Chapter 916


Mount Emei!
The forbidden area behind the eyebrow gate!

"Concubine Shu cracked another martial art today, it's really amazing!"

"Yeah, this is the sixth part she cracked!"

"In this way, our Meimen Sect has another unique skill. In the future, my Meimen Sect can go further and become stronger!"

While the elders of Meimen were discussing, Guo Xiang turned around and stopped practicing.

Instead, he closed his eyes and meditated, reviewing the new martial arts he had cracked in his mind.

After the review, he ordered people to record the deciphered moves in the booklet of martial arts cheats for the disciples to practice.

On Meishan, the high mountain stands tall and steep, and the female disciples of Tsingyi School led by Guo Xiang have become a beautiful scenery of Meishan. Discussing enrollment matters with Guo Xiang.

Let Xu Yingying, the chief disciple of the Tsing Yi School, be in charge of this enrollment. The elders discussed and decided.

"Well, Xu Yingying handles things properly, is gentle and talented, and her martial arts is also the best among her disciples; she is a suitable candidate."

After Guo Xiang finished speaking, she took her leave and went back to her side hall to instruct her disciples.

Arriving at the side hall, the eldest disciple Xu Yingying was leading the junior sisters to practice martial arts, Guo Xiang said: "Everyone stop, I have something to announce!"

"A new round of recruiting new disciples is about to start. This time, Yingying is in charge of recruiting new disciples. You must follow the arrangement of your senior sister, assist in the recruitment competition of new disciples, and select the best ones; you must also maintain the safety of new disciples' entry .”

"Yes! All the disciples said."

There was an endless stream of people who signed up, and the crowd was surging.

Among them, Xiaobai and Xiaowu, the clever ghosts, also participated.The number of applicants reached 300

After a period of preparation, the date of enrollment arrived in a blink of an eye.

The sky was slightly bright, and the people waiting in line could no longer see the edge at a glance. They were in groups of threes and twos, whispering and discussing the selected propositions.

In the morning, the sun shines on Meishan, shining brightly, the mist floats, the clouds and mists are entwined, the fairy air is lingering, and it is too beautiful to behold.

Xu Yingying and her two junior sisters solemnly announced in the competition platform of the disciple center: "The competition for new students in Meishan is now starting. Please abide by the rules and order. Do not practice favoritism or cheating."

Endurance and speed are compared at the beginning, and the one with the shortest time from the foot of the mountain to the steep top of the mountain will win the top [-].

A gong sounded, and the competition began.

Xiaobai, Xiaowu and other students also packed up and set off.

At the foot of the mountain, at the beginning, everyone was scrambling to be the first, full of energy, and refused to give in to each other.

Xiaobai and Xiaowu grew up in Meishan, and the mountain roads are very familiar to them, so they are far ahead; entering Meishan to become disciples of the Tsingyi School is also their dream.

The most dangerous thing about Meishan is the iron chain on the cliff halfway up the mountain. You need to slide the iron chain across the bridge to reach the top.

The bridge cables swayed from side to side and swayed. I don't know how many people have flinched and dared not pass.

After a while, the two of them had reached the position of the iron chain halfway up the mountain.

Xiaobai skillfully took out the steel wire rope that he used to cross the iron chain, and passed it quickly.

Xiao Wu, I'll slide the rope over for you, and you slide over according to my method.

good!Xiao Wu also fastened the rope and passed safely.

After a stick of incense, the two quickly reached the top of Meishan Mountain.Other members have gradually climbed to the top one after another.

Soon the top [-] contestants came out and became Guo Xiang's closed disciple.

"We can finally be Meishan's disciples, learn martial arts, and protect those we want to protect," Xiao Bai said to Xiao Wu excitedly.

Recalling the war-torn era, the villagers who were bullied by corrupt officials, the unjust cases, the old and the weak, women and children who were bullied, the corners of Xiao Wu's eyes moistened slightly.

Yes, we can protect them when we learn it!

"Congratulations to the junior sisters who have become the new generation of disciples of Meishan. Please follow me to see the master." Xu Yingying walked quickly among the disciples and said.

Following the senior sister Xu Yingying all the way forward, I came to the glorious hall. In front of the hall, the disciples were exchanging martial arts with each other. The swords and swords were sonorous and powerful. The new disciples were all fascinated; they couldn't help sighing.

Follow me into the hall, the elders are all waiting in the hall, and a young man in front of the hall informed us.

After finishing speaking, everyone entered the inner hall together, and saw a few old men with white hair and a young and beautiful woman sitting in the hall;The main hall is brightly lit, and the dragon-patterned stone pillars are tall and straight, standing solemnly, which makes people awe-inspiring.

"This woman is our master, Master Guo Xiang." Those should be the elders of Meishan. "Xiaobai murmured.

"Sure enough, Master is just as the Jianghu said, she is a stunning beauty, the key is still a martial arts prodigy," Xiao Wu echoed,

It can be called perfect, following such a tireless master, I think we will be as famous as the master in the future.Xiaobai secretly looked at Xiaowu and said,
Hmm, definitely will!
There are also fifty futons in the main hall for the new disciples to take their seats.

"New disciples, please sit down and worship," said a heroic young man on the left side of the elders,

Xu Yingying also said that new disciples should pay homage to their master and master, and become formal disciples.

After finishing speaking, everyone raised the hem of their clothes, knelt down to the futon with their legs, and respectfully worshiped like elders.

Having seen Master, Master, everyone spoke in unison, resounding through the entire hall.

After the ceremony!The new disciples are seated; the elders are invited to give the new disciples an introduction.

I saw the old man sitting in the middle, nodded slightly; and said: "Since you have started to become a disciple of Meishan, I hope that you can study hard and practice hard in everything you do, improve martial arts, uphold justice, and punish evil and promote good. I swear to abide by the rules of Meishan sect; I will not do anything that insults the sect or betray my master; I hope that after I have learned something, I will defend the suffering people of Liming, defend our dynasty, and carry forward the spirit of Meishan; if I violate it, I will expel the sect and never enter Meishan .”

After finishing speaking, the new disciple's oath resounded throughout the hall.

After the initiation ceremony.Xu Yingying brought all the new disciples to Guo Xiang's side hall and waited for her master Guo Xiang to return to the hall.

Guo Xiang came slowly from the main hall, and everyone stood on the left and right sides to welcome the master.

The master is here!Xu Yingying reported in front of the hall

Everyone put their hands half-clenched in front of their chests, bowed, and said in unison: "Greetings, Master!"

"Excuse me!" Guo Xiang said as she walked straight to the center of the hall.

Everyone straightened their clothes and stood straight, facing the master.

"From today onwards, you are new disciples under my sect. Take a short rest tonight, and your senior sister will give you a good place to live. You will start practicing basic skills tomorrow. I hope you can study hard and learn something. Momo I have failed my teacher's instruction; Yingying will take them down." Guo Xiang looked at these immature youngsters and said softly; "

Xiaobai and Xiaowu followed senior sister Xu Yingying to the bedroom.

The bedroom is at the back of Guo Xiang's side hall, each room has been cleaned, clean and tidy, it can be seen that it is inherent to women, and there is a faint fragrance of jasmine in the room, which is very pleasant; sure enough; there is a square table for resting. A pot of green jasmine with white flowers.There is also a pot of steaming scented tea.

Xiaobai and Xiaowu shared a bedroom, looking at the embroidered quilt, smelling the fragrance of flowers; drinking scented tea, after washing up, the fatigue of the day gradually dissipated, and the two of them fell asleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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