I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 911 The decision of the Huns

Chapter 911 The decision of the Huns
The messenger left immediately and reported the situation here to the Xiongnu Shanyu.

King Youxian comforted the second prince Shule.

At the same time slowly approaching the capital of King Shule.

Did not dare to directly kill the city.

With the information provided by the Shule people, the Xiongnu Shanyu knew that the Zhou army had powerful siege weapons.

The kind of weapon that can project stone bombs is too fierce.

Moreover, there are many masters in Zhou Jun's army.

The Shule people suffered from these two big losses, so they were beaten helplessly.

"Youxian King, Zhou Jun also has a powerful weapon, that is the strange ball that rises to the sky!" The second prince Shule explained:
"That kind of strange ball can provide Zhou Jun with scouting. Zhou Jun's strange ball can investigate the defenses in my city and the details, and then send the news back to Zhou Jun's camp!"

Weird ball!

ascended to heaven!
King Youxian frowned slightly!
Some do not believe it in my heart.

How could there be such a miraculous thing in the world.

It can fly around in the sky.

Zhou Guo's weapons are also too mysterious.

"Why don't you see the Zhou people's strange ball now!" A general of the Xiongnu asked.

This moment stumped the second prince Shule.

How would he know if Zhou Ren was promoted or not. ,

A civil servant from Shule stepped forward and said: "This general, people in Zhou will not use strange balls lightly. They will only be used in times of war."

"Its purpose is to win by surprise!"

When the Huns heard this, they all sneered!
"Hahaha, winning by surprise, now we all know, how can Zhou people win by surprise!"

"That's it!"

"The people of Zhou have run out of hole cards, and they don't know our hole cards yet, just wait and die!"


In the city of Shule!

At this time, Wei Qing and his subordinates were analyzing the geographical environment two hundred miles west of Shule.

In the simulated sand table, the information collected from various channels is piled up, and the [-]D map is sorted out!

"Report! The Hun army has arrived!"

Wei Qing and the others straightened their bodies.

Then he looked at the messenger.

Then he turned his attention to Wei Qing.

Wei Qing stroked his beard and smiled, "It's a bit late to get here! It seems that the Huns are not very willing to go to war with us!"

"How can you see the handsome!"

If you don't understand, just ask. Naturally, some generals don't understand.

Wei Qing said: "If the Huns want to fight us and take back the capital of Shule, they will kill them immediately, not slowly."

"On the other hand, when the Huns went south, Persia and Guishuang were the most nervous, because their dependent countries were swallowed up by the Huns!"

"The Huns have a channel to go south, so they can naturally threaten the homeland of the two countries. The Huns have been restricted by the two countries for so long. Once they gain power, they will fight with the two countries, and they will not compete with us. The week begins!"

"After all, they have offended the two countries by the scriptures. If they offend Da Zhou, they will be attacked on three sides. As long as the Shan Yu of the Huns is not an idiot, he will know how to choose!"

When the generals heard this, they suddenly lost their desire to fight.

The Huns are here to show off.

Eighty percent of them can't fight.

"Then Commander, what should we do?"

someone asked.

Wei Qing said: "Follow me to the top of the city to have a look, I guess the Huns will send people to shout out at the bottom of the city, just to listen and see what the Huns look like!"

The Xiongnu, that was a powerful tribe that was driven away by the Eastern countries during the previous dynasty.

Since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, basically not many people have seen the Huns.

For the Xiongnu, it was dark in the eyes.

Just took the opportunity to find out more.

The so-called know yourself and know the enemy will not be perilous in a hundred battles.

Soon Wei Qing and others arrived at the gate tower.

I saw that the city was densely packed with the Huns' army.

I'm afraid there will be no fewer than [-] troops!

"That's all. It seems that the governor is right. The Huns didn't come to seize the city and attack my Great Zhou!"

"Yeah, don't say 10, even [-] people are not enough!"

There are [-] soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the city, all of whom are elite fighters, so why should the mere Xiongnu be afraid.

"Look, the Huns are indeed here!"

Soon the envoy of the Huns with a scepter came to the city with ten riders.

The generals of the Zhou army did not shoot arrows.

"I am the Youxian King of the Great Xiongnu, and I have come to the commander of the Great Zhou Branch under the order of my king. Shule is now my great Xiongnu's asylum country, and the Shule king is wanted by my Great Huns!"

The tone is very hard.

So arrogant, dare to open your mouth to ask for it.

Wei Qing glanced at the confidant guard beside him.

The personal guard stood three steps forward, and shouted down: "Tell your bastard Youxian King, this is the place of Da Zhou, where did you come from, where are you going back!"

"If you want a city, just go to war. My Da Zhou is not afraid of anyone."

The Huns envoy didn't say much, turned around and left.

Go back and report to King Youxian.

After hearing this, the second prince of Shule said to King Youxian: "Youxian King, the Zhou people are too arrogant, and they don't take the Huns seriously. Please send troops to attack. My Shule army is willing to be the vanguard!"

King Youxian stared at the city of Shule for a long time.

After being urged several times by the second prince of Shule, he said: "The Zhou people have the capital of arrogance, the morale of the Zhou army is very high, and there are many soldiers in the city. Our army has come from far away, and it may be disadvantageous to attack the city rashly."

The second prince of Shule became even more anxious when he heard the words.

Even if he is a fool, he can see that the Huns don't want to grow up with Da Zhou.

After receiving the news that King Shule was captured by the Zhou people, the attitude of the Huns changed.

So I started to procrastinate, refusing to march in a hurry.

Now that he finally got to the city, King Youxian began to look for reasons again.

I don't want to fight Zhou people.

"Youxian King, you Huns are the most powerful and brave in the world. It is easy to capture the capital and drive away the Zhou people. It shouldn't be like this..."

Before the second prince Shule could finish speaking, the Huns shouted loudly.

"What are you kid, you dare to command and teach my king a lesson!"

"That is, it is our king's decision whether to attack the capital or not. How can you allow yourself to be presumptuous?"

"Back off, you are interfering with my king, I will kill you!"

The second prince's face was livid after being trained.

Anyway, he is also the second prince of Shule Kingdom.

He has a noble status and has been pampered since childhood. ,

Now that King Shule is dead, he is about to inherit the throne.

Status doesn't have to be different from that of a virtuous king.

Tiemu saw that the second prince hit a wall.

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and the imperceptible cunning quickly disappeared.

Then he stood up and said: "Forgive me, everyone, my second prince is also eager to save the country, but he is just in a hurry!"

"Since King Youxian has decided not to attack the city for the time being, then we will listen to King Youxian!"

After speaking, Tiemu took the second prince and left.

The second prince was very unwilling.

But after Tiemu repeatedly gave him a few looks, he had no choice but to follow and leave.

King Youxian kept staring at Shule City.

It was as if he hadn't seen Tiemu and the second prince, let alone heard what they said.

It wasn't until Tiemu and other people from the Shule Kingdom left that King Youxian's face turned grim.

Turning around, he turned his eyes to the direction where Tiemu and the second prince Shule were walking, his eyes were cold, gradually revealing contempt and sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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