I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 921 Surrender the Spirit Monkey

Chapter 921 Surrender the Spirit Monkey
As it was close in sight, Xiao Hui quickly snatched it away, fearing that he wanted to tease it again, so he ate it proudly, just like this, it made people laugh.

After eating a few pastries, Xiaohui finally felt full, and started to be active again.

It's time for morning exercise, let's hurry up to gather, otherwise we will be reprimanded if we go late, Chunhua reminded.

"Well, hurry up, Xiao Hui, you just stay here and wait for us to come back, don't run around," Xiao Bai warned, looking at Xiao Hui who was playing with the flowers on the table.

After closing the door, the four of them rushed to the courtyard where they practiced martial arts.

When they came to the courtyard, everyone was already there, so the four of them were left, so hurry back to their seats, and the senior sister had already taken out the sword manual.Prepare to teach them the second form.

The second form, swordsmanship should be fast, steady, and controlled. There is a swishing sound of sword energy between the rise and fall of the sword, with a sense of sharpness, mastering the rhythm, and adjusting the breathing. Everyone began to practice.

The weather was fine, but fortunately the mountain wind was blowing gently, and the peach blossom petals danced with the wind, falling on the hair tips, shoulders, and sword tips.

In the corner of the courtyard, as everyone knows, there is a pair of bright eyes watching the figure practicing the sword. It is a young man, wearing the clothes of his sect, and also a disciple of Meishan. Others, but Xiaobai and the others.

Perhaps because he felt something strange, Xiaobai turned his head to look in the direction the young man was looking at, and found that there was no one there, but he didn't know that the young man had already flexibly hid himself.

Seeing nothing, Xiaobai thought to himself, "Why does it feel like someone is staring at me?" Shaking his head, he began to practice swordsmanship quietly.

The boy didn't leave, he looked at it for a while, frowned, and left in a hurry.

Another morning of intense practice, beads of sweat already appeared on Xiaobai's face, the sweat dripped down his fair cheeks to the skirt of his clothes, and the wind blew and the sword fell.Not far away, Guo Xiang passed by quietly, glanced at the new disciple who was practicing, and when she saw Xiao Bai, she saw that every step of her waving was refined and just right, so she nodded knowingly, it seems that this disciple has mastered the basics. The essentials, the comprehension is very good, and it is a material for martial arts.

After three quarters, the morning practice came to an end, and after a short rest, it was time to go to the restaurant for lunch.

Because of sweating, Xiaobai, Xiaowu, Lulu, and Chunhua went to the lake to wash their faces. The lake here is cold and pure. The stones and small fish in the lake can be seen clearly, and the lake reflects their surroundings. The person had a delicate and fair face, the lake water splashed on his face, it felt cool and comfortable, and he felt that half of the soreness from sword practice had gone away; suddenly, a face appeared on the water surface, with bright eyes, well-defined features, standing upright, with a slight frown, it was a Heroic boy.

Turning his head to look over, he saw that the young man was also wearing the uniform uniform of Meishan disciples, a cyan dress, but his was a men's style, and the color was dark cyan.

"I heard that you rescued a monkey, where is that monkey?" Young Hao asked bluntly

"So, he came to find Xiao Hui, who is he, and what is the relationship between Xiao Hui and him?" Xiao Bai thought to himself

"Yes, we did save a little monkey, who are you?" Xiao Bai also snapped back angrily.

"Do you know that this is a spirit monkey from Meishan, which was carefully raised by the great elder. This little monkey is still young, but it is very spiritual;" Hurry up and return it to me! , the young man yelled

"It turns out that he is the disciple of the Great Elder. Then, we should call Senior Brother, Senior Brother! We didn't know that Xiao Hui was raised by the Great Elder, and we just saved it by accident. Now Xiao Hui's injury is still intact. It has not healed and needs to be recuperated, can it be returned to the elders after it recovers?" Xiaobai worried that Xiaohui's injury is still recovering and still needs to be applied.

"Xiao Hui? By Xiao Hui, you mean the spirit monkey? How was it injured, and where is it now?" The young man didn't know, and they named it Xiao Hui.

"Yes, we named it Xiaohui. It was bitten by a snake and poisoned by the snake. Now it is recuperating in our bedroom. Don't worry, it is recuperating in our bedroom."

After listening, the boy's frown gradually faded away, "So, you saved it, sorry! I misunderstood. When I heard it, it said that you caught a monkey playing in the yard; now How is its injury, and how has the snake venom been removed?"

There is nothing serious about the snake venom. I have taken herbal medicine to detoxify it, and I have to bandage and change it regularly every day.

"Senior brother, don't worry, Xiao Hui, we are taking good care of it, it is alive and well, if you don't believe me, I can take you to see it." Knowing that it is a senior brother, Xiao Wu ignored it and invited him to visit Xiao Hui.

"It's lunch time now, let's go eat first, and then bring some food to Xiaohui," Chunhua suggested.

"That's right, Xiaohui has a big appetite, so I have to bring him some more, and by the way, bring him some of his favorite fruits!" Lulu added
"In that case, please ask my junior sisters to take me to see it and see if it is well, so I can go back and return to my life." The young man made a gesture of clasping his fists respectfully.

In this way, the five of them went to the restaurant to eat together. As usual, Xiaobai asked the chef in the kitchen to take a basket for food, packed some delicious vegetarian food, and put bananas and apples in the lower compartment, ready to take To Xiaohui.

Five people sat at a table. This time, there was an extra brother, a boy, who couldn't help but cast sharp glances from all around. Because the male disciples and the female disciples dined separately, they attracted criticism and special gazes, causing a small fight sensation.

"Brother Shao Qian, why are you eating here?" Hearing the voice, it was the voice of senior sister Xu Yingying, and it turned out that his name was Shao Qian.

"I came to look for the spirit monkey of the master under the order of the master. Coincidentally, it happened to be rescued by these junior sisters. When they heard that the spirit monkey was injured, they went to visit together after dinner."

"Is that the wounded monkey you teased in the courtyard that night?" Senior Sister looked at Xiaobai and the others inquiringly.

"Yes, senior sister, we just found out that Xiaohui is a spirit monkey raised by the great elder, and we plan to take this senior brother to visit and return it to the elder after it recovers." Xiaobai truthfully reported
"Well, since that's the case, you have to take good care of the little spirit monkey, and return it to Junior Brother Shao Qian after it recovers to bring it back to the Great Elder.

yes!Xiaobai and the others promised to come, and after saying that, the senior sister left.

After lunch, a group of people walked straight to Xiao Bai's bedroom with the packed lunch box, opened the door, Xiao Hui was already waiting on the table, saw the familiar boy, his eyes sparkled, and the boy called the little spirit monkey , stretched out his arm, and saw Xiao Huichi jumped onto his arm, and rubbed the boy's chest affectionately, like a coquettish cat, the boy bowed his head, and the spirit monkey stretched out its tongue to lick him cheeks, it can be seen that their feelings are very deep, and it turns out that Xiao Hui is also called Little Spirit Monkey.

(End of this chapter)

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