I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 899 Dao is different, not conspiracy

Chapter 899 Dao is different, not conspiracy
After such a mighty power of heaven and earth was added to him, at this moment he was already facing Ge Qizhi and said a final cold reprimand, which contained endless majesty, majesty, and Jiao Linxian, the god of death with a cold face, said:

"Your husband, can you talk about the truth with empty teeth? It's just a misunderstanding! Zhu Zi'an dares to say it!"

At this moment, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, was also angry at this moment. There was an inexplicable flame rising in the huge golden dragon pupil, just staring at Ge Qizhi in front of him, waiting for his answer. and answer.

When Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god, said these words, the dark clouds in the entire sky and the earth were surging, and gradually gathered into a storm. In the storm, there were endless lightning and thunder rushing to it and entangled on it. , The majesty and majesty of all this makes people feel terrified. Under such a celestial phenomenon, Ge Qizhi is not afraid at this moment, but just coldly watches the power of heaven and earth gather in front of him because of his words, bringing With endless power raging in the sky, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, was so shameless that he used the power of the world to force himself, and his heart immediately turned cold.

But he said that after hearing the words of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, Guowei Zhaozhang looked at the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian in front of him. This was him who had transformed into a one-eyed ink dragon, and he was constantly talking about his own way. Guowei Zhaozhang, who was still thinking for a while, seemed to have caught the charm in the words of the cold-faced murderous god Jiao Linxian in his eyes. He was thinking about it carefully, and inspiration burst out in his mind. At this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang stopped talking, just stood aside silently.

But he said that after hearing the words of the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, Ge Qizhi's eyes were filled with disdain at this moment, and the aura in his body also rose sharply, and the powerful pressure spread all over the air. However, Ge Qizhi was also irritated by the aggressive appearance of the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian. His words were like a big bell, vibrating in the air.

I saw that when Ge Qizhi spoke at this moment, his tone was still extremely indifferent, but this time, there was a trace of anger in the endless and lonely words, but Ge Qizhi looked coldly at the one-eyed man above the sky. Mo Long then began to speak: "It can be said that there is a sequence of hearing? Old age is not the way! Anyone who has attained the Tao is not male, female, old, young, poor, cheap, poor, bitter, happy, Lowliness, wealth, cowardice, etc. can also be sought for Taoism! How can you say "Zhu Zi'an can dare to speak Taoism!" "

Speaking of this, Ge Qizhi glared coldly at the cold-faced God of Killing Immortal Jiao Lin, and continued to speak: "This statement is nothing more than dusty words, how can fellow Taoists take it so seriously?"

The light and fluffy sentence really meant reprimand, followed by seeing Ge Qizhi's icy voice like the ice of the underworld, which made people tremble physically and mentally.

After a pause, Ge Qizhi said: "When the wind blows away, it is like a temporary fog barrier. When the scorching sun rises and enters the sky, the slanderous words will also melt away like this. It's like a retreating barrier!"

"Many people in the world can't see the true self. When they knock on the gate of heaven, they can only say that they are struggling and sinking in the endless sea of ​​suffering. They can't get out of it. They can't get out of it. It's so sad!"

"The words of the sad man, but you take it seriously. How can you say this? And today's fellow Taoists have knocked on the gate of heaven, transcended the sea of ​​​​suffering, and saw the true self. How can you speak this dirty and dusty language? The way of fellow Taoists is also true. In the realm of discussing Dao at this moment, what do fellow Daoists think their own Dao is? This is even more tragic, and it is the great compassion of Dao! It is a little bit more sad than ordinary people before!"

"The one who attains the Tao first is to achieve this, and those who have achieved it are not divided into males, females, old, young, poor, humble, poor, bitter, happy, humble, rich, cowardly, etc... There is a sequence of smells, but hearing the Tao is also heard. , what is unavoidable?"

In the end, after Ge Qizhi finished his words, facing the current situation, he no longer looked at the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian. If he was so sarcastic, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian on the opposite side must be Very furious.

