I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 905?? The Emperor Han abdicated, and the Northern Qi moved to the country

Chapter 905 Emperor Han abdicates, Northern Qi moves
Forget about Korea.

Even if Da Zhou knew about it, he still looked confused.

Han Ran's operation was too coquettish.

It is completely incomprehensible.

The emperor of a country, if he said he would quit, he would quit.

Is this still the timid and stubborn Korean emperor?
I heard that he came to plead guilty.

The officials and generals in Luoyang were also stunned.

"Captain! Did Han Ran..."

Han Xin waved his hand and said, "No matter what the hell he is doing, since he wants to go to Chang'an, then arrange a train to send him to Chang'an overnight."

"Let's leave this kind of thing to Zhang Yi from the Ministry of Rites and the others to have a headache!"

Xun Yu smiled and said: "Captain! Han Ran suddenly abdicated, and at this time, South Korea was shaken, and the government and the people were shocked.

The hearts of the people and the army are uneasy, so we should take the opportunity to send troops to break through Chen Liu in one fell swoop and arrest the Han family! "

Han Ran surrendered, which was a godsend opportunity.

No matter what Han Xin thought about it, he shook his head: "I'm afraid it's wrong to do this!"

"Han Ran came to plead guilty, and the banner is to think about the Korean people. If we attack South Korea, it will arouse dissatisfaction in South Korea. At that time, both the army and the people will fiercely resist us!"

"It can be said that this Han Ran is the thousand-year-old fox and the real cunning. To be honest, I start to appreciate him now!"

"Just ask the world, which other emperor dares to make such a move, and go abroad alone for the benefit and future of the empire!"

"Of course, for the sake of Great Zhou, our Majesty dared to take risks, even more than Han Ran."

"But our Majesty has always been like this. He is good at fighting and has high martial arts skills. Han Ran is quite different. He is used to being pampered, and he can put down his figure, give up the throne of the emperor, and give up everything. It is really admirable!"

Hearing what Han Xin said, Xun You also fell into deep thought.

From this point of view, Han Ran is indeed rare.

At a critical moment, there is a trace of a hero.

"Forget it, I'll leave the headache to Chang'an...!"


Han Ran went to Chang'an to plead guilty and abdicated to let the virtuous, which greatly touched Wei and Northern Qi.

The court halls of the two countries were also lit, boiling and bustling, not like a vegetable market.

"I'm not as good as Han Ran!"

Wei Huang Wei Zeng sighed with emotion, and there was also a trace of bitterness on his face.

How did the world suddenly become like this.

Chuyue Kingdom is gone.

The emperor of Korea abdicated.

What should my country of Wei do?

Wei Zeng looked at all the officials and found that no one could help him solve these problems.

It's not that there are no capable people, nor is there no elite soldiers.

But the state system policy is really not working.

The superiority of Da Zhou became more and more obvious.

Northern Qi Dynasty!

The capital, the palace, the main hall!

The Emperor of Northern Qi looked at the crowd and said: "In Northern Qi, the country is weak and the people are few, and even a small East China Sea country cannot be destroyed.

Next, we will face the mighty Dazhou, what should we do! "

The officials were silent.

Is it really appropriate for His Majesty to give us such a difficult problem?

The entire court was silent for a long time, then the Northern Qi Emperor coughed and said: "My lords, the country is about to perish, don't you still refuse to tell the truth, what else do you care about?"

"At this moment, no matter what I say, I will forgive him for his innocence!"

After hearing the words, all the officials began to discuss in a low voice.

Someone stood up and said, "Your Majesty, we can only go two ways!"

All the officials looked at it one after another, and the Northern Qi Emperor asked, "These two roads?"

"First, surrender to Da Zhou. From then on, my five counties in Northern Qi will be Da Zhou's territory, and we are all Da Zhou's subjects!"

Surrender, really dare to say.

I really thought the emperor was not angry.

But this time the Northern Qi Emperor was really not angry.

Just ask: "What about the second?"

Can not surrender, who is willing to surrender.

The man said again: "Secondly, let's go to sea to shield Sanhan or Japan from a distance, or go north to find a suitable island to establish a country."

The land of the Northern Qi Dynasty is surrounded by the sea on both sides.

There are many warships, and there are also many merchant ships.

There are also many fishing boats.

There is a condition to move out.

If you can't beat it, just run away.

Transporting people takes time.

At this time, plan early and immigrate slowly.

By the time the Great Zhou reached Northern Qi, the population had almost transferred.

This idea has to be said to be really bold.

Everyone started talking again.

The Northern Qi emperor just frowned.

Did not scold this person.

"What do you think, gentlemen?" The Northern Qi Emperor asked.

Baiguan, you look at me, and I look at you.

In the end, they all said: "Your Majesty, how about...immigrating!"

Surrender, that has no future.

I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

The Northern Qi Emperor's eyelids twitched.

Finally, with a helpless face, he said: "Then let's immigrate!"

Opinions are unified.

The mobilization order for the Northern Qi Kingdom began to be issued, and the merchant ships led the warships to search north for suitable islands for the Northern Qi Kingdom to gain a foothold.

Three months later, a large island chain and a peninsula protruding from the mainland were finally found in the thousands of seas north of the country of Wa.

Except for the cold weather, everything can be accepted by Northern Qi people.

"Immigrants, move immediately, first move the people of Dongnae County, the royal family children, anyone over 20 years old, go first, go to the peninsula to build, go there to take root!"



Ye Qing was also surprised when Han Ran came to Chang'an to plead guilty.

Not to mention, he personally brought all the officials to the city gate to pick up Han Ran.

Although Han Ran has abdicated, he is no longer the emperor.

But no one can deny that he is the emperor.

He is the overlord of Korea.

The treatment that should be given is still the same.

For the officials of the upper household department, they mumbled a lot.

For no reason, there was a little more loss, this Han Ran probably did it on purpose.

"Sinner Han Ran, pay homage to the Great Zhou Emperor!"

Han Ran kept his posture very low.

When he came to Chang'an, he had already thought about everything, struggling with his thoughts, and finished struggling in his imperial study.

So there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Ye Qing helped him up and said, "The emperor of South Korea doesn't need to be polite."

"Please Your Majesty, the sinner Han Ran Yijing is no longer the emperor of South Korea, and South Korea has a new emperor!" Han Ran corrected.

Ye Qing didn't argue with him about these things either.

Everyone knows what tricks Han Ran is playing.

"Emperor of Korea, this is the first time you come to Dazhou. I think you will have a lot of discomfort. I ordered you to prepare a special hotel for you!"

"As for South Korea, you can rest assured that Da Zhou has no plans to attack Korea. Da Zhou hopes that there will be no war in the Central Plains. Everyone will be safe, happy and live a good life!"

When Han Ran heard this, his face twitched unnaturally.

What do you mean you don't have any plans to hit me Daehan.

It can only be said that it is temporarily unavailable.

Naturally, Han Ran didn't dare to point it out, and only said: "Please, Your Majesty first!"

This time Ye Qing was not polite.

Walked in the forefront.

Although Han Ran is the emperor, he is not at the same level as him.

Even if Han An came, he would not be equal to Ye Qing.

"His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, your train is really convenient. There is no bumps along the way!"

"Your roads are very flat and distinctive!"

"Your city defense passes are very new and strong, and there is no enemy in the world..."

"Your Majesty, Chang'an is really lively. No wonder scholars from all over the world come here, and there are so many talents..."

(End of this chapter)

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