I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 913 Wei Guo’s Decision

Chapter 913 Wei Guo’s Decision

Chapter 820

Wei Zeng's expression became even darker, and the father and son were embarrassed there for a while.

After a long time, Wei Zeng said: "Then you mean to surrender?"

Wei falsely said: "Royal father, this is our only choice. If you surrender early, you can still keep the Wei family. Emperor Da Zhou is a man of affection.

At that time, it will definitely be given to us Marquis, so that our Wei family will not be wiped out. "

Wei Zeng closed his eyes.

It was the last thing he wanted to happen.

But it might happen again.

And it is the only way to save the Wei family.

"Father, we need to do this as soon as possible, because if we don't do it, South Korea may take the lead, and we will lose the opportunity if we seek refuge!"

"Father, if we don't surrender to Great Zhou, then we have to learn from Northern Qi!"

The Northern Qi Dynasty moved the whole country.

To the barbarian land in the north.

Wei Zeng waved his hand to signal his son to go down.

After Wei Zuo left, Wei Zeng murmured and sighed.

"Could it be that my Wei country is really hopeless!"

"I don't even have confidence in my successor, and the throne is not enough to inspire him to fight."

"Others may not even have the intention of living and dying with Wei!"

Wei Zeng also became more and more confused.

This one is all day long, late at night.

He didn't leave the study.

At the time of the third watch, I heard the sound of calling the watch to tell the time.

Wei Zeng just stood up, walked around outside, and looked up at the sky.

It's like asking for results from heaven.

The next day!

Hundreds of officials of the Great Wei State went to court.

But Baiguan has no spiritual head.

After all, Dawei's hope was cut off.

The only thing to welcome the Great Wei State is the subjugation of the country.

No one is in a good mood.

He was born in a big week and didn't do anything.

It's just an indication.

This made Wei Guo extremely uncomfortable.

"If you have something to play, you will retreat if there is nothing!"

The eunuch in front of the palace sang loudly.

All the officials did not speak out, they were all waiting for others to stand up.

But no one came out.

Wei Zeng glanced at the officials below, and then cleared his throat.

"My lords, since I don't have anything to participate in, there is something I want to discuss with you!"

Bai Duan was taken aback, and said one after another: "Please make it clear, Your Majesty!"

Wei Zeng focused his attention on Prince Wei Jia.

Wei's fake body shook slightly.

What the emperor wants to say is not related to yesterday's conversation.

Sure enough, the next moment, Wei Zeng looked away.

Then he said: "My lords, the strength of the Great Zhou Kingdom is now far greater than that of us and South Korea combined."

"There are no less than 50 people in armor, powerful armaments, a developed economy, and a land area that is about ten times that of ours!"

All the officials exploded, as if they guessed what Wei Zeng wanted to do!
Discuss one by one.

"Your Majesty, although Great Zhou is powerful, our Great Wei is not bad either!"

The people from the Ministry of War stood up and said.

The Ministry of War is the last thing that wants the Great Wei Kingdom to surrender.

In such a strange atmosphere, it is quite necessary to stand up and strengthen the emperor's confidence at the first time.

But they underestimated Wei Zeng's disappointment with the Great Wei State.

Wei Zeng went on to say: "Now we are the Great Wei, bordering the Great Zhou on three sides, and handing over the barbarians to the north. The national strength is weak, and the wars are endless, and the people's livelihood is difficult."

Speaking of this, Wei Zeng choked up a little.

He couldn't help covering his face with the dragon sleeve.

It seems very guilty.

Shame on the situation!
"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Ministry of War is united and will surely keep foreign enemies out of the country!"

"Your Majesty, we, the soldiers, will swear to the death to defend the Great Wei Kingdom!"

"Your Majesty, even if we all die in battle, we will not lose our land..."

Wei Zeng was very moved when he heard it, and other departments that had always been at odds with the Ministry of War did not dare to stand up and ridicule at this moment.

Instead, he nodded approvingly.

"You are loyal and brave in defending the country, I see it, and the empire will remember you!" Wei Zeng nodded with satisfaction, and then said:

"However, the empire will not just watch you die.

It's time for the empire to protect you! "

The people in the military department were all confused.

What the emperor said today was weird.

This is what you want to do.

It's very strange how to talk inside and outside.

Wei Zengchang sighed and said, "My Great Wei is not qualified to compete with the Great Zhou for hegemony in the Central Plains. The Central Plains overlord is already the Great Zhou, and the unification of the Central Plains is imperative. After all, it is a panic and irreversible trend!"

"His Majesty……"

Wei Zeng raised his hand and did not dare to look directly at the officials: "It's okay, from the moment the empire started, it was destined to die one day, but this day fell before our eyes!"

"The people are suffering, and the world needs to rest. The disappearance of our Great Wei may be the best explanation for the Central Plains!"

"Even if my Great Wei is gone, its spirit will be passed down forever!"

"So Your Majesty, you want to!"

All the officials choked up with sobs, and complex lights shone in their eyes.

too suddenly.

It was all too sudden.

Emperor Wei Zeng, although not a hero, was not a fool.

It's not mediocre either.

Why did I, Da Wei, come to this step?

Before being attacked by Da Zhou, Da Wei would surrender and sacrifice his land.

"By my order, Da Wei will send a request to Da Zhou to merge from now on, and I hope Da Zhou will approve it!"

"Please treat the Emperor of Great Zhou kindly to all the people of the Great Wei Kingdom!"

"We all belong to the Central Plains, we belong to the same clan, we don't discriminate against people from the Wei realm!"

Speaking of this, Wei Zeng himself could no longer say a word.

Stand up and walk out of the hall.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty can't!"

"Your Majesty, you have been wronged!"

"Your Majesty, the people of Great Wei will always remember you!"

The people secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but also somewhat sad.

After all, Wei is their mother country.

It is the place where they grow up and realize their ideals and ambitions.

The emperor disbanded the Great Wei State.

Whether it is a general or a civil servant, there is still something in my heart that I can't accept.

Especially the generals chased them out of the hall one after another.

A few loyal civil servants also followed out, hoping to persuade Wei Zeng.

The officials who stayed in the hall just focused their attention on Prince Wei Jia.

The emperor disbanded the Great Wei, but the successor was Prince Wei Jia.

Wei Jia's attitude is equally important.

If Wei Jia wants to seize power forcefully and lead Da Wei and Da Zhou to fight to the end, then there must be many people who support him.

Wei Jia glanced at all the officials, frankly waved his sleeves, bowed and bowed: "My lords, act according to your majesty's will!"

"The fate of Great Wei is not in the hands of Wei Guo, nor in the hands of the Wei family!"

Baiguan was completely relieved when he heard this.

The prince was not stubborn.

Made the same choice as the Son of Heaven.

This is the best result for Wei.

Dawei really couldn't bear the war.

"His Royal Highness is wise!"

"I will thank His Royal Highness the Crown Prince on behalf of the people of Wei!"

"His Royal Highness is benevolent, and people in the world will remember His Royal Highness' benevolence and righteousness!"

All the officials bowed deeply one after another.

At this moment, the Great Wei court basically unified their opinions.

At present, the officials of the Ministry of Rites wrote the invitation form, stamped it with a jade seal, and then sent it to Chang'an of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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