I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 923 This is medicine, you must drink it

Chapter 923 This is medicine, you must drink it
Returning the same way, he returned to the residence soon, and it was almost time to gather for study. Xiao Hui was still dozing on the beam of the room, but he slept comfortably. In the afternoon, he arranged a reading and literacy class for the disciples.And arranged transcription, transcribing what they learned is also practicing writing. For disciples who have never written, it really takes a lot of effort. Xiaobai and the others are no exception. Their writing is crooked, like Xiaobai. Like an earthworm, it crawls horizontally and vertically, and even laughs and smacks with ink.The master who corrected the homework also had a headache, "In the future, if you can't write well, you must get a handboard." The master frowned and looked at the ugly font, and said helplessly, "Practicing martial arts is to protect yourself and strengthen yourself. , "Come here not only to practice martial arts, "Writing, literacy is the first level of life, it contains a lot of philosophy, self-cultivation, and avenues. !

After listening to the master's teaching, everyone was quiet one after another, without laughing, and started writing seriously one stroke at a time. In this turbulent era, the ladies of rich families only have private schools, and the girls of ordinary people can only pick mulberries. Weaving linen, there are very few people who can learn to read and write. It is lucky to be able to study here. If you don’t work hard, it is really time to fight.

Xiaobai carefully wrote stroke by stroke, and finally the font became correct, which was regarded as a pass, and he didn't get hit by the hand board. Xiao Wu and Lu Lu's writing was a little bit worse, and they got a few board boards, grinning in pain.Chunhua's is for reading and writing, and the handwriting is neat and correct, and it is very beautiful. The master even hung her as a model for them to learn from.Chunhua's family was originally a family of merchants, and the family hired a private school, which made people envious of her talent.

After practicing calligraphy, evening came, and after dinner, Xiaobai and the others changed Xiaohui's dressing and bandaged it. Seeing that the lump on his arm had indeed dissipated a lot, Chunhua also brought over the herbal soup made in the clinic "Be careful, it's a bit hot." Chunhua warned, and put the herbal medicine on the table, and feed it to Xiao Hui after it became cold. Gritting his teeth, "This guy probably dislikes the bitterness of herbal medicine, he doesn't want to drink it, and wants to avoid drinking medicinal soup."

"Xiao Hui, come here quickly, this is medicine, you must drink it, you can't hide it, it's a bit bitter, drink it to get rid of your snake venom."
Unexpectedly, Xiao Hui kept waving his hands, refusing to come over, stuck out his tongue, and frowned funny, which was to say, "The taste is too bad!" Seeing it like this, I couldn't laugh or cry.

Seeing that it refused to come, Xiaobai walked over, stretched out his hand to hug it, and stroked its head, "Be good, and you'll be fine after drinking the medicine.

"Why don't you put a piece of sugar in its medicine, it won't be so bad to drink. When we were young, we drank herbal medicine, and Auntie added a piece of sugar to it for us, so the medicine would not be bitter," Xiao Wu suggested
But where is the sugar?The last time I saw the master cooking candy in the restaurant last time, you can go to the restaurant to get a piece of sugar, I will get it, and wait.The last time Lu Lu cleaned the kitchen for the master, he saw sugar in the seasoning bottle, so he went out to look for sugar.

After a while, I saw Lulu running over with a piece of white crystal candy in his hand, "|The sugar is here! The sugar is here!"|
The medicine is almost cold, so put the sugar in it.As he said that, he added sugar to the decoction, stirred it with a spoon, melted it, and it was ready to drink.

Xiao Hui, now that the medicine has added sugar, it won't be so bitter, you can come over and drink the medicine, Xiao Bai calls this little monkey who refuses to take the medicine.

Seeing that sugar was added to the medicine, Xiao Hui finally came over to eat the bowl of soup medicine on the table, and fed it the first spoonful. It took a small sip, it must have tasted the sweetness, it poked its mouth, and began to drink in big gulps Woke up, it turned out that this little monkey also loves sweets and sweets.Watching it drink up the decoction, like a child who hasn't eaten candy for a long time, he pursed his mouth contentedly.

As night fell, it was time to start lighting candles. The lights were brightly lit, and the night was still. Let’s ask for some candles from the senior sister who handed out the candles. Xiaobai and Xiaowu were talking, and Chunhua and Lulu were holding Holding a candle, "I just asked the senior sister in charge of logistics for some candles, and I plan to go to the cave tomorrow." Well, I was talking about asking the senior sister for some candles, so you brought them, just right. "|
"It seems to be too early now, why don't we practice calligraphy, so as not to be punished if we don't write well tomorrow," Lu Lu brought all the four treasures of the study. The master's ruler is really painful, otherwise why would he want to practice obediently? "Yeah, that's right, the hands are all red and hot," Xiao Wu also got the ruler, and learned to behave, "Chunhua's writing is good, let's let Chunhua teach us," Xiaobai Looking at Chunhua, "Writing still requires a lot of practice, and the writing must be orderly. You can see how I write, follow each stroke, and I won't be scolded and punished by the master tomorrow." I took out the paper and pen, stained it with ink, and began to teach them to write stroke by stroke in a serious manner.Watching Chunhua write, Xiaobai and the others also began to learn. Sure enough, following Chunhua's style of writing, horizontally, vertically and vertically, pointing and scribbling, the written characters are standardized and neat, and there is no such twists and turns, just holding the pen The strength and the size of the font, the three of them, some of the characters are of different sizes, it looks like a combination of a big hen and a little chicken, the font is uneven in thickness, compared with Chunhua's writing, it is heaven and earth Don't.

After practicing a cup of tea, everyone was yawning, and looked very tired, "Let's stop here today, and continue practicing tomorrow. Don't rush to write. It still takes time. Write more as the master said. Practice more and think more, you will be able to write neatly." Chunhua comforted Xiaobai and the others, um, practice again tomorrow, and then began to tidy up the four treasures of the study, cleaned the inkstone, and after tidying up, Chunhua and Lulu went back to their bedroom went.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Wu hadn't fallen asleep yet, so she asked Xiao Bai, is reading and writing really so important?Why are only women from officials and businessmen able to read and write?
Of course it is important. Officials and merchants can gain a foothold in the world because of reading and writing. Heroes are also literary and martial arts. They are famous for their talents.Because of this, officials and merchants all know the importance of reading and literacy, and their children will naturally have private schools and teachers to teach them, while our ordinary ancestors are not literate, they will only work hard, the depths are barren, and the status is very different. So I don't have the qualifications to study, this is the inequality of the world, so what my husband said is correct, I am very lucky to be able to study and read here.

Well, Xiao Wu murmured and replied, after Xiao Bai finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Wu, and she actually fell asleep; she fell asleep so quickly, Xiao Bai sighed and covered Xiao Wu with the quilt.Then I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep...

(End of this chapter)

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