Ge Qizhi's conjecture was also correct, seeing the cold-faced murderous God Jiao Linxian rolling in the darkness at this moment, churning the surrounding clouds and mist, he was already a little out of breath, and the sky at this moment was following his ever-changing mood. This moment also changed.

Just when the two of them were facing each other, and were about to make a move, at this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang had realized something. He only felt that he had also discovered his own shortcomings during the way they were talking, and he was with his opponent. The construction of these changes.

However, at this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang has already grasped the inspiration in his mind, and the gains in this line of work are already huge. At this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang also does not want to see many meaningless sacrifices. At this moment, He looked at the two people above, stood up suddenly, and faced the two people, these were Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, and the terrifying Ge Qizhi. In the duel between the three, who would win and who would lose?This is still a big question, and the space in it still has great excavation value.

At this moment, before the wrath of the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, Guo Wei Zhaozhang interrupted the two of them, because at this moment, he had already realized something, and indeed he had With a new view, I saw Guowei Zhaozhang standing up suddenly at this moment, and after taking a step forward, he saluted the two of them as a thank you.

After hearing the words of the two of them, Guowei Zhaozhang at this moment only felt that the barrier in his heart was broken just now, and his whole body was sublimated. It seemed that people could not feel his aura anymore. As if merging with the surrounding world, the Guowei Zhaozhang has undergone another transformation at this moment, and has taken another step towards that road.

I saw that at this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang's body shape remained unchanged after getting up, but in the eyes of Jiao Linxian and Ge Qizhi, the cold-faced killing gods, all the light between the sky and the earth was gathered on Guowei Zhaozhang. In the depths of the space, a huge astronomical pupil appeared and cast its gaze here.

However, Guowei Zhaozhang didn't care about these things, he just raised his head and uttered the truth, explaining what he thought and understood one by one, but the celestial phenomena behind him did not change, let alone any visions, golden lotuses sprang up somewhere, Immortal King Lin Nine Heavens and so on, all the things mentioned in ancient books in Fanri did not appear at this moment.

But it was just like this, which made Ge Qizhi and the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian feel fear, because it represented two situations, the first one was that this person was not strong enough to cause visions, and the second was that this person was terribly capable of suppressing and releasing freely Vision, which makes people feel endless fear.

The same is true, the eyes of Jiao Linxian and Ge Qizhi, the cold-faced killing gods, were serious, showing a look of fear for the first time. Seeing Guo Wei Zhaozhang speaking at this moment, his words were gentle, and there were mantras in them, profound and profound, and very witty.

He preached like this: "The two said, in my opinion, each has its own strengths. How can we talk about the true way at this time in order to seek the way? There is an old saying: "The way is different, do not seek each other! "The two fellow Taoists don't know? How can we sit down and talk about the Tao? Today, I also saw the Dao of the two monarchs, and I have realized something in my heart. Let me write the Tao, say what I understand, and what I think? It is said that I say! I don’t want empty talk, but I want to speak the truth!”

Ge Qizhi and Jiao Linxian, the god of cold-faced killing, looked at each other when they heard the words, and said in unison: "What fellow Taoists have realized, what you say and think today is very good!"

I heard that after the two had no opinion, at this moment Guowei Zhaozhang spoke again after breathing: "My original Dao is like a dragon for everyone. I am enlightened today, and my Dao heart is sublimated today, and I am reborn. What a feeling!" Fortunately! Today's Dao Xin is already a heart that is free from vulgarity and transforms into mortals. I once said that everyone is like a dragon. It can be said that the small way of heaven is the way of the inferior vehicle. Today, it can be called the great way of heaven, which is the way of the superior vehicle. The way is no longer the way of the Hinayana before. If you hear this way, you can be reborn and transform into an ordinary body!"

After finishing this introduction, I saw Guo Wei Zhaozhang take a look at the moment, after the cold face killed Jiao Linxian and Ge Qi, he found that the two were also listening attentively to this, just smiled, and immediately started again My own sermon: "Every inch of grass, flowers and trees can seek the Tao, and it is not limited, and it is not limited to people. Birds, animals, insects, fish, flowers, bamboo, wood, strange rocks, etc. can all seek the Tao! All things live in harmony, Then the heaven and the earth prosper together. Among the laws, there must also be a subtle balance, and then it can be said to find the way of the sky. This way also belongs to the great way of the sky."

