Chapter 915 Unification of the Central Plains


Han Ran froze for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing refused.

He offered Dahan himself, but he didn't want it.

But soon Han Ran also reacted.

Ye Qing saw through his little trick.

Han Ran couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

However, as an emperor, his skin is naturally thick.

He said again: "Your Majesty, although I am the Supreme Emperor of South Korea, the affairs of South Korea are still in my hands. As long as I give an order, South Korea will definitely surrender to Your Majesty and Da Zhou!"

"My son Han Ran dare not refuse! Please allow Dahan to be incorporated into Dazhou!"

Han Ran bowed deeply and saluted.

There's nothing to say about that attitude.

Full of sincerity.Another person accepted it.

But Ye Qing was unmoved.

Korea is just meat on the chopping board.

Wei Guo surrendered so simply and directly.

And Han Ran was still thinking carefully.

Ye Qing didn't want to talk to him.

"Your Majesty Han Ran, since you are considered the Supreme Emperor, you cannot control the affairs of South Korea!"

"I, Da Zhou, know etiquette, and even more rules. Since the current emperor of Korea is Han An, he has the right to be equal to me, and he has the right to talk to me!"

"Since you have come to Chang'an, you have fun and recuperated, and the common affairs of the two countries will not bother you!"

After speaking, Ye Qing said to Cao Zhengchun outside: "Come here, send His Majesty Han Ran back to rest!"

"No!" Cao Zhengchun walked in, like a ghost, and floated to Han Ran's right rear wing.


"Your Majesty Han Ran, please!"

Han Ran wanted to say more, but he felt the murderous aura emanating from Cao Zhengchun.

As well as Ye Qing's displeasure, he could only bow down and say, "Your Majesty, I can step down today, I only wish to merge Korea into the Great Zhou, and let Your Majesty decide the rest.

I, the royal family of the Han family, also let His Majesty dispose of me. "

"Your Majesty, please accept South Korea's request for the sake of the Korean people!"

This time Han Ran didn't dare to play tricks.

Only then was Ye Qing satisfied.

"Cao Zhengchun and so on! Since His Majesty Han Ran is so sincere and South Korea's willingness is so strong, it would be too unkind for me to refuse!"

When Han Ran heard this, he touched the man secretly.

People are knives, I am fish.

South Korea has no choice.

The only chance to win, I used it myself.

However, he is not yet Ye Qing's opponent.

Han Ran also felt a little helpless.

One step wrong, step by step wrong.

The six countries in the Central Plains were all destroyed.

Da Zhou became the only winner.

Thinking of this, Han Ran felt a little calmer.

At least South Korea can keep the Huang family.Not exterminated.

Like Bohai Kingdom, Beishi Kingdom, and Chuyue Kingdom, the royal family is gone.

South Korea is lucky.

Soon the Ministry of Rites of the Great Zhou sent representatives to Han and Wei respectively.

The news that the two countries requested to merge was published in advance in the newspapers.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The people of Dazhou were also boiling.

Excited one by one.

After listening to the newspaper readers finish reading, they hugged each other excitedly and wept.

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great week, ten thousand years!"

"My Great Zhou has finally unified the Central Plains, and my Great Zhou has fulfilled the long-cherished wish of several generations of kings!"

Countless people in Chang'an, and even people in the states and counties of Dazhou, took to the streets to celebrate.

Ceremonies were held throughout the city.

Host a celebration.

Half a month later, Wei Guo and South Korea held surrender ceremonies at the same time.

The person in charge is King Wucheng and King Luoyang.

After all, the two kings are both from Wei and South Korea, and there are genes of Wei and Han in their blood.

And they are all princes.

Ye Qing is the most suitable representative.

The handover ceremony was very simple. After the handover, the two emperors, Han An and Wei Zeng, were sent to Chang'an.

King Wucheng and King Luoyang sit in the capitals of the two countries.

The officials of the various ministries of the Great Zhou Dynasty took over the prefectures and counties of the two countries.

