Chapter 900

Gradually, he no longer has such emotion, he just starts from the instinctive disgust, which is the simplest way of life.This is his instinct, the most instinctive dislike of time in all the ways of heaven.

Time is passing, and it seems that it is not passing, everything is becoming very calm, everything has no color, no vitality.

On the huge lifeless pupils hanging high above the royal city of Jinling City, there is endless majesty and huge consciousness. In the ray of gaze cast by the terrifying existence above, trembling all over,

This is the most instinctive trembling for life,

Then I saw that Guo Wei Zhaozhang had already merged into the huge pupils, and after that, the invisible field seemed to collapse, and the surroundings were rapidly changing. Everything, everything is changing. At this moment, Everything was silent, then back to normal...

Everything seemed to have changed, but nothing had changed. Guowei Zhaozhang still stood where he was, as before.Everyone's actions are still the same as before, they have no memory of that period of time, the power of the sky is so terrifying,
This is the most instinctive judgment and the best practice from the aggregate of the will of all beings.It is also the same, for Guowei Zhaozhang to reduce some enemies in the future life, so that he can live a little more comfortably during this period of time when he was young, and he is not as heavy as he was later. That's it, let's not mention it for now.

However, in the inner courtyard of the palace, including the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian and Ge Qizhi who had already knocked open the gate of heaven, escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and had seen the true self, also lost this short memory.

Even if the terrifying will in their blood is contending with their own avenue, before they have an equal dialogue with the glorious avenue of that day, the supreme existence, the supreme will will give them It was completely suppressed, and because of this, in the short time just now, they were restless, roaring, angry, and struggling to no avail. In the end, they did not have a strong force to resist the ray cast by such an existence. Eyes, they have no resistance from the beginning to the end, because it is too great and too terrifying.

It went to the end of the long river of time. One thought created the heavens and worlds, countless universes, and countless planes, leaving behind a leaf, a pebble, a handful of loess, and a cloud. After countless epochs, the leaf became the destiny. The Lord understands the heavens and the earth, and exists in the past, present, and future; the stone becomes the cause and effect, and no existence can get rid of it. If the cause is planted yesterday, it will surely bear fruit in the future; the loess becomes the master of the law, creating the Dao. The law of the Thousand Laws pushes the heavens and worlds to a climax; the clouds become the way of heaven, and they are divided into the chaotic sky, Hongmeng sky, blue sky, yellow sky, blue sky, blue sky, Taihuang sky, Taiming, Xuantian, Yuanming, Wuwutian, Taiji Heaven and so on. It has become the way of heaven for all the heavens and worlds, controlling everything in the heavens and worlds... only it walks slowly, with a bleak back, a lonely shadow, and a very long shadow, but there is no one behind it. Its existence has long been taboo, unknowable, unspeakable...

Facing such an existence, their dissatisfaction will also turn into ashes, because their own unwillingness to be suppressed by such an existence has also turned into helpless obsession under the suppression of that powerful force.

In the endless sea of ​​suffering, they were recalled by their masters, so they could start again at the starting point of all disasters, day after day, as if the disasters were immortal and they were immortal, but After experiencing that horrible war, they, the Dao that collapsed in that war, also deeply understand that such an existence, who has spanned countless ancient years, is different from that terrifying existence. The enemy fought and never fell.

The same is true, their resistance has completely dissipated at this time, which is why Ge Qizhi, the cold-faced killer god Jiao Linxian who had already knocked on the door of heaven, escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and saw the true self, was also cut off The reason for the memory...

But he didn't say anything, at this time, everything has returned to the original point, back to the time after Guowei Zhaozhang finished his lecture, and I saw that Ge Qizhi and the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian were listening to what Guowei Zhaozhang said. Dao, no matter how much hatred there was before, there is no hatred at this moment, and the two of them saluted respectfully and respectfully to the Guo Wei Zhaozhang in front of them in unison. This salute was voluntary by the two of them. Completely from the heart, after giving up all prejudices, because I feel reverence for Guo Wei Zhaozhang's grand Dao, the same is true, driven by the huge force in my heart, in this inexplicable emotion Under the influence, they performed a big salute respectfully and respectfully to the Guowei Zhaozhang in front of them in full view of the crowd, without any disrespect.

After finishing the ceremony, at this moment, the unruly Ge Qizhi was the first to blurt out what he wanted to say. He looked at Guowei Zhaozhang in front of him and said, "The words of fellow Taoists are important to me." It seems that it is too grand, and I am ashamed of myself. However, I just want to remind fellow daoists, maybe! Just ask fellow daoists, I hope you can clear up your doubts..."

"It's all right!" Guowei Zhaozhang responded straightforwardly without saying anything.

After Ge Qizhi finished listening, there was a strange gleam in his eyes, and then he heard him preaching, "Good! Dare to ask you to do it when you know what you know, why?"

"Knowing that things can't be done, there is only one thing! Ideas must be created for it! Dao Xin is the best, and the mind is blocked, so what's the benefit to me? It's hard for people to say it, and it's also for me. The heart is arrogant and firm, this is the way of the great way, and it is my heart!" When Guo Wei Zhaozhang blurted out these words at this moment, he saw that the strange expression on Ge Qizhi's face became more and more obvious, and only for a moment In the meantime, he was already thinking about the hateful plans behind the words in his words.

This really caught Guowei Zhaozhang off guard, but it was not a problem. As expected, it was in the expectation of Guowei Zhaozhang. After he discovered his mistake, it was too late to correct it.

