Chapter 922
"Xiao Hui, we brought you delicious food back again," Xiao Wu called out, temporarily breaking the intimacy and joy of the boy and Xiao Hui reuniting after a long absence.

The vegetarian food and fruits brought back were spread out on the table, and the boy sat down directly beside the table with Xiao Hui in his arms, "Little monkey, let's eat," Xiao Hui snorted again, jumped onto the table, and ate a big apple When he got up, all he could hear was the crisp sound of apples.

"It's still the same gluttony! Gluttony monkey!" The young man dotingly looked at the delicious food, and from time to time, apple juice and small pieces of bitten off small apple dregs dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Noticing that Xiaohui's arm was still wrapped in a white cloth, the young man hugged it again, and looked carefully at its wound, it was still a little red and swollen, the white cloth still had traces of blood, and the smell of the wrapped herbs was still strong.

"We have to change its dressing and wash the wound every morning and evening, and feed it detoxifying decoction." The wound is still a little swollen and needs some days to recuperate.Xiao Bai patted Xiao Hui's head and said
"Well, I've worked hard to take care of it, and I'm relieved to see that it's fine;" the young man expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

Brother, you don't need to be polite, given time, I believe it will be as good as before, and then send it back to the elder.

"Okay, it's getting late, so I won't disturb everyone's rest. I'm going back to report." After finishing speaking, I didn't forget to tell Xiao Hui, "Little monkey, you need to take care of your injuries. I'll pick you up after you're done, you have to be obedient, and remember not to cause trouble for the junior sisters!" I said goodbye, thank you junior sisters for taking care of me.After all, he exited the door and walked straight away.Xiao Hui looked at the leaving back, scratched his head, and blinked his eyes, it seemed that the banana in his hand was no longer fragrant, and he could see his reluctance, not to mention that it was a monkey who understood human language.

"Xiao Hui, it turns out that you have another name called Little Spirit Monkey, which is also very cute." Lulu joked
Xiaohui peeled another banana, peeled off the skin, grabbed the banana peel, shook it, "Don't be naughty, you can't throw me with the banana peel," Lulu thought that he was going to throw it again, and hurriedly He waved at it, but unexpectedly, Xiao Hui handed her the peeled banana.

"It turns out that it wants to give me bananas, you little monkey, you are so good all of a sudden, I haven't gotten used to it yet." Lu Lu was a little flattered, but at the same time dumbfounded, he took the banana that Xiao Hui had peeled and ate it in big mouthfuls. Mumbling, delicious!
Xiaohui, I want it too, why don't you peel one off for me?Xiao Wu also joined the ranks of teasing Xiao Hui.

I want it too, I want it too; Xiaobai and Chunhua also reached out to Xiaohui for peeled bananas.

Saying that, Xiao Hui peeled a banana for each of the three of them one after another, "The bananas peeled by the little monkey are really extraordinarily sweet; the four of them ate with joy. Seeing them smile, Xiao Hui also grinned." The monkey mouth smirked.

In the afternoon, after a lot of play, Xiaohui felt a little sleepy, so Xiaohui crawled on a corner of the beam to take a nap; Xiaobai and the others decided to go for a walk in the forest on the cliff
Because I have already walked through it once, so this time I am familiar with it. I soon came to the forest on the cliff. The forest was filled with smoke, which added some mystery. It was quieter than the last time I came, and the forest was as usual. There is the sound of cicadas singing and birds chirping. Walking deep, the trees are lush and lush. I am not used to traveling in the mountains and forests since I was a child, and I am afraid that I have lost my way.

The further you go, the denser the forest, and suddenly the birds in the forest fly away as if frightened, and the leaves fall one after another, as if frightened, there must be something in front, otherwise, the birds would not be so frightened I didn't know how long I walked, but I found a huge cave in front of me. The entrance of the cave was full of vines, strange rocks stood up, and the cool wind gusts exuded a majestic atmosphere.

When I walked in, the cave was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything clearly. I had to light a torch to see it. So at the entrance of the cave, Xiaobai and the others couldn't see anything clearly. Since the entrance of the cave was so big and there was wind noise, the air was If it is circulating, then someone must have been to this cave, "Shall we go in and have a look?" Xiao Wu asked timidly, leaning on Xiao Bai's back

"Since we found this cave, let's go in and have a look; see what's in it, maybe there's nothing to gain." Xiaobai decided to go in and have a look
"The cave is so dark, we didn't bring a self-igniting torch, or we go back and prepare it first, and then come again. Chunhua threw a small stone into the cave, and the rolling echo became smaller and smaller in the cave. The cave is very deep, and there is no torch , can’t see clearly, and it’s dangerous.”

Indeed, the hole is so deep and unfathomable, we must be fully prepared, let's go back first, and come back after we have prepared torches, ropes and the like.Xiaobai agrees with Chunhua's proposal.

After all, the four of them are ready to return, look!Suddenly, the deer screamed.Looking in the direction of her finger, a blackened animal with wings did not move on a boulder attached to the side. There was a faint line of blood on the stone, as if flowing from its body, like It is the blood flowing from its injury; when you walk in, it looks like a huge bat, it clings to the back of the rock, its white fangs squeak in pain, its back is lighted, and the center of its wings is bleeding, Probably the frightened bird was because of it. I had never seen such a big bat with such big fangs. It was a vampire bat. Xiao Wu heard that it was a vampire bat, so she was scared and hid behind Xiao Bai. Hiding again, "It won't come to suck blood!".

Xiaobai approached and looked at the bat on the rock, "Don't be afraid, it's injured, and it doesn't move, as long as you don't get close to it, it won't be aggressive, and bats generally live in dark and humid environments, hunting at night, it Appearing here means that there may be a lot of bats in the cave, if we go into the cave, we should prepare more torches, with the light, the bats will not approach easily." After listening to Xiao Bai's words, Xiao Wu was not so afraid "Let's go around it, don't disturb it, blood-sucking bats are still very dangerous." After finishing speaking, the four of them slowly walked around the rock that the bat clings to, and took a closer look. It's ugly, with pointed beak and fangs, it's a black mass, its wings are shaking with its breathing, and its eyes seem to be in a half-asleep state, so it can't help but feel a little lazy; who ever thought it was an attack What about vampire bats with a high risk factor for humans?This glossy black is even more intimidating.After bypassing a distance of nearly 20 meters, he breathed a sigh of relief. Such a big vampire bat is no joke, and he can finally stride forward.

(End of this chapter)

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