Chapter 920 Discovered

Yes, the uncle said, if you have any questions, you can ask him
It's getting late, it's time to wash up, otherwise it's going to be dark, Xiaobai looked out the window and reminded
Well, let's go together together. After finishing speaking, Chunhua took Lulu back to his bedroom to pack up the toiletries

Xiaohui has never played with a human bed, and is still bouncing around, as if the bed has elasticity
Xiao Hui, you stay here obediently, we are going to wash up, don’t run around, I have to change your medicine, Xiao Bai reminded me, when I heard Xiao Bai call it, Xiao Hui ran over and jumped onto Xiao Bai’s arm Going up, rubbing Xiaobai’s clothes, he seemed to be acting coquettishly, and wanted to go together, “You’d better stay here, okay, your wound can’t touch the water, and when you get better, I’ll wash you clean and take you Go play in the water."

Xiao Hui looked at his injured arm and felt a dull pain, so he nodded obediently
Xiao Bai hugged Xiao Hui and placed it on the bed again, patted its little head, "We're leaving, be good."

After finishing speaking, he packed up the washing things, went out with Xiao Wu, closed the bedroom door, and went to look for Lulu and Chunhua
The night is coming, the sunset follows the sunset, ushered in the night, candles are lit in every room, the weather is clear, the moon rises, the moon is bright and bright, the stars are dotted, illuminating the entire night sky, Meishan is on the top of the mountain , so on such a night, the moonlight and the stars dot each other, this kind of night is so beautiful.

After tidying up and washing up, looking at the night, Xiaobai and the others met and took Xiaohui to the pavilion in the courtyard to enjoy the moon and stars. There are already many people sitting on the grass in the courtyard, and some are reading books under the moonlight.
Xiao Hui was even more excited when he came out, jumping up and down, if it wasn't for his injuries, no one would be able to catch up with him. Seeing such a monkey attracted everyone's attention. They all wanted to see and touch this monkey, asking questions all the way. Asking where this little monkey came from and how it was injured, Xiao Hui became the star animal of Meishan, and the attention became the focus.

When we arrived at the pavilion, there were more and more people onlookers. "What are you doing?" the sharp question pierced through the crowd, and the onlookers spread out quickly, making way for a way. It was Senior Sister. Unexpectedly, Senior Sister Xu also came, "Yes! Who raised the monkeys; you are watching here, what are you talking about?"

"I raised it," Xiaobai said forward, hugging Xiaohui, bowing his head; it was injured and needed to be taken care of, so I kept it in our room.

"You raise a monkey without authorization, without reporting it in advance, and you take it around without fear of being punished. Take it back quickly, wait for it to heal, and release it back to the forest." After the senior sister finished speaking, she sized up Xiaohui and swept her eyes away. Sweep the bandaged arm.Then strode away.

After being criticized, Xiao Bai and the others could only rush back to the bedroom with Xiao Hui in their arms. Xiao Hui has a restless nature and feels uncomfortable if he doesn't toss, so he jumped up and down for a long time. He didn't want to go to sleep until he was tired. .

Xiao Hui fell asleep, Xiao Bai and Xiao Wu were also sleepy, their eyelids became heavier, and they fell asleep full of tiredness.

The next day, the sun was still the same, the morning glow was fiery red, and the rays of sunlight refracted colorful light. In the early morning, everyone was busy washing, tidying up, tidying up, and some packed up and went to the restaurant for breakfast
The fussy Xiao Hui also woke up early, animals wake up earlier than humans, Xiao Hui fiddled with Xiao Bai's arm, and naughty Xiao Wu's eyelids, waking them all up
"Xiao Hui, why are you so naughty, you actually rolled my eyelids?" Xiao Wu looked at Xiao Hui helplessly.
"Maybe it's hungry, let's get up and find something to eat for it!" Xiaobai looked at the little monkey bouncing around on the table

After finishing speaking, the two got up and packed the quilt, put on their clothes, and arranged their hair. Coincidentally, Lulu and Chunhua also packed up and were about to come to find them to go to the restaurant for breakfast.

As soon as Lu Lu entered the door, he hugged Xiao Hui, Xiao Hui, did you sleep well last night?Xiao Hui mischievously went around Lulu's shoulder, grabbed the hairpin on Lulu's head, pulled it, and jumped to the ground to play, causing Lulu's hair to fall loose immediately, and he wanted to comb his hair again, Xiaohui Hui, don't go too far, it's another round of chasing and fighting.

"Should we take Xiao Hui to the restaurant to eat, but I was reprimanded by my senior sister yesterday?" Xiao Wu hugged Xiao Hui and said
"Then let's not take it away. What should we do when the masters are angry and want to drive Xiao Hui away? Yesterday, the senior sister reprimanded us, but she didn't let us drive Xiao Hui away immediately, so let's bring some food back to it, so as not to be angry again. surrounded by everyone”

Well, it's still Xiaobai who is thoughtful and considerate, raising animals privately, without permission, and it would be good if we weren't punished.Later, I will go to the restaurant and bring back some delicious food for Xiaohui, Chunhua agrees with Xiaobai
Xiao Hui, you stay at home obediently, if we take you there, we are afraid that we will be punished, we will bring you back some delicious food, don't run around, Xiao Bai patted Xiao Hui on the head and told him.

Xiao Hui scratched his head, then nodded, jumped onto the table, and stopped making noise.

After closing the door, the four of them walked straight towards the restaurant.

In the restaurant, everyone is eating one after another. The breakfast is all pastries, including buns, steamed buns, pastries, eggs, porridge, and pickles.only no fruit

I don’t know if Xiao Hui eats buns, steamed buns, etc. Lu Lu looked at the dining table and asked
It doesn't matter, let's pack some, if Xiao Hui doesn't want to eat it, I'm trying to find some fruit.As he spoke, Xiaobai took out a piece of white cloth and wrapped one each.

Simply ate breakfast, and brought back the packaged food for Xiao Hui to eat.

Xiao Hui, we ate pasta earlier. Do you eat buns? Xiao Bai handed it to Xiao Hui. Unexpectedly, Xiao Hui took it with his hand and ate it with big mouthfuls. It seems that Xiao Hui is not The one that only eats fruit, whatever we eat, it probably likes to eat it. It ate up the steamed buns in a few mouthfuls, then ate the steamed buns again, and after a few more mouthfuls, the steamed buns disappeared again. Suddenly, Xiao Hui’s throat twitched, "This gluttonous monkey ate too fast, and choked on it." Seeing Xiao Hui eating so fast, the four of them couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly poured a cup of tea for it. Xiao Hui took the tea and drank it gulp, Finally the hiccups stopped.

There are still cakes, Xiao Hui, do you still want to eat them?Lu Lu picked up an osmanthus cake, looked at Xiao Hui and said
Xiao Hui was about to pick up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, unexpectedly, when it was empty, Lulu lifted the sweet-scented osmanthus cake up, but it didn't touch it, and it went up and down, causing Xiao Hui to jump up and down, but couldn't hold it. This play really made Xiao Hui out of reach, after several times of chasing, Xiao Hui gritted his teeth and turned his head to ignore Lu Lu's teasing, like a sullen child who can't eat candy.Clenched fists, pursed lips, turned his head to one side.

All right; all right; here, here you go!for you!Seeing that it was angry, Lu Lu stopped teasing it, and handed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake to Xiao Hui's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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