Seeing Ge Qizhi with a sneer on his face, he quickly took over the topic at this moment, and asked Guowei Zhaozhang coldly, and he said: "Since fellow Taoists think so, Then what is the Tao? This one can be called the Tao? If the Tao is for this, what can be said to be the Tao? Wouldn’t it be empty talk and misleading people?”

"The Tao has the Tao, and the Tao is long. The world and all things are born with me, and I and the thousands of holy spirits are the only one. If the Tao is the one, why not be the Tao, and why is the Tao limited to the self? Is this a small Tao? Why? Do you dare to speak of the Great Way? The Tao is within it, and fellow Daoist’s statement is a big fallacy. Since I believe that the Dao of a fellow Daoist is the Dao, why can’t I make the way of seeking the Tao too narrow for a fellow Daoist? What can I say about this?” Guowei Zhaozhang responded calmly at this time, but at this time he had a teasing look on Ge Qizhi's face, obviously disdainful of Ge Qizhi's small gesture, and even in the discussion just now, he was still talking about Ge Qizhi's words. vehemently refuted and criticized.

Sure enough, after hearing Guowei Zhaozhang's teasing words, Ge Qizhi's face changed from there. After being silent, he also showed guilt. Obstacles are born, the words of fellow Taoists are the same as thunder, and I have already broken through the obstacles!"

Hearing Ge Qizhi's sudden realization, his words also showed his sincerity without any disrespect. It can be seen that Ge Qizhi at this moment is indeed facing Guowei Zhaozhang just now. Those sarcasm words, which were almost ridiculed, were completely enlightened and repentant.

But at this time, Ge Qizhi also stood there motionless, without the slightest expression, and he had nothing to test. During the previous conversation, he also knew the heart of Wei Zhaozhang and the way of the great way. The heart is definitely not able to completely break it with just a few words.

This is also the case, which made Ge Qizhi break through the defense, and it was also stopped when he stopped.At this time, Ge Qizhi had already deeply understood this truth and backed away.

However, this move of his was also a sign of cowardice in the eyes of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian. In his opinion, the words of the two people's conversation just now were only in the first round of conversation. Being defeated for a while made him really look down on Ge Qizhi at this moment, but he wouldn't care if Ge Qizhi knew about it.

At this time, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, had no choice but to do nothing after seeing Ge Qizhi retreat. He was just facing such a situation, which made him feel a little bad at this moment. He did it, he didn't know how to do it.I didn't expect that Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, would sometimes not know what to do. It's really ironic that Feng Shui turns, and this year he's coming to his house!

However, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer at this time, quickly turned around, and saw that when he spoke, it was still an extremely old voice. Molong's terrifying coercion, in the midst of the phenomenon, he was tumbling and running, and the billowing thunder and lightning wrapped around his body. Even his accessories still couldn't cover up his already extremely old spirit.

He is old, already very old, completely old, and can no longer bite his teeth. In the eyes of Ge Qizhi and Guowei Zhaozhang, he must be an old man who is about to enter the earth. At this time, the cold Jiao Linxian, the face-to-face killing god, suddenly realized what he was going to do at this moment. Immediately, although there was endless coercion and domineering in his old voice, he was trying hard to show off his strong body, but it was also It can't show at all that his soul is already aging and about to decay, but at this moment he is completely disregarding it, or in other words, the powerful spiritual and physical strength from his soul allows him to survive in this moment. The moment is already selective 1 forgetting the fact that he is extremely old and no longer young. At this time, or in other words, in such a time, his words and deeds make other Guo Wei Zhaozhang and Ge Qizhi There is a lot of contempt, because the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian in front of him really doesn't have the slightest self-knowledge.

He opened his mouth and said mockingly to Ge Qizhi in front of him: "It's just a bastard, a dog who lost his family, but he opened the door of heaven, got out of the sea of ​​suffering and saw the true self. And the powerful Dao. But these existences still cannot conceal your humble and cowardly bloodline and the cowardice engraved in the depths of your soul. You are so incompetent and cowardly. Miao Miao said a few words, so frightened that he could only retreat, and he didn't even have the slightest desire to seek the Tao. I really don't know how you knocked on the door of heaven, escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and saw your true self. What qualifications do you have to be on an equal footing with those of us who are strong? Even being equal is a joke. What is the difference between you and the lambs we hunt? You humble, cowardly existence, what kind of survival value do you have? ?”

The cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian seized the opportunity and taunted Ge Qizhi fiercely. His words were full of sarcasm, and the words were very impolite.These words clearly revealed the indescribable indifference and selfishness in the heart of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian in the rotten soul in front of him. Hypocrisy is his normal state. In the depths of his soul is only the endless selfishness.

The cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian is too old, so those eyes are no longer as bright as before. Even after he said these words, they are still the same, even if it is his true god and his real body. It has already merged into the one-eyed ink dragon who is soaring and galloping in the sky to his heart's content, and the same is still the case, still unable to resist the fact that he is already old.

At this moment, after Ge Qizhi listened to the words of the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian in front of him, there was still the previous kind expression. Behind him, the endless devilish energy was rolling, the infinite power was surging, the violent power At this moment, or in other words, they are frantically gathering here.

Behind Ge Qizhi, they were galloping, rolling, and roaring. They were already showing that they were about to lose control. At this moment, Ge Qizhi had endless frost on his face and endless indifference in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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