I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 914 South Korea's Choice

Chapter 914 South Korea's Choice

Wei Guo's actions completely shocked other surrounding countries.

Especially South Korea.

Originally, South Korea was the first country to surrender.

Please get Da Zhou's understanding to ease the border.

As a result, the state of Wei arrived and surrendered directly.

Ask Wei to merge into Zhou. ,

Han An fainted immediately after receiving the news.

"Wei Guo...Wei Zeng...how could he do this!"

"Wei Guo harmed me!"

Han An woke up, beating his chest and feet again.

Cursed for a long time.

Wei Guo's move undoubtedly completely sold South Korea.

Do not give South Korea a way out.

The state of Wei was swallowed up by the Great Zhou.

South Korea is surrounded by large circles.

Where is there a way out.

Can't die anymore.

"Come on! As soon as we meet, immediately, immediately, quickly!"

Regardless of his health, Han An immediately asked the eunuch to deliver the decree.

Soon all the officials from South Korea arrived.

After arriving, everyone was talking and arguing endlessly.

There are also those who scold Wei Guo.

In short, it is also a mess.

Apparently they had received the news of Wei's surrender.

So each one is also anxious.

"His Majesty is here!"

The eunuch in front of the palace sang, Han An entered the palace, and said directly: "Misters, I believe everyone has heard about the actions of Emperor Wei Guo. This matter is true. You should quickly come up with an idea, what should I do in Korea? "

All the officials were quiet for a while, and then discussed among themselves.

quarrel with each other.

Still can't come up with a solution.

Han An directly sat on the dragon chair.

Then he glanced at all the officials, and slapped the dragon chair hard: "My lords, my Korean life is at stake, and it's time to show your true courage!"

At this moment, Han An thought in his heart, it would be great if Han Ran was here.

In order to protect South Korea, Han Ran abdicated, went to Chang'an of the Great Zhou, and became a hostage of the Great Zhou.

Thinking of this morning, Han An felt very uncomfortable.

He didn't get the throne very well.

has been criticized.

Many domestic people scolded him.

"Your Majesty, since the Kingdom of Wei has surrendered, we in Korea...or else, let's do it!"

"Your Majesty, this matter is inappropriate, I can do it in Korea... I can persevere!"

Soon the officials were divided into two factions, and one faction advocated immediate surrender to Da Zhou.

According to Wei's practice, he asked Da Zhou to incorporate South Korea into it.

There are also some who firmly oppose it and want to fight Da Zhou to the end.

When did Da Zhou come to fight and make a decision.

Han An looked at the noisy crowd in front of the hall, and his head hurt badly.

Rubbing his temples, he felt very uneasy.

"Okay! Stop arguing and retreat!"

After all, Han An was young, so he couldn't help but slapped the dragon chair hard.

Then he got down from the dragon chair in anger and left the hall in a hurry.

All the officials were shocked on the spot.

This is the end of the court meeting.

How could the Son of Heaven be like this.

This time is too tantrum.

If Han Ran was here, he would definitely not be able to make such an outrageous move.

, However, Han An is too young.

It's not right.

All the officials argued for a while, and then went home.


Great Zhou Changan!

"Good news, Your Majesty! Good news!"

Da Zhou was holding a court meeting at the same time, also discussing state affairs.

At this time, an official from the Ministry of Rites came to the front of the hall.

After getting permission, come in small steps.

"Your Majesty, the Great Wei Kingdom has just sent a document, requesting that the Wei Kingdom be included in the Great Zhou, and there will be no Great Wei Kingdom from now on! I hope Your Majesty will grant it!"


In the Great Zhou Dynasty Hall, all the officials were also taken aback.

It seems that some people don't believe it.

Wei Guo surrendered.

Inexplicably attached?

What's the situation, we haven't fought against Wei yet.

Are you so nervous that you surrendered too early.

Ye Qing laughed when he heard this.

Smiling brightly, he glanced at Guo Jia and the others before saying, "Submit it!"

Soon after Cao Zhengchun brought the things up, Ye Qing nodded in satisfaction after looking at them and said, "Very well, Emperor Wei Zeng made a very wise decision, which avoided the civil war in our Central Plains country.

The casualties of the military and civilians of the two countries were reduced. "

"Emperor Wei Zeng's benevolence is unparalleled, and he is an example for the world!"

All the officials in the hall suddenly boiled.

The matter of Wei Guo is true.

Wei Guo really surrendered.

What a great thing!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the great week and ten thousand years!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to Da Zhou, Your Majesty's benevolence, Your Majesty's reputation has been passed down to the world, and he has been recognized by the people of the world. It is really..."

All the officials praised it one after another.

Ye Qing was also overjoyed, and said with a smile: "The peaceful settlement of the Wei Kingdom is not only due to my credit, but also to everyone. The emperor of the Wei Kingdom is also wise and decisive, which should be greatly praised!"

"It's Your Majesty!"

Zhang Yi from the Ministry of Rites stood up and said, "Then Your Majesty, are we going to return to Wei Guo now?"

Ye Qing said: "No rush, wait and see what South Korea does!"

Um!Look at Korea.

Zhang Yi quickly reacted.

Wei Guo has surrendered, and South Korea has no chance.

Surrounded by the big four sides, if you don't surrender, you will have to perish.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Everyone praised it again.

Chang'an City!
Korea Pavilion!
"What, Wei Guo surrendered, Wei Zeng presented a surrender form!"

When Han Ran heard about it, he was also so angry that he beat his chest and stomped his feet, and was so dizzy. ,

Wei Guo's actions directly made all his efforts of Han Ran come to naught.

How could Han Ran not be angry.

However, when the anger was over, Han Ran began to think about the way out of South Korea.

There is really no chance of sending out to Korea.

So he resolutely said to his opponent: "Quickly, prepare the carriage, I want to see the emperor of Zhou, and I will go to the palace to face the saint now!"

Soon Han Ran went to the palace in a carriage.

Ye Qing also met Han Ran.

Han Ran was also the first to come to the study of the Great Zhou Emperor.

Although he is also the emperor, when he came in for the first time, he was shocked by the map of the world hanging in Ye Qing's study.

The world is boundless and broad.

But Dazhou has explored a lot since then, conquering almost all the places that can be visited.

"Chen Han Ran pays homage to Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing raised his hand and said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to be polite!"

After all, Han Ran was originally the emperor, although he is now the Supreme Emperor.

But Ye Qing still gave him the basic etiquette.

Han Ran didn't get up, but said instead: "Your Majesty, I'm here to ask for something!"

Ye Qing said: "What's the matter?"

Ye Qing stared at Han Ran with a smile, guessing what the other party wanted.

Han Ran said: "Your Majesty, please allow South Korea to be incorporated into the Great Zhou. From now on, there will be no South Korea, and Han and Zhou will be one. The people of Han are all the people of Zhou.

The army and officials of Han are all your majesty's army and officials! "

Total surrender.

But Han Ran also played a word game.

He wanted South Korea's army to be incorporated into Dazhou and not disbanded.

Korean officials also continued to serve as officials in Dazhou.

So the Korean royal family still retains its power.

But Ye Qing vetoed it in a cold voice: "I'm afraid I can't approve this matter, Your Majesty Han Ran, Han An is now in charge of South Korea."

In other words, what you say, Han Ran, doesn't count.

This matter needs to be discussed by Han An.

It is only useful if Han An presents a surrender form.

Dealing with Han An is obviously much easier than dealing with Han Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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