Chapter 925
After reading the paintings carved on the cave wall, walk along an exit next to it. It is a deep path. The ground is paved with polished stones, which looks very flat. There are even oil lamps hanging on the rock wall. Bai and the others lit the oil lamps with candles, and the path immediately became brighter.

"Look!" There are many holes on the rock wall. Is this for ventilation?Lu Lu pointed to the wall and asked.Indeed, there are a lot of holes on the wall, because the holes are dark and damp, and a bit of moisture is coming out, it looks like it is breathing, Xiaobai looked at it and said, "Let's go, go to the front and have a look,"

After walking a few steps, suddenly, the stone floor tile that Xiaobai was stepping on sank, what a disaster!It must have triggered the mechanism, and as he said that, countless arrows flew out of those holes, rushing towards his face, no good!Quickly took the arrow as a defense, said, quickly drew out the arrow, kept waving to block the stabbing arrow, the arrow flew towards the cheek, and pierced a blood mark, but fortunately enough to block it with his hands, quickly think of a way, Look at the continuously ejected arrows.

Xiaobai and the others retreated while blocking. When they retreated to the first stone floor tile, this floor tile also sank for a moment. There was a sudden sound, and no arrow flew out of the hole where the arrow came out. "It turns out that the hole is closed." The launching mechanism is here." Xiaobai looked at the floor tile he stepped on, put away the sword in his hand, and began to size up the floor tile.

"That's right, the floor tiles are so smooth after being polished, so the mechanism that controls the arrow must be on the floor tiles." After finishing speaking, he squatted on the ground to see if there was any difference between the tiles. It looks no different from other floor tiles. After careful comparison, it is found that there is an inconspicuous small round hole on the right side of this piece, which is semicircular in shape. Let's see if there are other ones.

Looking forward, I found that there is a small semicircular hole on the right side of the third space, and there is also a small semicircular hole in the distance. This is the point of breaking through the mechanism. Xiaobai thought about it and decided to try it first, so he turned to Xiaowu, Lulu, and Chunhua and said, "Don't move here, let me press this semicircle first." Walk on the stones, and you are safe and you are passing at my pace."

After finishing speaking, Xiaobai stepped on the first block. The first block itself controlled the launching mechanism safely, so it was safe, so he crossed the gap and stepped on the second block. His feet landed, safe, Then stepped on the third block, the fourth block, safe, it seems that this mark is used to pass through this mechanism, around this mark.

After crossing those hidden deadly traps, I finally reached the end of this road, and let out a long breath, "Okay, as I said, the stones with semicircular marks are safe, don't step on them without marks Yes, there are no signs and there are hidden arrow-firing mechanisms, I will wait for you here."

Seeing Xiaobai passing through smoothly, Xiao Wu was overjoyed, so Xiao Wu and the others followed Xiaobai's footprints, looking for the semicircular mark on the right side of the stone to cross over. Indeed, the points on the path are connected into a line, which is a curved curve. "The mechanism is designed like this. If you step on the mechanism and fail to dodge it in time, your whole body may become a cactus." Xiao Wu looked back at the arrow that had just fallen to the ground, and sighed.

After passing through this trap, the same oil lamp was seen on the right. Xiaobai lit it with a candle, and with the light of the oil lamp, he saw a door not far ahead, and the door was closed tightly.

After walking for a short distance, we came to the door. There are two stone sculptures at the door. When we got closer, there was a statue of a lion on the left, a statue of a tiger on the right, and a statue of a tiger in the middle. Looking at the doorknob of this door, it also echoes these two stone statues, a lion on the left and a tiger on the right.

"See if we can open this door." After saying that, Xiaobai began to push the door vigorously, trying to push the door in, but the door didn't move at all. No matter how hard I tried, the door still wouldn't move.

"This door is so hard to push, there shouldn't be a mechanism!" Lu Lu clapped his hands and pressed the dust on the door; it was possible that Xiaobai walked down the stairs, looked at the two stone sculptures again, and was looking at the door. Putting the same stone carvings together, I thought, "The mechanism to open the door is not related to these two stone carvings, maybe you can try it."

The stone carvings are covered with dust, and the structure of the stone carvings is hard when you touch them with your hands. There is nothing to move or turn, and you take two steps back. Suddenly, you find that the eyes of the stone lions and stone tigers are hollow. Yes, and separated, this eyeball seems to be able to rotate.

"Look quickly, is this eyeball different from the statues we usually see? It is separated and not attached to the stone statue itself. If you don't pay attention, you can't see it at all." Xiaobai asked them to surround the stone statue together Take a closer look at this pair of strange eyes.

"Indeed, ordinary statues are carved on themselves, and the eyeballs will not be suspended, hollow, or separated. We can try to rotate their eyeballs. Perhaps, the mechanism that opens this door is on the pair of eyeballs. "Chunhua analyzed
"Okay, Xiaowu and Lulu turn the eyes of the lion on the left, and Chunhua and I turn the eyes of the tiger on the right!"

Count to three, start spinning, one, two, three, spin!

Both sides turned their eyeballs at the same time, but the eyeballs could only turn to the right, the door opened, and there was a dull and powerful sound, bang!With a bang, the door opened.

Open, open, Xiaowululu screamed and jumped, dancing with excitement.

"Let's go, go in and have a look, what's inside" Xiaobai stepped up the steps and urged
Entering from the threshold, the room is empty and towering. On the table in the center, you can see a memorial tablet with an incense burner for offerings and a futon on the ground for worship. When you get closer, you can see the words on the plaque. Souls.

This should be the coffin of the old man depicted outside. This should be the apprentice of the Taoist priest in the painting enshrining the coffin of the master here. There is still incense on the table. Let's pay homage to the Taoist priest. After finishing speaking, the four of them lit the incense with candles, then knelt in the futon and kowtowed. A floor tile below moves quickly, take a look! "There seems to be something inside." I saw a square slot where the floor tiles were removed, and there was a dark brown sandalwood box inside.

(End of this chapter)

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