the Tao, and there is a specialization in the art. The elders have learned the Tao, and it will be a long time. Why don't you ask for advice?" The words of the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian at this moment are full of endless thoughts. Ice-cold, with the blessings of the heavens and the earth on his body, the dojo that is extremely suitable for him is carrying an extremely powerful pressure at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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