Chapter 924 Murals
The next day, the weather was still fine and the sun was plentiful. After finishing homework in the morning and feeding Xiao Hui, everything was ready, and he followed the previous track to the cave yesterday.

The vines are still entangled on the rocks at the entrance of the cave. After only one day, it seems to be more verdant and green, and the inside is still dark. Look at the giant bat that was injured yesterday. It was very careful when passing the rock. Unexpectedly Yes, "it's gone" and only the bloodstains on the rock wall are left. It is estimated that after resting, it flew to forage at night, or even hid in the cave after foraging. After all, bats are creatures that are active at night. Since If so, you should be more careful.

Before entering the cave, Xiaobai reminded him, "After entering the cave, you should follow closely, don't get lost, hold your sword tightly, and protect yourself if there is danger." After speaking, the four of them looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Lighting a candle, the four of them walked into the cave. There was light in the cave. The ground in the cave was relatively wet, the soil was loose, and it was slightly slippery. "The road is slippery, everyone, be careful!" Xiao Wu almost She slipped and fell, but fortunately Xiaobai supported her, so she didn't fall down.

Continue to walk forward slowly, candles illuminate the rock wall, there are many strange rocks on the rock wall, and there are water droplets dripping down, now it is still outside the cave, and the light from the entrance of the cave has not yet been seen. Small flying insects, with white wings, are flying on it, there are many of them, I don't know if they will attack people, or if they are poisonous,
"Try to walk as lightly as possible; don't attract these flying insects." Xiao Bai warned softly.

Continue walking into the cave, and after walking through the section where the water dripped, the ground in this section dries up instead. The road is not affected by the water droplets, and it becomes easier to walk. The cave is empty and deep, and there are dense stone pillars standing everywhere.When I came to a place, I looked around. It was round and empty, and there were no protruding stones on the ground. It was extremely flat, as if someone had specially built it.

"Look! What is this?" Looking in the direction of Lulu's voice and fingers, he moved the torch, and saw that there were paintings on the rock wall, which were too far away to see clearly, so Xiao Bai and the others moved the torch to the side of the rock wall, and then they could see clearly.

"Yes, this is a mural." It was carved with a knife. It looks a little old, but the carving is relatively deep, so it can still be clearly seen. "This is a comic strip. We are now in the middle , the beginning should be on our right side," Xiaobai looked at the figures carved on the mural, and concluded that it was a comic strip that recorded something. After speaking, he slowly moved to the right side, where the painting started, holding a candle.I saw that there is an old man and a young boy engraved in the painting. The children in the painting are a little immature. The old man is sitting on the futon, while the young man kneels down to the old man with his hands clasped. .

The candle moves to the left. This picture shows the old man holding a book and pointing his finger to one side. The child is holding a sword and practicing martial arts sideways in the direction of the old man's finger. This picture should be about the old man holding a martial arts secret book to teach The boy practiced his moves, and moved to the next picture. The old man was sitting at the tea table, stroking his slender beard. The boy in this picture was taller than the previous one. The boy bowed slightly, as if asking the old man for something. Looking at the next picture, the old man is standing on a gazebo, looking into the distance, thoughtful.

The young man is portrayed on the stairs going down the mountain. This painting should be about "what the young man is going down the mountain, and the old man sees him off".Moving on to the next picture, I saw that all of them were strangers, with violent expressions, swords colliding, bloodstained, and some fell in a pool of blood. This picture depicts these people fighting and killing each other, Xiaobai and the others hurried I lit up the next picture with a torch. This picture depicts another group of strangers facing each other with swords and swords. They all looked at the old man. The old man was also waving a long sword, frowning, and holding the sword in his hand. is a book.

"This picture should be that these people are fighting for the old man's martial arts secret book, and the old man is defending it, so he is waving a long sword"; quickly look at the next picture, only to see that this picture depicts the old man clenching his chest tightly and spitting blood from the corner of his mouth , looking down, and the old man's books are in the air, and a crowd of people are looting. This picture should be about "the old man is poisoned and is in danger, and the martial arts secrets are being fought over by these people,"

Look quickly, in the next picture, Xiao Wu directly illuminates the candle on the next picture. This picture depicts the old man lying on the ground, and there is also a lying corpse next to him, and several groups of swords are facing each other to kill. The difference is that a door is drawn, and a young man comes through the door, and behind him there is a large group of armored warriors.

"Look carefully, isn't this young man the one portrayed earlier?" Chunhua discovered that this young man looked the same as the young man who was portrayed earlier when the old man taught martial arts; "Well, this is the old man's apprentice. It seems that this picture tells The strange thing is that when the martial arts cheats were being fought for, the old man was already dead, while the others were still fighting. The old man's apprentice should have become a general and arrived in time with his soldiers.

Then hurry up and take a look at the next picture. Lulu is eager to know the ending of this comic strip. The candle continues to illuminate the next picture. This picture depicts a tombstone. There are blood-stained cheats, and the soldiers behind are standing in black, solemn and solemn. This picture is obviously that the old man passed away unfortunately, and the martial arts cheats are guarded by the young man. The young man is very sad about the old man's departure, and the soldier is also solemn and solemn Solemnly seeing the old man off, the last one, this painting depicts a bridge.

The boy crossed the bridge with the soldiers, and then a hole was carved. There were bats hovering at the entrance of the hole, and the boy took the soldiers away.Look carefully, how does this bridge feel deja vu.

"Isn't this our Meishan bridge?" Xiao Wu looked closer and exclaimed, "Indeed, it's just that the bridge depicted here is paved with wooden boards. Now our Meishan bridge needs ziplines, but the bridge is the same. Yes, Xiaobai also found out, "

There are bats in this cave. Doesn’t this just describe the cave we are in? "Chunhua touched the lifelike bats depicted, and the associations were connected together; so this picture is about, "The boy built the bridge on Meishan, walked across the bridge to the cave here, and then hid something in the cave. After that, did you leave? "

"It should be. It is possible that there are important things placed by the boy in the cave, perhaps the cheat book that was robbed. It is so secret here, and there are bats, and there may be organs or something. If we go forward, we must Be more careful!" Xiaobai turned his head to look at the deep hole that was still dark and bottomless.

(End of this chapter)

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