I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 907 Sending Care to Bei Qi

Chapter 907 Sending Care to Bei Qi
In the big tent of the Huns, all the Huns were shocked.

His eyes widened, thinking he had heard wrong.

Shule wanted to cooperate with the Huns.

This is really the sun coming out in the west.

It's extremely rare.

Mao Dun Shanyu looked suspicious.

He asked in a puzzled cold voice, "What do you mean?"

Gadamu replied kindly: "Modun Shanyu, we Ming people don't speak secretly, the Huns have always wanted to go south, just because Persia and Guishuang wanted to stop it.

Only their affiliated states Huacizimo, Kangju, and Dawan dared to oppose your country. "

"And now I, Shule, am willing to stand on the side of the Xiongnu, so that I can help Shanyu go south and break through Dawan in one fell swoop. From then on, the Huns and I, Shule, are connected.

I believe that with my wealth in Shule and the strength of the Xiongnu soldiers, it is enough to solve Kangju and Huacizimo! "

"In the end, the arrogance of Persia and Guishuang can be defeated!"

Gadamu's words undoubtedly aroused the desire that had been hidden in the hearts of the Huns for a long time.

Everyone seemed to be ignited by Gadamu as if a volcano was about to erupt.

Even Mao Dun Shanyu was said to be ready to move.

There is a great urge to pick up the sword, put on the horse, and then go to conquer.

But in the end he is Shan Yu, his mind is like an ocean, ups and downs.

Shen Sheng said: "You speak so well, what exactly does Shule want to do?"

"You Shule will not suddenly dare to cooperate with us for no reason!"

Shule is an important place for the transportation of all countries, and it is also the place where the two main passages to the Western Regions converge.

It has always been dominated by the mean.

Not favoring any one country.

Now he suddenly wants to fall to himself, a big Hun who doesn't even have a border.

It's weird in itself.

Shule was originally a country that mainly relied on taxation and collected entry and exit fees from passing merchants.

More emphasis on business.

No profit can not afford to be early.

How can you be so enthusiastic.

Gadamu hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Hui Maodun Shanyu, the land of the Western Regions was attacked by the army of the Great Zhou.

Today, the way of trade on the southern route has been broken by the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

On the center line, the Zhou army also captured Wensu.It won't be long before the two armies join forces and beat me, Shule! "

"Great Zhou! A very weak empire among the Central Plains dynasties?" Mo Dun finally showed his original expression on his face.

Why is Shule suddenly so benevolent?

It turned out that he was in danger.

This is not an opportunity to send the Huns, this is Shule wanting to save his life.

As a last resort.

After thinking about this, the sneer on Mao Dun Shanyu's face became more serious.

The Huns were even more shocked.

The discussion became more intense.

The army of the Great Zhou reached the Western Regions.

Did the Great Zhou control the land of the Central Plains and become one of the strongest empires in the world?
To save Shule, it is necessary to become an enemy of Dazhou.

At that time, the Huns will go to war with Da Zhou.

This is not very conducive to the Xiongnu's autumn and winter looting plan.

Although the Huns have not returned to the prairie for thousands of years.

Have not fought against the Central Plains Dynasty.

However, the legends passed down by word of mouth still let them understand that the tactics of the Central Plains Empire are obviously different from those of the nomadic tribes.

More importantly, the country of the Central Plains has a large population, as if there will never be a shortage of people.

"The legend is true, but it is very powerful now!" Gadamu nodded without saying much.

The reason has been said, what to do next is the business of the Huns.

Mao Dun Shanyu glanced at his subordinates: "What do you think?"

Everyone in the Huns looked at each other, and then said one after another: "Shan Yu! Fight, it doesn't matter if he is the Great Zhou or the Great Qin, just fight!"

"That's right, Shanyu, since Shule is cooperating with us, let's fight!"

"Shan Yu, the opportunity is rare, and the best opportunity for us to go south has come!"

The Huns groaned one after another.Mao Dun Shanyu finally smiled this time.

Slowly stood up: "Okay! Since everyone says to fight, let's fight!"

"Da Zhou, you can be arrogant in the Central Plains, but in the west of the Western Regions, it's the dragon coiling up for me, and the tiger lying down for me!"

"Shan Yu Yingming!"



"Your Majesty, Northern Qi has already given up half of Qingzhou, and within three months, we will be able to take over the land!"

Bai Qi walked in and reported the latest situation on the front line.

Cao Zhengchun approached the report, Ye Qing nodded after reading it and said, "Then start besieging South Korea! Get ready in Qingzhou, once Northern Qi goes, no matter if it's Wei or South Korea, they will be surrounded on three sides by us!"

Bai Qi said: "Your Majesty, I didn't expect Bei Qi to be so knowledgeable and save us a lot of trouble!"

"I thought we could establish normal diplomatic relations with Northern Qi and support them to gain a foothold in the North Sea. After all, they are of the same origin. When they take root in the barbarian land, it will also help us go there in the future!"

In Ye Qing's words, it means colonization. After the Northern Qi Dynasty has almost reclaimed that piece of wasteland, Da Zhou will go directly to take it.

This saves a lot of trouble.

Ye Qing knew what Bai Qi was up to.

But there are some surprises.

I, General Bai, am a killer star who does not answer the list of less than a few hundred thousand people.

This time it was so gentle.

It is no longer blindly winning by killing.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Of course, it is more beneficial for us to establish normal diplomatic relations with Beiqi."

"In this way, in my name, give Northern Qi 50 sets of armor, [-] pieces of weapons, and [-] arrows."

"80 taels of silver will be given to Northern Qi in the form of our empire's new currency!"

"Military rations, the standard ones will give the [-] troops what they need for half a year!"

Your Majesty is so generous!
Bai Qi was speechless.

But he quickly understood the specialness of the gift.

The new currency seems to be related to the reform of the household department.

In the next big week, the copper plates will be canceled, and the silver dollars and coins of the new currency will be used.

Said to be financial unification.

Anyway, it's good for Da Zhou, and Bai Qi couldn't figure it out.

As for the military rations, the standard ones are rich in nutrition and easy to fill the stomach.

But not tasty.

They are made with some special agricultural products.

If it is food, they are afraid that the people of Northern Qi will use it for breeding, and eventually steal the high-yield grain of Dazhou.

"There are also books, 1000 volumes, and [-] million papers!"

"One hundred sets of furniture!"

With a big wave of his hand, Ye Qing sent some things to improve his soft power.

Culture is what can truly unite people.

If this aspect is unified, then it is easy to say.

"Your Majesty, it is estimated that the emperor of the Northern Qi Kingdom will congratulate him when he receives this gift list. He did not become an enemy of our Great Zhou!"

Bai Qi couldn't help but praise.

Ye Qing went on to say: "By the way, my eldest brother is still short of a concubine. Let Northern Qi choose a royal princess to marry by marriage!"

Ye Qing will not casually form political alliances with other countries.

Fortunately, Ye Zhen gave Ye Qing a lot of brothers.

Ye Yu and others can also fulfill the purpose of royal political marriage.

This will not affect the government.

Naturally, Cao Zhengchun wrote these things down and sent them to the Ministry of Rites.

Zhang Yi drew up the documents, prepared the congratulatory gifts, and sent someone to send them to Northern Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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