Chapter 910

Stone bullets extended strikes.

King Shule and others who had just hid in the city were frightened and went to the palace in the inner city.

"Zhou Jun, it's too strong, Wang...we won't last long like this!"

"King! We must find a solution as soon as possible, otherwise we, Shule, will be finished!"

King Shule was also very frightened at this time.

My mind went blank.

His face was pale.

Obviously they were too optimistic in front.

Underestimated the strength of Zhou Jun.

Can conquer the Western Regions, destroy more than a dozen countries, and subdue the Great Zhou of all countries, how can it be a simple person.

Now King Shule only has deep regrets.

Breaking the city is the next moment.

The Huns were in a hurry.

Soon the general in charge of public security in the city came and said, "My lord, something is wrong, the burning objects thrown by the Han army from the strange ball in the sky cannot be extinguished at all.

A tenth of the city was ablaze, and the fire spread to the palace. "

"What?" King Shule finally came to his senses.

Looking towards the direction of the palace.

The fire took advantage of the wind to ignite the palace.

There was a loud sound of fire fighting ahead.

"Quick! What are you still doing in a daze, put out the fire for this king, and save the queen and the others!"

King Shule hurriedly yelled rudely.

Stretch out your feet and kick them over.

A crowd rushed to put out the fire.

At this time, the sound of drums outside the city became louder.

But the sound of the drums was drowned out by the sound of falling boulders.

There is also the noisy sound of running and calling in the city, which is often too much.

At this time, King Shule and the others could not distinguish the change of the drums outside the city.

Of course, what's more, they don't have the energy to manage this matter.

"My lord, we made plans earlier in the morning!"

The civil servant in charge of the middle school suggested: "My lord, Shule City can no longer be defended. In order to continue the king's lineage, it is necessary..."

King Shule's head hurt badly, and he waved his hand to signal the other party not to mention such things.

Withdraw from the capital.

Nashule will perish!
How to make it!

King Shule would never let Shule die in his hands.

See King Shule left.

The others looked anxiously at the leading brother.

The man's eyes gradually turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The king is afraid of this, I have lost my true spirit in the scriptures, and we need to do this matter!"

"Master Tiemu, what do you say?"

Everyone asked.

The leading elder brother named Tie Mu sighed, "Second Prince, the king loves him since he was a child, and he is sensible, polite, and generous, so... let's take him out of the city first, and lead the battle for the king and the others!"

Get out of town, have to get out of town.

If you don't go out, you will die in the city.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Soon they found the second prince and left the city successively.

The defenders of the west gate also ran away.

East Gate!

As soon as the drums sounded, the generals of the Zhou army shouted one after another and began to charge forward.

In a few breaths, he rushed to the city.

Set up the ladder and climb up, one by one scrambling to be the first.

The soldiers of Shule in the city wanted to stop them.

At this time, the crossbowmen of the Zhou army under the city also rushed to the bottom of the city, and then shot upwards.

The crossbow arrows were shot ten times, and they were all shot in one go.

Thousands of arrows are like rain.

The Shule soldiers who had just emerged in the city were shot by arrows one after another.


Soon some generals of the Zhou army leaped onto the top of the city, and then swung their weapons and slashed with all their might.

And the generals of the Zhou army did not fall behind, one by one they took the lead and jumped to the top of the city.

The second-rate, third-rate, and first-rank generals are all fearless of death.

The Shule army on the city retreated steadily.


The city gate was opened, and the Zhou army outside the city swarmed in.


After entering the city, the generals of the Zhou army worked together under the command of the scouts overhead.

It quickly reached the palace and the important treasury.

"King! The big thing is not good, Zhou Jun is calling in!"

"What, so fast?" King Shule slumped to the ground.

His king's capital collapsed without holding on for even half an hour.

"Go, get out of town, hurry!"

King Shule, this time there is no hesitation.

He ordered his men to escort them to the west gate.

Just no 500 meters from the Royal Palace.

At this time, Zhou Qi, who attacked first, came to kill him.

When they found that King Shule and others wanted to escape, they chased and killed them directly.

"Shoot the arrow, it doesn't matter whether you live or die!"

General Zhou Qi, who led the army, gave the order decisively.

Little Shule is not worth paying attention to.

If you don't surrender, you will die!

King Shule and others failed to escape and were all shot to death.

Soon the chasing cavalry rushed to the west gate, while controlling the gate, blocking the Shule people who had not escaped in the city.

On the one hand, they pursued the Shule people who had left the city.

An hour later.

All wars are over.

The soldiers, including the pursuers, also returned to Shule.

Don't chase after the poor.

The vast and desolate mountain road, chasing far is useless.

Zhou Jun knows too little about the specific situation in the Western world.

Shule Palace, the fire that spread over was extinguished.

Wei Qing stepped onto the palace and walked through the central aisle step by step.

Shule Kingdom is also a small country with only one city, which is the capital of the king.

The palace is not big, and it is towards the west.

Dome shaped, so small.

But there is a universe inside.

Very refined and luxurious.

The walls are covered with gold and silver ornaments.

There are also some precious things like pearl agate.

"Call it petty...and luxurious!"

"Let's say it's grand...and the pattern is not enough!"

Wei Qing smiled contemptuously, swung his sword and split the golden king chair in half.

"Come here, pack up these gold and silver and send them back to Chang'an. I believe that the powerful families in the Central Plains will be very rare of these things."

"It's the governor!"

Everyone liked it very much, and finally the Shule Palace could be looted.

These spoils of war will be sent to the hinterland of the Great Zhou, where they will be sold at a good price through the operation of the Ministry of Commerce.

The money from the sale will be converted into food materials and the welfare of the soldiers on the expedition.

Food materials come from the cloud in the hinterland to improve life.

Benefits will be distributed to relatives in the family.

It is a kind of care and compensation for the family.

So the generals and soldiers of the Zhou army smiled happily.

The more ransacked, the more profitable they will be.


"What King Shule was defeated by the Zhou people!" The Huns' eastward marching army just ran into the Shule people who had escaped.

After understanding the situation, he couldn't help frowning, feeling embarrassed.

"I also ask the Xiongnu to be the master of Shule for me and help us regain the capital!" The second prince became the king of Shule without hesitation, and he was the only one from the royal family who escaped.

So he was the only one who inherited.

As long as he regains the capital of Shule, he will immediately become the new king of Shule.

Nature is eager.

Hope the Huns advance quickly.

However, the leader of the army was King Youxian of the Huns.

King Youxian comforted the second prince and said, "Don't worry, second prince, we will definitely be able to take back the capital of Shule, but Zhou's army is powerful and its morale is high.

At this time, he recklessly rushed back to the capital of Shule, fearing that the Zhongzhou people would ambush him.

Wait for me to send someone to investigate clearly first, and discuss specific countermeasures in the industry! "

Seeing this, the second prince of Shule had no choice but to stop and rest first.

As long as the Huns are willing to help him regain the capital.

When Tiemu heard this, he frowned slightly, with a look of worry.

I wanted to say something but finally held back.

King You Xian finished appeasing the second prince, then called a personal guard and said, "You should contact Shan Yu immediately and report the situation here clearly.

King Shule might not be able to get it back. "

(End of this chapter)

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