I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 909 Attacking Shule King Capital

Chapter 909 Attacking Shule King Capital
Wei Qing pointed to Shule on the sand table, then clicked on the positions of Persia and Guishuang, and said: "This and this are two big countries, and their strength is not inferior to my Great Zhou.

And their vassal states blocked the Southern Huns to the north.

This time when the Huns go south, they must first break through these vassal states..."

Everyone was still puzzled, and there were some clouds and mist around them.

Wei Qing went on to say: "Due to the reasons of the two countries, it is not easy for us to swallow these three dependent countries.

But if they are destroyed by the Southern Huns and the land is occupied, then we will attack the Southern Huns and take Kangju and Dawan, and Persia and Guishuang will have nothing to say! "

This time everyone finally understood.

It turned out that Wei Qing had such an idea.

It is the most unified thing for all countries in the world to send troops to conquer.

"The governor is wise, then we will wait for the Southern Huns for a while, and let them destroy Kangju and Dawan!"

After everyone understood it, they naturally became happy one by one.

Everyone agrees with Wei Qing.

Within a few days, news spread that the Dawan Kingdom had been conquered by the Huns.

Then the Huns who learned the map of Kangju attacked Kangju again and captured the royal city of Kangju in one fell swoop.

Hang the Kangju royal family including King Kangju.

When Guishuang received the news, it was a few days later.

The frontier army of the Guishuang Empire immediately marched northward.

The Huns who destroyed the two countries were full of ambition and divided their troops into two groups.

Continue south all the way to compete with Guishuang.

Turn all the way east and go to Shule!
"Okay! That's great, the Huns have finally come here, so I, Shule, will not perish!"

King Shule was overjoyed when he received the letter from the Huns.

But officials at home are worried.

"My lord, the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou have not attacked the city outside the city, I am afraid there is a conspiracy!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, Zhou Jun's behavior is extremely suspicious, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

King Shule thought for a while and said, "No matter what the Zhou people are planning, if we stick to the king's city and not go out, the Zhou people can't do anything to us!"

"Wang is right! But be careful with the Ten Thousand Years Ship!"

Everyone still reminded.

King Shule didn't dare to be careless. Before the arrival of the Huns, he naturally didn't dare to relax too much.

So he ordered people to strengthen the defense.

King Shule's order has just been issued!

Then I heard the sound of drums outside the city!
"King, something is wrong, the Zhou army is attacking the city!"

Suddenly a city gatekeeper ran over.

King Shule hurriedly said: "Quick, follow me to defend the city!"

A group of Shule generals hurriedly followed out.

When I arrived at the city gate tower, I saw Zhou Jun outside the city slowly pressing towards the city gate.

Countless Zhou troops lined up in formation.

In front were two rows of shield soldiers, and two rows of spearmen.

Then it was pushing something like a carriage.

Followed by a large number of infantry, flanked by cavalry.

Very typical battle formation of the Central Plains Dynasty.

"Turn everyone up, the Zhou army must have received the news that the Huns captured Dawan Kangju, and they are eager to take down my Shule!" King Shule pointed to the Zhou army's banner outside the city and said:

"This time they must be attacking fiercely. As long as we can withstand this wave, we will be fine!"

"It's the king!"

Countless Shule soldiers rushed to the top of the city.

Make the city head full.

Soon Shule Wang and others discovered two ball-like objects rising from behind Zhou Jun.

It was a colored ball, rising higher and higher.

Then it slowly floated towards Shule City.

"What is that?"

King Shule's eyes were full of doubts, and he felt a little uneasy.

Other Shule people also talked about it.

Everyone was discussing what the flying ball was.

As the ball floated into the sky.

Only then did Shule discover the true face of the ball.

It turned out that there was a bamboo basket hanging on the ball.

In the basket stood several generals of the Zhou army.

These soldiers used strange long tubes to observe the situation on the city.

Then there was a person waving a small flag in his hand.

"Not good! This is Zhou Jun's scout horse! They are returning news!"

The witty Shule civil official reminded him aloud.

King Shule and the others turned pale.

"Shoot the arrows and shoot the Zhou people down!"

"Destroy this strange ball and burn that hanging basket!"

"Hurry up……"

Soon the people of Shule got busy, raising their bows and shooting upwards.

Whether it is an ordinary arrow or a rocket, it cannot reach the height of a hot air balloon.

Due to gravity, they fell down again.

"Wang, you can't shoot at that height!"

"Wang, look quickly, there is a strange ball heading into the city!"

"Wang, look quickly, the strange ball has thrown something down!"

The next moment, something dropped from the hot air balloon hit the houses in the city.

After a loud explosion, a ball of fire suddenly rose.

"No, the people of Zhou want to set fire to the city, hurry... hurry up and put out the fire!"

Because of a hot air balloon, the Shule generals in the city were in chaos both in their hearts and in their actions.

At this time, the hot air balloon above their heads began to climb slowly.

The Zhou army outside the city began to adjust the direction of attack, and the catapults began to adjust the angle.

Stone bullets were dropped into the grooves one by one.


With an order, countless stone bullets flew towards Shule King City.

With a whistling sound, the boulder drew an arc in the air.

Suddenly, it hit the city wall with a bang.

Or it hit the city and fell into the pile of Shule soldiers.


"Puff puff……"

It was the first time for the Shule people to see such a huge stone being projected onto the city wall.

All of a sudden they were horrified.

Soon he was smashed and fled.

The boulder that fell from the sky was too powerful.

Flying stones, flying broken wood.

All of them have become sharp weapons to kill people.

There may not be many killed by the crushing, but there are countless injured.

All of a sudden, there were continuous howls in the city.

Moreover, the number of people is too dense, and one injury is a large area.

Panic is also contagious.

"Don't go, hurry up, guard your post, Zhou Jun won't have too many stone bombs!"

The Shule generals ordered the soldiers below to stick to the top of the city.

On the one hand, he protected King Shule and hid under the city.

Such a large stone bullet, as long as it was hit, it would definitely kill it.

Who is not afraid.

But the missiles outside the city kept falling.

Did not mean to stop.

For this battle, Zhou Jun collected all the big rocks to ambush.

Not to mention the army of the Shule Kingdom, even if the army of the Huns came and entered the city, there would still be enough stone bullets to consume the enemy troops in the city.


Dozens of stone bullets were thrown down again, and suddenly a section of the city wall collapsed.

However, Zhou Jun did not rush to attack, but received a report from the scouts on the hot air balloon.

Wei Qing decisively ordered: "Order the catapult team to extend the attack, and the vanguard army to prepare and rush to attack. No one is allowed to violate the order, but anyone who delays will be killed without mercy!"

We are really launching a charge to attack the city, and we are about to take down Shule.

The soldiers of the vanguard army became excited as if they were pumped out one by one.

Awow and wait for the anxious drum to sound.

(End of this chapter)

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