Chapter 919

"Yeah!" Xiaobai carefully held the snake gall, and came to the little monkey, ready to feed it; Xiaowu carefully supported the little monkey's body, "Before it falls asleep, let it swallow it quickly." ," "Little monkey, open your mouth! Eat it, and you will be detoxified!" Xiaobai whispered to the little monkey
The little monkey could understand it, and opened its mouth obediently. Xiaobai handed over the snake gall and fed it into the little monkey's mouth. Watching the little monkey swallow it, he let go of his hanging heart.

After the little monkey took the snake gall, it may have been paralyzed by the poison, and fell into a coma.

Xiaobai, "Let's take it back. It's such a serious injury, we can't leave it behind. Take it back to let it recuperate. Besides, there may be other ferocious beasts in this forest." Xiao Wu said worriedly.
Well, let's take it back to heal, it's extremely unsafe to have it here, the four of them agree, and they all love this clever and cute little monkey.After speaking, Xiaobai held the little monkey in his arms, and the four of them prepared to take the little monkey back to the bedroom together.

Walking through the courtyard, following the way he came, he returned to the bedroom, and placed the little monkey on the beds of Xiao Bai and Xiao Wu. The little monkey breathed peacefully and evenly, "It seems that the snake gall has worked, The effect of detoxification" can finally let go of the gripping heart, but I still need to find some detoxification herbs to bandage and apply to the little monkeys. After all, it takes time to remove the residual poison. I have to ask Master Zhu in the medical center for this herbal medicine. , we are not proficient in medical theory, "I'll go," Chunhua said, "Master Zhu and my uncle in the medical center"

"Chunhua, I didn't expect you to have such a relationship, you are so good!" Lu Lu was as excited as having discovered a new continent, eating a big melon

"The reason why I didn't tell you is because I don't want others to criticize me. They think I came here through the back door. I want to rely on myself and become a disciple here in a fair manner." Chunhua said apologetically
"It's okay, we will keep this secret for you, and, Chunhua, you came in through a competition, no one will criticize you, and we will not allow others to criticize you." Xiaobai patted Chunhua's face shoulders, reassuring.Xiao Wu also hugged Chunhua, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious and comfortable, the four recognized and helped each other like friends for many years...

Chunhua went to the clinic to ask his uncle to take the herbal medicine, smashed it up and bandaged the little monkey, and Xiao Wu also made some detoxifying herbal medicine for drinking, and fed it to the little monkey. I hope it can recover soon!
A few hours passed like this, and there were still practice in the afternoon, the assembly bell rang, and the clang echoed in every corner, reminding that it was time to assemble.

, Xiaobai and the others simply tidied up their messy attire, and followed the crowd to the practice field in a hurry.

Soon we arrived at the meeting place, and the futons had already been placed on the ground. Senior sister Xu Yingying ordered everyone to sit on the floor. There was a familiar and beautiful figure standing in the center in front of them. I took a closer look and saw that it was the master Guo Xiang. The elegant purple skirt was fluttering and the breeze was blowing gently. Don't have a charm.

"Learn about meditation in the afternoon. Meditation has been used to enlighten the Tao in ancient and modern times. I hope that you can all comprehend the morality of the world calmly." After speaking, the master also sat down on the ground, took out a meditation book, and read slowly, and the disciples followed suit. "Purify your heart and keep your will, you can reach the Tao, your arms are like a mirror, remove the dirt and keep it clear, cut off desires and desires, and you should get your destiny." ... The sound of Lang Lang's writing resounded through the courtyard.

After studying for two hours, the afternoon homework is over, which can be described as a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physique. Everyone got up, stretched their paralyzed bodies, and prepared to have dinner.

When I came to the restaurant, as usual, the meal that had been prepared was another meal that was full of color, fragrance and taste.

After dinner, the sky is shining with the setting sun, and the clouds are dyed red by the colorful clouds. For the rest of the time, the disciples can go to the courtyard or the bedroom to rest.

Remembering that the little monkey hadn't eaten yet, Xiaobai and the others hurriedly took some fruit back to the bedroom, ready to give it to the little monkey.

Open the door of the bedroom, and quickly look in the direction of the bed, "Where's the little monkey?"Seeing that there was no little monkey on the bed, Xiao Wu became nervous, and approached quickly, bared, and heard the sound, which came from under the table. She saw that the little monkey was hiding under the table, and her eyes rolled around. Naughty Monkey is online, don't look at the cloth on the wrist to bandage the wound, maybe jumping where to go
"Little monkey, come here quickly, look, what did I bring you?" Xiao Bai softly held oranges, apples, and bananas and waved to the little monkey.

The little monkey jumped from the bottom of the table onto the table, took the banana, peeled it and ate it.

"Sure enough, it can understand and is quite spiritual," Chunhua looked at the little monkey munching on bananas
"Little monkey, we saved you, don't mess with me anymore." Lulu looked at the naughty monkey angrily.

The little monkey, after eating the bananas, turned his head and bowed to them, obviously thanking them for saving him.The four looked at each other and smiled, Xiaobai stretched out his hands to the little monkey, wanting to hug the little monkey, the little monkey jumped lightly and jumped into Xiaobai's arms.

"So cute!" Xiaobai stroked the little monkey's head, and the little monkey sat on her arm obediently, and then Xiaowu, Lulu, and Chunhua all patted it. It was obedient, as if It wasn't the naughty monkey anymore, Xiaobai put the little monkey back on the table, and said softly: "There are still fruits, eat it quickly, and you will recover sooner after eating it."The little monkey took another apple from the table and gnawed it.

"Let's give it a name," Xiao Wu suggested

"Well, yes, what's the name?" Lulu echoed
Otherwise, let’s call it Xiaohui. Except for the white hair on its head, its whole body is still gray. Xiaobai suggested

"Well, let's call it Xiaohui, Xiaohuihui, Xiaohuihui," Lulu jokingly began to call the little monkey the name he had just chosen.
Xiao Hui, I will call you Xiao Hui from now on, okay?Xiao Bai touched the little monkey's head and asked, the little monkey looked at them, squeaked, and nodded, expressing approval, "Look, it agreed, it can really understand what we say, it's amazing, Lulu thinks it's unbelievable.

That little gray, do you want to send it back to the forest after it recovers?Xiao Wu doesn't really want Xiao Hui to leave.

"Let it choose for itself. If it wants to stay, it can stay. If it doesn't, then send it back." Chunhua patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder.

Xiao Hui finished eating the fruit, patted his belly, and burped, "You greedy monkey," seeing its expression, couldn't help laughing and crying
Xiao Hui jumped to the ground, then ran to the bed, jumping back and forth, full of mischief, seemed to be full, and the mischievous monkey came back again, which happened to mean that the herbal medicine had detoxified it, thanks to Spring What about the herbal medicine given by Master Zhang, Hua's uncle, otherwise, the little monkey would not get better so quickly.

Well, in the future, when we have free time, we can collect herbs for Master Zhang, Xiaobai suggested
(End of this chapter)

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