Chapter 912
"My lord, the second prince of Shule is so ignorant, do you want it?" A Hun general made a killing gesture and asked King Youxian.

King Youxian shook his head and said, "I don't need it for now, I hope the Shule people can realize their situation and know what they should do!"

The little second prince Shule came, and killing him was as easy as crushing an ant.

At present, the cooperation of Shule people is still needed, so King Youxian naturally doesn't want to be troublesome.

It is more important to deal with Dazhou, Guishuang and Persia.

A few days later, the Xiongnu Shanyu sent someone to reply.

It means the same as Youxian King.

It is to stop the fighting on the Eastern Front.

Temporarily draw out energy to deal with Guishuang and Persia.

Youxian King received the reply from Shan Yu of the Xiongnu, and then said to his subordinates: "Come here, go to the city and talk to the people of Zhou. The Huns and Zhou have not fought, and we can become friends!"

"The Great Xiongnu can also become the place where Great Zhou sold silk and tea in the West!"

"It's the king!"

Soon the envoys of the Huns entered Shule City.

Wei Qing received the envoy of the Huns.

After hearing what the Huns envoy said, Wei Qing only said: "My Da Zhou welcomes all partners who do business with us. My Da Zhou is always hospitable. When friends come, they have wine, and when wolves come, they have swords!"

The envoy of the Huns was overjoyed after hearing this.

Da Zhou didn't want to fight either.

It is in line with the strategy of the Huns.

So I left happily.

After the Huns envoys left, the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty asked one after another: "Captain, do we really want to do business with the Huns?"

"Great Governor! If you trade with the Huns, will you offend the two great empires of Persia and Guishuang!"

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The Huns are not a good thing.

After comparison, the trade and importance of the two empires of Persia and Guishuang are much greater than that of the Huns.

Wei Qing said with a smile: "You guys, what is strategy? The Huns just don't fight us temporarily, so we fulfill their wish and don't fight."

"We have pushed all the countries in the Western Regions horizontally, and the soldiers are also tired. The territory is very large and needs to be consolidated. For the time being, we are unable to fight the Huns!"

"In the future, when we have consolidated the Western Regions, we will just fight westward. For the time being, let the Huns fight Persia and Guishuang, and let you three countries consume it. In the future, there will be less obstacles for our westward advance!"

"As for trade, we only conduct business with merchants, not with a certain country, so whether it is Persia or Guishuang, we have no right to interfere with us!"

"If anyone refuses to accept, you can come to fight!"


Time flies and half a year has passed!
The land of the Western Regions is generally peaceful.

The war between the Huns and Persia and Guishuang continued.

In the Central Plains, the situation is also quietly changing.

Wei Guo has no worries.

Withstood the attack of the steppe countries.

After fighting for half a year, both sides were exhausted and exhausted.

At this moment, Luo Cheng couldn't hold back.

At the moment when the war between Wei State and the grassland countries had just ended, the Tanlang (Tianshu) army went north to the grassland.

Attacked the royal court of the Xianbei Kingdom.

Luo Cheng succeeded in the first battle and eliminated the Xianbei royal court.

However, it also came back at a great price, losing [-] soldiers.

Later, Xianbei's main force pursued Luo Cheng's tribe.

At this time, Ye Qing and the court of Chang'an received a report from Jin Yiwei.

He was a little shocked by Luo Cheng's recklessness and attack without military orders.

But Ye Qing was still quite decisive.

Immediately ordered the Xuanwu Army to support Luo Cheng.

He also ordered the Kaiyang Group Army to go northward.

The two groups headed northward.

Finally, cooperate with the Tanlang (Tianshu) army to surround the main force of Xianbei.

18 Xianbei troops were wiped out in World War I.

Afterwards, the three armies swept all the ministries of Xianbei, which lasted for a month, and wiped out Xianbei.

Once Xianbei was destroyed, the grassland countries were immediately frightened.

Especially when it is close to the Yuan Kingdom.

Wei Guo was even more emotional.

"Now that Da Zhou has taken over Xianbei, our country of Wei is also surrounded by Da Zhou!"

"Yeah, we worked hard for half a year, and we all made wedding dresses for Da Zhou!"

"I just said that when Da Zhou withdrew his troops at the border, it was uneasy and kind to let us go north to fight against the barbarians. Now it has really come true!"

"What's the use of saying this, Da Zhou is getting stronger and bigger, and we... hey!"

Looking at the faces of the people below, they were thinking about the weakness of the Wei State.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Wei Zeng, the emperor of Wei State, felt even more uncomfortable.

The Great Wei State came, and the Great Zhou State ate meat.

The weak country in the past has now become a well-deserved overlord.

"I heard that Da Zhou has now taken back the entire Western Region, and traded with Western countries, earning a lot of money?"

"There are other things like this. How big is the Western Region? That's bigger than my country Wei plus South Korea!"

"No wonder Da Zhou is not in a hurry to eat us and South Korea now!"

With such a large territory in the Western Regions, Da Zhou's vision is naturally different.

This time, the topic in Wei Guochao Hall was also changed.

Wei Zeng at the top felt even more uncomfortable when he heard this.

Ye Qing, the co-author of Wei Guo, doesn't like it anymore.

Even if the whole country surrenders, it is not very fragrant.

After the dynasty was over, Wei Zeng returned to the imperial study and called Prince Wei over.

"Father, what are your orders for this son-in-law?"

Wei pretended to come in and asked An to ask.

Wei Zeng sighed and said, "Da Zhou conquered the entire Western Region, do you understand this?"

Wei Jia was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied: "Father, I know about this matter, because it has been published in Da Zhou's newspapers long ago. There is no county in the Central Plains, and there is no county where people don't know about it."

"Even Liao, Goguryeo and other barbarian countries know about it!"

Speaking of this, Wei Jia showed a hint of envy.

Da Wei is now nothing compared to Da Zhou.

If it weren't for the mercy of Da Zhou's subordinates, remembering the affection of the same family, they would not attack Da Wei.

That Wei country was wiped out when the barbarian alliance attacked.

Wei Zeng saw his son's envy when he mentioned Da Zhou.

It's even more unpleasant in my heart.

So he coughed and asked, "Then how long do you think I, Da Wei, can last?"

Wei Jia was taken aback again.

How long can it last.

Wei pretended to think about this question seriously, then shook his head and said, "Royal father, I can't predict this, Guo; because how long we can keep the Great Wei, the decision is not in our hands, but in the Great Zhou!"

"Whenever Da Zhou wants to destroy my Great Wei, my country of Wei will destroy it!"

"We don't have the capital to compete with Da Zhou!"

Wei Zeng snorted coldly and said, "You are the crown prince of my great Wei, no wonder you want the country of Wei to perish, and the royal family of Wei Zeng perish!"

There was confusion in Wei's fake eyes, and his expression was gloomy.

I dare not lift my head!
"Father, the disparity between us and Da Zhou is getting bigger and bigger. Even if Da Zhou doesn't beat us, we will gradually be weakened. At that time, there will naturally be people who will fan the flames in the country and give Da Wei to Da Zhou!"

"Emperor Ye Qing is a very smart person, he is both civil and military, and his subordinates are too capable!"

"He doesn't want to fight us or South Korea. As long as he slowly develops the hinterland of Dazhou, has money and food, and has enough soldiers and horses, we don't need to fight, and we will lose."

"This game of fighting for hegemony in the Central Plains is over. Wei Guo has no chance, and South Korea has no chance..."

(End of this chapter)

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