Of course, this work is complicated.

It takes time to digest.


"My lords, now that both Han and Wei are merged into our Great Zhou, our enemies in the east and north will only be barbarians!"

The sand table was pulled out.

Ye Qing and a group of important officials gathered around one after another.

"The two barbarian kingdoms of Yuan and Liao bordering on our Great Zhou in the north!"

"Yuan is a threat to Daijun in Youzhou, and Liao is a threat to Youbeiping in Youzhou!"

"One restricts us from Juyongguan, the other threatens the Youzhou Plain, and indirectly threatens the Jizhou Plain, so the two countries must be removed, so that the threat of our Great Zhou on the northeast side can be regarded as a basic contact!" Guo Jia pointed at the sea across the sea with a long pole. The peninsula road facing each other:

"Three Koreas and Goguryeo are our second-stage threat to the Northeast, and countries farther away, such as Jin, are the third-stage threat."

"So if we want to solve the three-stage threat, we must deploy at least two group armies in Youzhou, and they must be a mixed cavalry team. It is best to have a navy army in order to blockade and occupy the Bohai Sea and control the waters of the Bohai Sea!"

After speaking, Guo Jia handed the long pole to Bai Qi.

Ye Qing said: "What's the opinion of the general and the Ministry of National Defense!"

Bai Qi took Guo Jia's pole and replied: "The analysis of our Ministry of National Defense is basically the same as that of Feng Xiao.

Therefore, our Ministry of National Defense hopes that the Empire will set up an army to cooperate with the Xuanwu Army and Kaiyang Army to deal with the barbarians in the northeast! "

"The new group army is dominated by naval forces! Not only must it be able to attack, but it must also take into account the near-coastal defense in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea!"

"By the way, the Ministry of National Defense hopes that the Xuanwu Army Group Army and Kaiyang Group Army will be able to replenish 10 troops, mainly from Jizhou, Youzhou, Yanzhou, and Qingzhou!"

Jizhou Youzhou is the original land of Wei State.

Yanzhou and Qingzhou were the former lands of Korea and Northern Qi.

Ye Qing thought for a while and said, "Yes, from now on, the Xuanwu Army Group Army and the Kaiyang Army Group Army will each be upgraded to a large group army with [-] troops."

"At the same time, a Weihai Group Army is being established. The Weihai Group Army is in charge of the offense and defense of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. The number is tentatively set at [-]!"

"After the Sanhan Peninsula is resolved, the Weihai Army will be upgraded to a large army with 10 horses. Then the Weihai Army will be responsible for attacking the Japanese land!"

The country of Wa was discovered by Northern Qi.

When the Northern Qi moved, it was unavoidable to be looted and disturbed by the Japanese.

The Northern Qi State has always made requests to the Great Zhou, hoping to jointly attack and destroy the Wa State.

After all, we all belong to the same family, so to bully Bei Qi is to bully Da Zhou.

Da Zhou will naturally not let Wa country go.

Once conditions permit, Ye Qing will not be polite.

That's why it was arranged to set up the Weihai Group Army, a group army that focuses on naval and water warfare.

When the army in the north began to move towards the border, the Tianji Army and Suzaku Army in the south began to move south, attacking the barbarians in Central Vietnam and West Vietnam.

The 20-strong army set off in mighty strength.

Conquer the small countries affiliated to the former Chuyue Kingdom.

All of a sudden, the war started in the south, and the mountains, hills, and jungles of China and West Vietnam were full of smoke.

Countless small barbarian countries were conquered and destroyed.

The engineering department of Dazhou organized the captives to vigorously open up roads, build garrison cities, and take root in the barbaric land.

Half a year later, all barbarian countries in China and Vietnam were wiped out.

Da Zhou's army reached the edge of a large Nanling River called the Pearl River.

At the same time, looking south to the sea, the warships departing from Yangzhou and heading south along the near coast converged on the Jiulong Islands.

(End of this chapter)

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