Chapter 904
Ye Qingdao: "Then order Wei Qing to focus on the route in the Western Regions, keep Shule for the time being, and paralyze the countries!"

"When the central route is cleared, the two armies will meet at Shule!"

"At the same time, the Governor's Mansion of the Western Regions will be established, and Wei Qing will be appointed as the Governor of the Western Regions."

"The king of Xiliang was reappointed as the governor of Hexi..."


Da Zhou sent troops!
This is to be expected.

It's just that this time the troops were dispatched more carefully.

The two armies have a more detailed division of labor.


Chuyue Kingdom did not have a decent army to resist the attack of Zhou's army.

Soon everything north of the Han Dynasty was captured by the Suzaku Army.

The Tianji Army also sailed south.

Sweeping all the way, one month later, Zhou Yu and others went south to capture Wu County.

So far, Chuyue Kingdom was basically annexed.

The area on land is only Kuaiji County in the southeast corner.

The remaining descendants of the Xiong family finally sent representatives to see Zhou Yu.

"Please surrender! Heh, I thought the Xiong clan had so much backbone, they were defeated, and they still had to surrender in the end!" Guan Yu sneered.

Zhou Yu said: "It's normal, the Xiong family is also a human being, and since Xiong Han came to power, the people of the Xiong family have basically declined."

"When Xiong Han dies, the children of the Xiong family will completely become the puppets of the generals and lords!"

Han Shizhong said: "Then accept Xiong's surrender?"

Guan Yu hummed: "It's not necessary at all, just kill the remaining things directly, and it's not like we can't attack Kuaiji!"

Zhou Yu shook his head: "Otherwise, the captives we captured before were all barbarian countries. Whether it is Shu, Ba, or Hexi and the Western Regions, they can all be regarded as barbarians, not our own people!"

"Chuyue Kingdom is different, they have the same origin, the Xiong family's surrender is of great significance!"

"With Xiong's role model, then the Han family, the Tian family, and the Wei family will naturally not resist too much!"

"In this way, I really can't kill it, I have to raise it," Han Shizhong joked half-truthfully.

Zhou Yu laughed and said, "Not necessarily, just keep one. There are too many. How can our big Zhou afford it? Even if we can afford it, the officials of the household department will scold you!"


The crowd burst into laughter.

That's right, the current household department is even more stingy.

With the policy of performance appraisal, they are vigorously giving money to the empire every day.

All extravagance and waste, all spending more money from the treasury are the scope of their targets.

Seven days later, Xiong's Ju Kuaiji County surrendered to Da Zhou.

In Shanyin City, he handed over the jade seal representing Xiong's family to Han Shizhong!
So far, the Chuyue Kingdom has been completely wiped out in the long river of history.


"So fast!"

South Korea's capital.

In the royal study of the palace!

Han Ran's face was bloodless and his eyes were empty, staring at the beams of the house.

"The next one, Da Zhou will destroy me, Korea!"

South Korea lost the barriers to the south and east, and Da Zhou could fight South Korea on three sides.

South Korea is worrying!

Han Ran didn't want to surrender.

this night.

Han Ran sat in the imperial study room, he didn't even have a Norwegian ass.

Outside the study, Prince Han An and other officials came after hearing the news.

The morning sun is originally brilliant, warm, and hopeful.

But like residual blood, it became dazzling.

The door of the imperial study room was pulled open from the inside.

The serving eunuch Hou stayed outside all night and did not dare to leave.

Think about it at this time.

But a middle-aged man with white hair like snow came out from inside.

The man waved his hand, and the dragon robe danced.

Shocked the two eunuchs back.

Han Ran also has martial arts skills.

Born in the royal family, as long as he is not an idiot, even if he does not kill the enemy and charge into the battle, he still needs to practice some self-defense and physical exercise.

"His Majesty!"

Han An and all the officials opened their eyes wide with astonishment.

Han Ran's hair turned white overnight.

Last night must have been a torment.

The destruction of the Chu and Yue kingdoms had an unprecedented impact on South Korea.

"Hehe, don't panic, I'm fine!"

"My hair is beautiful!" Han Ran rolled up his sleeves, stroked his silver hair, and closed his eyes in response to Chaoyang.

It seems to be enjoying it!
Baiguan was dumbfounded.

It's all right!

The emperor is not stupid!

"According to my will, from now on, I will pass on the throne to Prince Han An!"

"From today onwards, the crown prince will ascend the throne, and he will be the new emperor of our Korean Empire. All my lords, I will assist the new emperor well!"

All the officials were horrified, and Han An had a look of astonishment on his face.

Pass it to me at this time.

Father, what do you want to do?
"Your Majesty...this..."

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"Your Majesty, you are still here, there is something wrong with the crown prince's ascension to the throne..."

The officials of South Korea persuaded one after another.

Han Ran snorted coldly and said, "I'm not discussing with you, but an imperial decree!"

All the officials showed bitterness.

Throats one by one, not knowing what to say.

This is too childish.

Even Han An was a little apprehensive.

The throne came too easily.

Suddenly it was dropped.

How come there is a sense of disobedience of being arrested.


Han Ran opened his eyes, scanned the crowd, sighed and said:

"The kingdom of Chuyue is gone, and the next one is Korea. The pace of Dazhou will not be too long, so our Korea can't be the same as before."

"We also need to change, we need to change, the empire needs young people, and it needs strong men to support Daehan!"

Learning from the Great Zhou, no, learning from the Chuyue Kingdom, this is self-defeating.

What is the emperor like.

Han Ran didn't care about the crowd, and continued, "Don't think that the Chuyue Kingdom is in a cocoon, in fact, they are broken from the chrysalis, and they just failed.

It's just that the time is too short! "

"In order to buy time for me to reform Korea, I will go to Chang'an to plead guilty to the Emperor of Zhou, hoping that he will forgive me Korea, and even if he can't forgive me, I will delay sending troops!"

"We don't have a choice of paths, we... no, you can only fight, whether you fail or succeed, it is God's will!"

After finishing speaking, Han Ran stopped explaining and walked forward.

Step by step, facing the rising sun, Baiguan gave way.

Han An was uneasy.

at a loss.

What should I do?

My father at least taught me how to be an emperor.

Teach me how to change.

Han Ran left, very resolutely and resolutely, he didn't even go to the harem, he didn't discuss with anyone, and he didn't look at anyone.

Not to mention auxiliary officials.

Out of the palace, get in the carriage.

Go out towards the west gate.

Went to Luoyang.

When Han Ran really left, Chen Liucheng was blown away.

The whole city is boiling 1
"What's the situation? Our emperor is gone!"

"Your Majesty has abdicated and the Crown Prince has ascended the throne. Who will tell me what happened?"

"Your Majesty seems to be out of the city for the Great Week, tell me it's not true!"

"Is your majesty bewitched?"

"It's over, our Korea is over, Chuyue Kingdom has just been destroyed, and our emperor has taken action!"

"The crown prince came to the throne suddenly, should we celebrate or..."

Soon the whole of South Korea also knew the news, and it was also boiling.

The whole of Korea couldn't believe it was true.

(End of this chapter)

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