"In a nutshell, all ways come from the way of heaven, and they all follow the way of heaven, or it can be said that the one that belongs to one way is stronger, but it is also the sky when it is traced back to the root. It is also reborn from the way of heaven, so it has something The kindness of nurturing. The two can be said, can you change your fate against the sky? Hate the sky, blame the sky? This is also disdainful in the eyes of the sky. "

"So it can be said that the sky is perpetual. It is not for the birth of all things, but for joy, and not for the death of all things, but sorrow. What the sky is facing is the river of time. Therefore, my way is the way of the sky. Time erodes the way of heaven. Those who think of various civilizations as countermeasures, and those who realize what they have in their minds are the natural principles!"

After finishing speaking, Guowei Zhaozhang did not say much at the moment, and a golden light erupted behind him at this moment. Suddenly, the grandeur of the scene made people involuntarily feel great awe, and it was the same. The following People looked at Guowei Zhaozhang who looked like a fairy at this moment, feeling cramped and uneasy, even the terrifying cold-faced killing gods Jiao Linxian and Ge Qizhi revealed abnormal expressions in their expressions at this moment, that was surprise, Very surprised!
At this moment, Guowei Zhaozhang, after the ten thousand zhang golden light emerged, the true God and dharma of this Guowei Zhaozhang suddenly appeared in front of everyone here, without any color, formless and formless, and at the same time, in the depths of that unknown existence, that one A terrifying pupil, at this moment, the huge pupil that has not fluctuated for a long time, has a slight fluctuation at this moment, how long has it been since, it is a day, a moment, a second, Or tens of thousands of epochs, it doesn't know, he doesn't have any consciousness, only the endless instinctive self-awareness, at this moment, that huge pupil who doesn't know how long it has been parked here, At this moment, a terrifying gaze suddenly appeared, cutting through the endless time, years, and space, and suddenly appeared in the sky above Jinling City.

At this moment, above Jinling City, the wind is surging, thunder and lightning are rushing, rolling continuously, and there is already endless crazy and great power. In the world, at this moment, there is endless power, which is wildly welcoming and enthusiastically expressing, At this moment, the terrifying power of heaven and earth has a supreme coercion. At this moment, amidst the turbulent wind and clouds, the surrounding rain has dissipated at this moment, and at that moment, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god who has turned into a one-eyed black dragon, is here At this time, she also became obscene, and she was still the same as before.

The national destiny of Chuyue Kingdom, that is, the luck golden dragon, has an indescribable expression at this moment, but it also hides in its own space.This terrifying power is only present in the Jinling City in front of you. As for the rest of the place, you can't feel it. It is also at this moment that everyone already has endless reverence. The feeling in the bloodline conveyed to them awe, which came from the terrifying respect in the bloodline.

Because this is the product of their civilization, the most intuitive gratitude to the creator of the civilization in front of them, to the sky that protects everything in the world.There is only a blank in their hearts, and at this moment they have nothing to say.

There are all kinds of strange visions in the golden light behind the country's Wei Zhaozhang. At this moment, the mighty power of the world around is guarding this 3. The red dress in front of him is so magnificent, it is already impressive at this moment I feel like a person who is extremely dao-like. He seems to have a clear direction from the avenue. At this moment, he is the newborn sun, shining around, like the brilliance of endless hope, forever It won't go off either.

At this time, Guowei Zhaozhang only felt that everything about him was transparent. He could not feel himself or others. In his eyes, everything was always the same color, all life, all states, in His eyes are all the same, all of this is Gujing Wubo, and there is nothing that he can pay attention to.

If there was one, it was Jean's enemy, the years, the dreadful years, the abominable things that eat away at civilization.He didn't know how to express his resentment towards those years, but at this moment he deeply understood his emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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