I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 906 Shule colluded with the Huns

Chapter 906 Shule colluded with the Huns
Han Ran is like a nagging woman.

Chattering along the way.

Ye Qing didn't care.

After the banquet, let the people from the Ministry of Rites entertain Han Ran.

As long as it is not a military important place, Han Ran is allowed to visit.

Han Ran also became more and more frightened the more he watched.

Only then did I understand why the talents of the Korean Empire did not want to go back after they came to Dazhou.

This place is really suitable for Yingchu, and it is really fair, just and open.

It is truly a place of hope, a place of thriving development.

Chang'an has a fatal temptation and attraction for young people.

Even Han Ran was deeply attracted.

Of course, Han Ran soon met many new friends in Chang'an.

These people include the original Bahuang from the Ba Kingdom, the kings of various countries in the Western Regions, and the kings of various tribes.

They eat, drink and play, and are drunk all day long.


Until the matter of the Northern Qi emigration was reported by the newspapers.

Only then did Han Ran stop doing the show.

Can't help but yell!
"Northern Qi, coward, coward!"

Is the Northern Qi Dynasty full of pig brains when it comes to immigration?
So unbearable, he ran away without hitting.

Not even the land.

Going to sea is not suicidal.

More importantly, the east of South Korea was completely sealed off by Dazhou.

In addition to the land that borders Wei, South Korea is all bordered by Dazhou.

There is also a long Yellow River to the north.

South Korea was surrounded by Dazhou.


"Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers!"

"In the first battle of Tianshan, the governor of Weidu, 30 Wusun coalition forces were wiped out! The Wusun country was smashed..."

"The kingdoms of Kucha and Gumo please surrender..."

Many students on the street took out the few copper coins in their hands and asked for a newspaper.

Then read it with relish!
"If the map is correct, the central line of the Western Regions will soon be opened, and the two armies of the Western Regions Governor's Mansion can join forces in Shule!"

"Wusun was defeated, and the northern foot of the mountain will soon be ours, and the northern line of the Western Regions will be opened!"

"It's a matter of time to get through, but I'm so sinking that it will take at least half a year, and at most a year, to get through the northern line!"

"That makes sense, but it doesn't matter.

As long as the southern line and the central line are connected, we will be able to do business with the barbarian powers in the West! "

"Hey, does anyone want to travel and see what the West is like? I heard that the Ministry of Rites has introduced policies.

The Ministry of Rites encourages students to travel to the West, not only to provide money and food, but also to be officials after returning. "

"Si! There are still such good things, let's go and sign up!"

"Don't die, Shule has not been laid down now, and the chamber of commerce under the Ministry of Commerce has not issued it yet. It's too early to go now!"

"Hahaha, you guys are too afraid of death. You only have a chance to go now. When the people from the chamber of commerce find out about the West, how much value is there for you to go? Now is the time to go for a better future."



King Shule has been very anxious recently.

The power of the Great Zhou continued to extend westward.

The two armies are about to join forces at Shule.

Zhou Jun's intentions were too obvious.

"My lord, the Great Master Kingdom is not willing to send troops to help us, and even said, let us directly submit to the Great Zhou, so as to save the disaster of war!"

King Shule's nose was crooked when he heard this.

With a flick of his sleeves, he sat in his seat, raised his eyebrows and said, "What about Guishuang and Persia?"

"Back to the king, Guishuang said, as long as the business road is not blocked, they will not interfere with Shule's affairs!"

"Persia said that they were beyond their reach. Rome has been attacking Persia, and now Persia is unable to support Shule. They also said that we should first rely on Dazhou. After Persia has solved Rome's old enemy, come and help us Shule! "

Hearing this, King Shule slapped the bench heavily.

"Hmph! They're all short-sighted people!" King Shule had some headaches, rubbed his temples, and was in a bad mood!
At this time, the confidants said: "My lord, why don't we invite the Huns!"

"Hun!" King Shule frowned upon hearing this.

The Huns are in the west of Dawan and in the north of Kangju.

It is like a wolf.

I have always wanted to go south and keep attacking big names, Kangju and Huacizimo.

It's just that the northern Huns have a bad reputation, so Persia has been supporting Huacizimo, and Guishuang supports Kangju and Dawan to prevent the Huns from going south.

If he colluded with the Huns, Shule would offend Persia, Guishuang, Kangju, and the four big names!
"My lord, we have no other choice. Treat a dead horse as a living one!" King Shule's confidant advised:
"Without foreign aid, we will really perish!"

"Forget it, let the Huns go south. Since they don't help me Shule, don't blame us!" After the last struggle, King Shule agreed with his subordinates.


Jiewen City!
The court of the Huns!

"Chan Yu, good news, King Shule has sent an envoy!"

The Xiongnu Shanyu was discussing the next direction of attack with everyone.

The Xiongnu were originally a tribe in the East, living on the grasslands of the Xianbei and Turkic lands.

It is a well-deserved overlord, but later it was jointly attacked by the countries of the Central Plains and the grasslands. The Xiongnu, who were in great power for a while, were defeated and moved to the west.

However, there have always been two voices within the Huns.

One is to return east, and the other is to go west!
In those years when I started wandering, the sound of returning east overwhelmed all intentions.

But after hitting a wall again and again, they had to continue westward.

It's just that the road to the west was not smooth, and wars were frequent, and many small countries were destroyed, but they were extremely excluded and hostile by Western countries.

So the Huns didn't have an ally.

Everywhere you look, there are enemies.

But the Xiongnu is an old powerful empire.

Even if it fell, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

The soldiers are elite, and their combat power is far superior to that of ordinary tribes and empires.

That's why I can wander in the Western Regions and other places.

Everyone in the tent was taken aback when they heard the words of the person who came in to report.

The Shule Kingdom sent envoys to the Xiongnu.

This is the first time.

Shule, who has never met, sent envoys to the Huns for what?
The Xiongnu Chanyu asked, "What are they doing?"

"Reply to Shanyu, the envoy of Shule said it is a good thing, and it is a great thing for us Huns!" The person who reported truthfully replied.

Good thing!


What good things can happen this year.

The Xiongnu Shanyu thought for a while and said: "Let him come in. Ben Shanyu must listen carefully. What good news can the Shule people bring!"

Others discuss independently.

Are you secretly guessing what this good news is?
Soon the Shule envoy came in.

Seeing the Xiongnu Shanyu, he saluted with one hand: "Shule envoy, Gadamu has met the honorable Maodun Shanyu!"

Before coming here, the people of Shule had found out the name of Shan Yu of the current Huns.

Mo Dun had no expression on his face, and stared at the Shule envoy flatly: "What's the matter with your King Shule sending you to our clan?"

"Back to Maodun Shanyu, my king sent me to form an alliance with Shanyu and the Xiongnu. I hope that the two countries can cooperate and win-win, share weal and woe, and smash the blockade of the five countries against the Xiongnu together!"

(End of this chapter)

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