I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 903 Open up a business route in the Western Regions

Chapter 903 Opening up a business route in the Western Regions

One month later, Xiong Han, the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom, died suddenly!
The whole country was mourning, and a group of people headed by the Zhao family felt that the sky was falling apart.

The new school thought that it was Zhao and others who murdered the emperor.

So war on the old school.

The two sides led troops to fight each other, and the counties and counties in the country fought on their own, forming their own camps.

Seek new benefits for yourself.

Chuyue Kingdom fell into civil war.

Those generals who fought abroad and attacked the barbarians also respected themselves as mercenaries and chose to be independent.

Within a month.

The Chuyue Kingdom survived in name only.

A large number of children of the Xiong family were killed.

The younger ones were treated as puppets and became the mascots of each family to command soldiers and rule.

At the same time, South Korea, which borders the north, also feels the darkness coming.

The ruling and opposition parties were also shocked.

And Chang'an in Guanzhong!

Today's court is full of excitement.

Everyone's faces were filled with joy.

"His Majesty is here!"

Cao Zhengchun shouted loudly, and the hall was instantly quiet.

Then Ye Qing came in and walked onto the high platform of the dragon chair.

"Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing raised his hand and signaled: "Everyone is flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing glanced at the crowd, did not sit on the dragon chair, but said loudly: "I believe everyone knows about the Chuyue Kingdom, and the current changes in the Chuyue Kingdom are also known to you. Tell me, what should be done!"

Hundreds of officials stood up one after another and said: "Your Majesty, the Chuyue Kingdom is falling apart, and I will march into the Great Zhou Dynasty to swallow up its land and accept its people, so as to expand the territory and rule the world!"

In the current Dazhou, all aspects are developing at a high speed, whether it is the economy or the military, or agriculture, industry, and education to reserve talents.

They are all big strides forward.

At this time, the Great Zhou Dynasty was thriving and prosperous.

Not to mention eating the disintegrated Chuyue Kingdom, it is no problem to attack Wei, Han, Chuyue, and Northern Qi by force.

Ye Qing's gaze was like a torch, and he glanced at the officials below, and then slowly said: "Since the ministers feel that they can send troops, let's fight!"

Fluttering, as if nothing happened.

All the officials have heard that the emperor is so careless.

At the same time, I also understand that this is definitely not the most important government affairs in the court today.

There are newspapers in Dazhou, and many news are transparent.

Everyone knows what kind of ghost Chuyue Kingdom has become.

So he didn't take Chuyue Kingdom seriously.

Bai Qi stood up and said, "Your Majesty, this time we are attacking the Chuyue Kingdom. I think that the Suzaku Army and the Tianji Army should go south at the same time, attacking Yangzhou Yuzhang, Danyang, Wujun, and Kuaiji all the way to the south of the river!"

"The other route is to the north of the Dajiang River, mainly attacking both sides of the Huai River, attacking Lujiang, Jiujiang, Guangling, Nanpei, Xiapi, Donghai and other counties!"

Ye Qing nodded and said: "Then implement the offensive plan according to the Ministry of National Defense. It is enough to hit the offshore area. As for the scattered forces of the Chuyue Kingdom that is hanging outside, try to recruit them to surrender. After all, they are both the people of the Central Plains." , to avoid killing!"

"It's Your Majesty!" Bai Qi took the order, and then retreated.

At this time Zhang Yi stood up and said: "Your Majesty! Now the Governor of Wei has led the army into the Western Regions, and has just opened up the southern line.

All the way out of Yangguan, conquer Shanshan, Qiemo, Jingjue, Ronglu, Jumi, Qule, Yuzhen, Pishan, Xiye, Puli, Deruo, Wujing, Shache, Linglei [-] country! "

"As long as Shule is captured, we can open up the Western Regions, connect with the Guishuang Kingdom in the west, and then we can do business with Western countries!"

When the officials heard the words, they started discussing one after another.

"Wei Qing is so powerful, he conquered the Fourteen Kingdoms so quickly and opened up a passage to the Western Regions!"

"Yes, if that's the case, isn't the Hexi Governor's Mansion's jurisdiction too big, covering almost four states!"

"It is true that the route is getting longer, and it may be difficult to control these places with the troops of the Hexi Governor's Mansion alone!"

"By the way, the Ministry of Commerce can show off its talents this time and make a fortune!"

"Sure, our tea, ceramics, silk and other things can be sold to the West in a steady stream!"

"Isn't there still Shule that hasn't been connected? I read the map in the newspaper, and it seems that Shule is stuck on the only way between the southern line and the central line of the Western Regions.

The barbarian forces here are not small, and they have attracted the attention of all countries. "

"Whoever he is, he dares to stand in our way to trade, he's gone, the little Shule Kingdom can be wiped out with a flick of a finger!"

"Hahaha, Li Zhen, you didn't dare to be so crazy before! You can't say such things!"

The official Li Zhen said with a smile: "Who made me Da Zhou so strong, Your Majesty is a martial artist, what if we don't keep pace with the times.

We have the strength, so naturally we have to be more assertive, otherwise how can we be worthy of me, Huanghuang Tianchao Shangguo! "

"Hey! This statement makes sense!"

Everyone nodded, and then looked at the young face on the dragon chair.

Da Zhou became what he is now, he...has contributed a lot.

Ye Qing frowned slightly after hearing this.

Wei Qing's battle line was stretched too far.

Originally, the population of the Hexi Dudu Mansion was not large, and there were few soldiers and horses.

Now conquering fourteen countries is like stringing beads along the way. Every time a country is conquered, a team of soldiers and horses will be left behind.

When we reach Shule, how many attacking troops will there be?

Shule is the most important city in commerce and trade, and the key to competition among all parties.

Even if the soldiers and horses of Da Zhou were captured, they would surely bear a lot of hatred.

It is bound to make the relationship stiff.

Ye Qing said: "What is the opinion of the Ministry of Rites?"

Zhang Yidao: "Your Majesty, the opinion of our Ministry of Rites is to keep Shule as a buffer between us and the Western Regions and other Western countries."

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, Lu Buwei from the Ministry of Commerce said: "Your Majesty, if I don't agree with you temporarily, if Shule doesn't leave, our business path will be blocked by others.

It is bound to be heavily taxed, and Shule should be captured first! "

Zhang Yi shook her head and said: "No, we went to the Western Regions to open up business channels, not to make enemies of other countries.

We are expanding our financial resources, and only when we lead the countries along the way to become rich, will they love us and support us. "

"People are greedy. Once we can bring a lot of wealth, they will definitely support us and hope that we will continue to do business. Even if we don't want to go, they will beg us."

Mencius from the Ministry of Education stood up and said: "Your Majesty, our Ministry of Education agrees with the proposal of the Ministry of Rites. We should educate the people of the fourteen countries first, complete the education of these fourteen countries, and then move westward. Only in this way can we be more stable!"

Ye Qing looked at the Ministry of National Defense.

Bai Qi said: "Your Majesty, I think you can stop fighting Shule for the time being, put away the Bingfeng on the southern line, let Wei Qing attack the middle road of the Western Regions, and open up another westward route."

"At the same time, send more troops to the Hexi Governor's Mansion, it is best to build a separate Western Region Governor's Mansion! In order to manage and coordinate the military and government!"

Hexi Governor's Mansion Three is big enough.

Thousands of miles west of the river, plus a tens of thousands of miles long Western Region.

Management is a big hassle.

(End of this chapter)

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