Chapter 917
In the early morning, when the sun rises, the singing of larks on Meishan Mountain is loud and melodious, heralding the arrival of a new day.

The sun shone on the window sill of Xiao Bai and Xiao Wu's room, the light was warm and lazy, and the jasmine was also stretching its branches freshly, overflowing with the fragrance of flowers and flowers; the two people on the bed were sleepy, blinking their eyes, and finally woke up.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, wake up!" Xiao Bai patted Xiao Wu who was still turning over and wanting to sleep.

"Well; what time is it, do you want to get up and gather?"

"That's right, the sound of practicing swords can be heard outside. We have to get up early, wash up, and comb our hair; later, we will go to the side hall with the senior sisters to gather."

Well, I still want to sleep for a while, well, Xiao Wu murmured sleepily, yawning, rubbing her eyes.

"Hurry up, you lazy cat!" Looking at such a lazy Xiao Wu, Xiao Bai wanted to cry without tears.

The two got up, washed, dressed neatly, made up their buns, made the bed, and watered the jasmine. After leaving the door of the room, they met other partners who were preparing to gather.

Walking to the courtyard near the temple, I met senior sister Xu Yingying. I saw that the senior sister changed her makeup and hair today.

"Junior sisters, are you all here? Come with me to the hall to greet the master." Xu Yingying said softly:
Everyone entered the hall in an orderly manner, and the master Guo Xiang was already waiting in the hall.

The purple robe that Guo Xiang was wearing today made her look even paler, with a faint blush on her cheeks, vermilion lips, bright teeth and bright eyes, no matter how you look at it, she is a stunning beauty with no dead ends.

After everyone bowed, they stood orderly on both sides of the hall, looking at their master Guo Xiang in admiration.

"Today is your first day of study. Let your senior sisters teach you the most basic martial arts moves. Since you have joined my school, I hope everyone can practice hard. Alright, let's go to the courtyard behind the mountain to practice with your senior sisters." !” After Guo Xiang finished speaking, she waved her hands to signal all the disciples to retreat.

Xiaobai, Xiaowu and other disciples followed the senior sisters to the back mountain courtyard.

There are many peach trees planted in the courtyard, and it is now the flowering period, the fragrance of peach blossoms is overflowing, the flowers are tightly clustered, pink everywhere; the green grass under the peach trees is soft, and there are some strange stones scattered in the corners.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Everyone exclaimed!

"Xiao Wu, practicing here is really pleasing to the eye, such a beautiful place is like a fairyland." Xiao Bai said to Xiao Wu intoxicated:

"Well, it is very beautiful, beautiful like a painting."

In the middle of the courtyard there is an open space like a gossip array, black and white, this open space is for practicing martial arts.

After getting acquainted with this place, each of them distributed a saber with a sandal-colored scabbard. There was a sharp sound when the sword was pulled out, which showed that the sword was extremely sharp.

Everyone arranged in an orderly interval, watched the martial arts moves of the senior sister, and started to copy them.

The basic skills require frequent practice, crisp and neat movements, and more than enough flexibility. The senior sister has already taught the movements of the first lesson, and the rest of the time is for new students to practice on their own.

It's been a whole morning of practice. After practicing, everyone's backs are sore. After all, it's just the beginning, and their strength is limited. They start to feel weak, and it's just time for lunch; "Okay, this is the end of the morning's homework, let's go to dinner! "After the senior sister finished speaking, everyone stood up straight, put away their swords, and prepared to go to the restaurant for dinner.

"The master chef of the restaurant used to be the cook in the imperial dining room in the palace. After he retired from the palace at the age of one, he came to Meishan to be the chef of the restaurant."

The food must be delicious, so I can have a good meal at noon.The greedy Xiao Wu couldn't resist the excitement.

With a hungry stomach, I went to the restaurant, walked through the front hall, and walked through the path, and a scent came out, "It smells so good!" It was the smell of the food, and these little greedy cats couldn't help swallowing several saliva .

Smelling the aroma, I quickened my pace unconsciously. When I came to the restaurant, the food was already on the dining table. I saw a dazzling array of delicacies, sweet and sour pork ribs, kung pao chicken, sweet-scented osmanthus fish... people's appetite greatly increased.

I saw an old man in the restaurant wearing a linen apron, and said kindly, "Everyone find a place to sit down; if you don't have enough bowls and chopsticks, you can go to the kitchen to get them yourself."

This is Master Zhang, the chef of the restaurant. He is amiable and his cooking is top-notch. Looking at the dishes on this table, one can imagine.

Master Guo Xiang and the elders have already sat down in the side hall of the restaurant, "You have practiced all morning, you don't have to be restrained, let's all eat, the master told me to arrive."

Xiaobai, Xiaowu and Lulu were seated together, Chunhua was seated together, Lulu was a quirky girl, Chunhua was the exact opposite, quiet and introverted, full of books between the lines.

I took a bite of the smooth sweet-scented osmanthus fish, um, it was delicious!Xiao Wu squinted her eyes, looking excited, really like a greedy cat that has been hungry for a long time.

Lulu picked up a piece of chicken and said to Xiaobai: "This chicken is also delicious, fragrant and spicy, and it is fragrant and not greasy with rice. You all have to try it."

Xiaobai took Lulu's chicken and took a bite, um, indeed, it was tasty and sweet.

Chunhua unhurriedly ate the sweet and sour pork ribs, "You all have to try the pork ribs, it's sweet and sour, it's delicious!"

After finishing speaking, everyone picked up a piece, indeed, sweet and sour, appetizing.

The dishes made by Master Zhang are so delicious, and the atmosphere on the table is full of smiles, which comes from the satisfaction of the food.

In a blink of an eye, everyone was full, and following the principle of not wasting, it was considered a CD.There were food scraps all over the table.

After eating, your table is responsible for cleaning up the hygiene of the restaurant for Master Zhang, cleaning the pots and pans.The senior sister said to Xiaobai's table; from now on, every meal will have to take turns helping the restaurant.

OK!Xiaobai, Xiaowu, Lulu and Chunhua happily agreed.

After finishing speaking, they began to clean up the dishes, Xiao Wu swept the floor, Lulu mopped the floor, Chunhua and Xiao Bai washed the dishes, and Master Zhang was packing the ingredients.

'Master Zhang, the dishes you cook are really delicious, I will learn how to cook from you in the future,' Xiao Wu called softly

"No problem, I want to learn, come over after school, I will teach you." Master Zhang said with a smile.
After tidying up, the kitchen looks brand new, bright and tidy.

At noon, you can go back to your room to rest, and you have to practice in the afternoon.

The witty ghost Lu Lu said, "Let's go for a stroll in the courtyard. If you are familiar with it, you can also pick a few bunches of flowers and decorate it."

"However, some forbidden places are not allowed to go. What should we do if we enter by mistake?" Xiao Bai frowned:

It's okay, the forbidden areas are guarded, let's pay attention, just don't get close.

Well, let's go together, but we are new disciples, we must be cautious and not break the rules.

Just like that, the four of them walked slowly all the way to the courtyard by the cliff.

The flowers are floating, the breeze is gentle, the weather is clear, and the flowers in the courtyard are of various colors. There is no impetuousness here, and the torment of the war has been washed away, and the soul has been washed.

(End of this chapter)

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