I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 918 Naughty little monkey

Chapter 918 Naughty little monkey
The four of them trotted with the picked flowers in their hands, as time passed by, as if staying at this moment.

Unknowingly, I came to a forest on the edge of the cliff, the sun was shining, through the gaps in the leaves, the cicadas were singing again and again, and the larks were singing crisply.

"Who is it?" Suddenly, a piece of banana peel hit the deer's head, and she looked up at the treetop in pain.

Zhizhi, I saw a little gray monkey with a tuft of white hair on the top of its head, big eyes sparkling, teeth gritted, holding a half-eaten banana, and staring at them with interest.

So cute, this is the spirit monkey from Meishan!It is said to be human.

"No, the monkey who threw banana peels everywhere," Lulu said, and wanted to throw the banana peels to the little monkey again.

The little monkey screamed, dodged cleverly, and yelled at the deer. Unexpectedly, the little monkey grabbed the fruit on the tree and threw it down. Like a shell, it crazily hit them. Xiao Wu was hit, she was covering her head in pain, her little bump was slightly swollen by the fruit, "Little monkey, don't run, wait until we catch you, and see if you still dare to hit us!" Xiao Bai and Chun Hua They weren't smashed, but it was funny to see them being smashed.

You are still laughing, hurry up, catch this bad monkey, let it be so arrogant, dare to beat us, talking about Lulu will climb up the tree to catch the monkey.

When the deer climbed up the tree trunk, the little monkey didn't panic, didn't run away, and even made faces at them. It's rare to see such a monkey with character.

Seeing that it was about to reach it, the little monkey hopped and jumped to another branch. The deer's center of gravity was unstable, and it fell off the tree, and fell into the mud. Fortunately, the tree was not very high, and there was nothing wrong with falling down. Looking at the gray-faced Lu Lu, the little monkey smiled even more proudly.

It hurts to death, stinky monkey, you are still laughing, when I catch you later, I will pull off the white hair on your head, Lulu is cursing and suffering, Xiaobai and the others can't help but want to laugh.

The little monkey made a grimace, looked at them with round eyes, provocative and mocking, and knew it was a naughty and clever monkey at a glance. Suddenly, the little monkey jumped up, and there was a bright red tree next to it. The apple tree, at a glance, is bright red, compared with ordinary apples.The color of this tree is bright and rosy, and the leaves of this tree are thick and luxuriant. I think the apples it bears must be very sweet.

The little monkey jumped over and picked an apple and ate it. What he heard was the crisp and sweet sound of the little monkey gnawing on the apple, and the apple juice also flowed down. It was a monkey that only knew how to eat. When I went there, I saw a green snake entwined around the tree trunk, lurking behind the little monkey, spitting out snake letters constantly, and the little gray monkey who was so busy eating didn't know that this snake was very poisonous, so Xiaobai and the others couldn't help it. Nervously sweating for the little monkey, the snake was gradually approaching the little gray monkey, and the distance was still one meter away, "What to do, obviously the snake wants to attack it," Xiao Wu said in horror.

"Little monkey, there is a snake behind you," Lulu called to the little monkey

However, the snake was very fast, and it was already close to the little monkey. In a blink of an eye, it wrapped around its body. With a sound, the apple fell to the ground, and the little monkey screamed in panic. Everyone became tense, this scene was full of fear, after all they were all afraid of snakes.

No, we have to save it, we can’t let it be eaten by the snake, after Xiaobai finished speaking, he found a long branch on the ground, the height was just enough to hit the middle of the snake, and with a single tap, it hit the snake’s waist and abdomen, and the snake ate it. Shrunk in pain, and fell down from the tree together with the little monkey. When it fell, the snake's tail relaxed. The little monkey fell separately from the green snake.

However, the falling green snake, the snake itself is a mollusk, falling does not cause any harm to it. After falling, it found Xiaobai and the others, and turned to attack them. Bai swam over, Xiao Bai waved the branch backwards, looked at the snake that was about to attack her, and remembered the common saying of catching snakes on the mountain, hit the snake seven inches, wait for the opportunity, aim, and go down with a stick with all your strength, " Hit! Hit!" Xiao Wu and Chunhua screamed.

Opening his eyes, the snake passed out, Xiaobai finally heaved a sigh of relief, after all, there was a woman who was not afraid of snakes, and she fell down in the grass with a very poisonous snake, and the little monkey was beside her, but He didn't move, "Go and see, little monkey, if he's injured"; as he said that, Xiaobai dropped the branch and trotted towards the little monkey.

Holding the little monkey in his arms, he realized that this naughty monkey was actually very thin and small, probably not very old. The little monkey's eyes were blurred, and there was a little panic struggle. Xiaobai comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I will See if you are injured?" Looking around its body, there were two blood holes on one arm, and it was still bitten by a snake, no wonder its lips were a little purple, obviously poisoned.

Lu Lu, Xiao Wu, and Chunhua all surrounded her, "What should I do? If it is poisoned, the little monkey will not be saved?" Lu Lu said nervously, even though the little monkey played her mischievously, At this point, he couldn't be cruel at all, but was very afraid that the little monkey would die.

Si!With a sound, Xiaobai tore off the corner of the hem of his clothes, pulled off a strip of cloth, and tied it above the monkey's arm, where the blood artery was, to prevent the rapid spread of the venom, "I heard that snake gallbladder can remove snake venom, should we Take off the snake gall and detoxify the little monkey." Chunhua looked at the little monkey's weakening body and said worriedly;

"The little monkey's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. The venom must be slowly flowing in its blood. No matter whether it works or not, we have to try it. We must save it!" Xiaobai took out the self-defense belt. The little dagger walked towards the unconscious green snake.

Looking at the snake is still frightening, even though it is unconscious now, Xiaobai stepped on the snake's head with his feet to prevent the snake from suddenly waking up and attacking, and took the dagger to cut open the snake's body, the knife edge immediately turned bright red, and the snake's blood spread, When I cut it deeper, I saw that it was the internal organs of a snake, "Well, it's disgusting!" There was also a pungent bloody smell; Xiaobai couldn't help but gag.

"Little monkey, don't sleep, I will soon get the snake gall to save you!" Xiao Wu sobbed
Enduring the smell of blood and the nausea from seeing the snake's internal organs, Xiaobai continued to cut the abdomen, and suddenly found a green oval-shaped object that was crystal clear like green agate, and asked: Is this it?
"Yes, it's this one, this is the snake gallbladder," Chunhua glanced at it, and replied with certainty.

The dagger cut sharply, and the snake gall broke away from the snake's body, took it out, held the snake gall, the snake gall was soft and a little elastic, "Be careful, don't break it, let the little monkey swallow it, it is very bitter if it is broken , don’t need population,” Chunhua added
(End of this chapter)

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