I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 908 Wei Qing's Abnormal Behavior

Chapter 908 Wei Qing's Abnormal Behavior

"Tell me about the situation in other places!"

Ye Qing knew that Bai Qi's coming here was definitely not just to report to the Northern Qi.

Bai Qi replied with a straight voice: "Your Majesty, Liao, Jin, and Yuan have formed an alliance to attack Wei!"

"The Three Kingdoms also sent envoys to Xianbei, and it is estimated that Xianbei will take action soon!"

"Wei's northern border will be under great pressure. If we also put pressure on the west at this time, then Wei will definitely abandon the car and protect the handsome!"

Ye Qing half-closed his eyes, and sneered: "Xianbei also wants to touch Wei Guo... What do you think?"

Bai Qi replied: "Your Majesty, if it is for short-term interests, we must take the opportunity to blackmail Wei, but we want to live in peace and rule Wei in a stable way. It is best not to participate in the barbarian attack on Wei!"

"On the contrary, when the time is right, send troops to attack Xianbei and destroy its royal court."

"In this way, not only will we eliminate a formidable enemy in the northern grasslands, but we will also win the support and praise of Wei Min, who are of the same origin!"

All in all, a united front.

Brothers fight against the wall, and defend against their humiliation from the outside!
"How is the Governor's Mansion of the Western Regions?" Ye Qing asked.

Bai Qi replied: "In the direction of the Western Region Governor's Mansion, Wei Qing's two-line army has joined forces in Shule. At this time, it is estimated that the fight is either ongoing or finished!"

"Neither Guishuang nor Persia will support Shule, so Shule won't last long, but there is one exception..."

A strange light flashed across Ye Qing's eyes!
"You mean, the Huns may also get involved!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Shule is not ruled out, the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, and quenches thirst with poison!" Bai Qi said:

"This possibility is still very high. After all, judging from the small structure and perspective of the weak country and few people in Shule, it is normal to do stupid things!"

Shule surrendered to Dazhou, but he was able to die well.

Whether it is the people or the royal family.

However, even if the Huns were brought south, even if they could defeat Da Zhou, Shule would not have a good life.

At that time, Guishuang and Persia will hate Shule and will definitely eliminate Shule.

And the Huns are not good stubblers, and they will give some sweetness when they need to count Shule.

Once a foothold is established in the south, Shule can be swallowed with a backhand.

At the same time, in order to prevent Shule from having a chance to restore the country, he will definitely kill the grass and roots.

So from the day Shule colluded with the Huns, he was doomed to perish.

And it is irreversible.

"In this way, the war in the Western Region's Governor's Mansion will still cause waves!" Ye Qing frowned slightly.

The Xiongnu are no more miscellaneous than Wusun.

Rather, it is a well-established and powerful old-fashioned empire.

Although it has been moving westward.

However, its entire structure has not been dismantled, and the original combat mode has been maintained.

It is bound to be fierce.

"Forget it, don't worry about the Governor's Mansion of the Western Regions, we are beyond our control over there, and we can't get involved!" Ye Qing withdrew his gaze, and said to Bai:
"Intensify the integration of Yangzhou, and at the same time, the Ministry of National Defense should allocate funds to step up preparations for the construction of docks along the coast of the great river to produce large ships suitable for sailing on the sea!"

"The world in the future must belong to the navy and the navy. The sea is vast, the opportunities are unlimited, and the wealth is also unlimited!"

Bai Qi replied: "Your Majesty, our Ministry of National Defense will definitely urge this matter to be done well!"

Now the Ministry of National Defense has a separate general agency, the Ordnance Department, which is responsible for the research and development and production of ordnance.

So the Department of Defense is a large and complex institution.

There are also many things to manage.

Bai Qi is also so busy every day that he can't keep his feet in the same pit.


Wei Kingdom!

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Rites of the Great Zhou quietly passed word that yes, the troops of the Great Zhou have withdrawn from the Taihang Mountains. I hope we will deal with the enemy in the north!"

"If our country of Wei can't do our best to beat the attack of the barbarians living in the grassland, then they will end in person...!"

When Wei Zeng heard this, he snorted coldly: "Hmph, why do we need Da Zhou to intervene in my Da Wei's affairs!"

"I, the generals of the Great Wei, are enough to deal with four barbarians, so what about Xianbei, they will be killed as soon as they come!"

"Pass the decree, transfer the troops on the western front to the north!"

At that moment, an official stood up and said: "Your Majesty, you can't. The defenders on the western front are extremely important. Once they evacuate, the Great Zhou will attack the east. Our city of Ye will be destroyed overnight, and the Great Wei will be in danger!"

Wei Zeng stared at this person firmly, slapped the dragon chair and angrily said:
"Da Zhou dares, if he dares to take advantage of others at this time, Da Zhou will be cast aside by the world, and Ye Qing's reputation will be rotten!"

"Ye Qing has great ambitions, and has the ambition to unify the Central Plains. How could he do such short-sighted things!"

"Don't worry about dispatching troops. If there is a day when Great Zhou sends troops, I also hope that my Great Wei will die at the hands of Zhou, instead of being attacked by barbarians by mistake in the northern border, so that the thousands of miles of Wei Kingdom will be reduced to a pasture ravaged by foreigners. !"

Wei Zeng's words deeply resonated with all the officials.

No matter what Wei Zeng was like before, he is now saying such things.

Undoubtedly, it is also a kind of wisdom.

Soon, most of Wei's soldiers and horses were transferred to the north, three days after the army left.

A caravan went south from Taiyuan County, Dabin Prefecture.

The caravan carried a large amount of food and arrows!
"Perhaps, this is the same origin, no matter how fierce we fight, we are all one ancestor!"

"Yes, it doesn't matter if it's Wei or Zhou, but it's all from the beginning..."

"I heard that Zhou Guoyi got the land where the Northern Qi is located. Now, we are bordering Zhou Guo in three directions. In the future, if there is a war, I may be my Great Wei... I hope my Great Wei will not disappear forever like Chu Yue..."


Western Regions!

Shule City!
The two armies of the Great Zhou successfully joined forces outside the city!
Ten thousand troops on the southern front!
There are 6000 soldiers and horses on the center line.

A total of 6000 people.

It doesn't look like much, but in fact, this is already the maximum force that the governor of the Western Regions can use.

Others are not stationed in various cities in the Western Regions.

It's Guan Tuntian.

In the vast land of the Western Regions, it would take a long time to transport grain from the hinterland of the country.

The key is not secure yet.

Therefore, Wei Qing and others can only rely on their own efforts, and open up a lot of wasteland in the Western Regions in order to be self-sufficient.

They have already experimented with this model in Wanli Hexi.

The effect is remarkable.

Therefore, it is too shameful to use 6000 troops to attack the small Shule country with only 20 people.

"Captain, why haven't we attacked Shule yet!" Someone got impatient and said directly:

"Captain, I heard that Shule sent envoys to find the Huns. I am afraid that they want to lure the Huns to go south. The Huns must be difficult to get down. It will be even more troublesome for us to attack Shule!"

Others don't understand either.

According to the heart and speed, you should attack Shule as soon as possible.

Why is Wei Qing acting uncharacteristically this time?

On the contrary, they surrounded and did not fight.

Wei Qing laughed and said: "The South is fighting, we can only get one Shule, if the Southern Huns go south, we can get Kangju and Dawan!"

You can also get Kangju and Dawan!

The governor didn't talk drunk, did he?

Everyone was a little surprised and confused.

The Huns went south, but we can benefit.

What is the logic.

(End of this chapter)

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