Chapter 926 Poisoning
Xiaobai took out the box from the slot and put it on the table. The box was push-pull. When he opened it, he saw an emerald green jade bottle inside.

The jade bottle is very delicate, the mouth of the bottle is sealed, there is liquid in it, and it is sealed with a cork, which is also very tightly sealed.

This should be a bottle of potion, and it made a liquid sound when it was shaken. It took some effort to open it, and the potion smelled bad, and it smelled a little nauseous, and Xiaobai retched for a while.

"The smell of this potion is too strong, stop it quickly."

Xiao Wu held her nose and asked Xiao Bai to quickly seal the bottle. Since it was placed in a slot with an organ, and it was sealed in a bottle of such quality, this bottle of potion must be relatively precious.

Put it in the bag first and take it away. You can also go to the medical clinic to ask about the ingredients of the potion and see what it is for when you go back. After talking, Xiao Bai directly put the bottle of medicine into her backpack.

Looking around the secret room, there is a special candlestick with a dragon-patterned pillar on it. The candle has burnt traces. The white candle is wide and covered with dust. This candlestick in particular looks empty. The candlestick stands here, looking unique, Xiaobai slowly approached, lit the candlestick, the fire light is no different from ordinary candlelight, but this candlestick is bigger, the firelight will be brighter, looking at the carved dragon pillars, this The dragon is carved so lifelike, Xiaobai couldn't help but touch its lines, the pillar shook unexpectedly, unexpectedly the candlestick was turned around, turned around, and only heard the east wall rise and open, it turned out that this is also a The organ opened the passage connecting the secret room, and it was another dark passage, "I don't know if this is another trap." Xiao Wu stretched her head and looked in, "Since it is a connecting passage, it must lead to somewhere , otherwise I would not have painstakingly set up this candlestick, "Let's go, go and have a look!Xiaobai is holding a torch and preparing to walk forward through this opened passage.

Going forward, the passage is relatively dark, moving forward slowly, suddenly the face feels like hair, the place is covered with spider webs, and what you touch is a spider web, ah!With a scream, she couldn't help panicking, and saw Xiao Wu covering her neck in pain, "It was the spider on this web that bit me; let go of the hand covering it, and when I looked at my neck, it was red and swollen, with a little blood coming out , helped Xiao Wu to sit on the ground, lit the wound with a candle, and saw that the blood was slightly black, bad! This spider is poisonous! So what should I do? There is no antidote here, so I have to find a way quickly, Lu Lu helped Xiao Wu, looking at Xiao Wu's blackened lips, panicked with Jia, don't panic, let me think about it, Xiao Bai suddenly thought of something, jade bottle, candlestick, they all came together, maybe, the medicine in the jade bottle is Detoxification, Xiao Wu's wound turned blacker and darker, her lips were also purple and black, the venom flowed very fast, and the antidote had to be taken quickly, and I couldn't care so much, Xiao Bai took out the jade bottle, squatted Next to Xiao Wu, he opened the jade bottle, and said to Xiao Wu who was about to lose consciousness after being poisoned, "Xiao Wu, open your mouth and drink this medicine." Holding Xiao Wu's mouth, he took a small mouthful Seeing her swallowing, Xiao Wu fell into a coma, Lu Lu shook Xiao Wu's body vigorously, and shouted, Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, wake up, don't sleep, tears are about to come out of fright.

"Lulu, don't shake her, let her lie down first, if it's correct, your medicine in the jade bottle is the antidote for staying to restrain the spider poison." Xiaobai and Chunhua helped put Xiaowu down. Keep lying flat on the ground; you can only wait and see, then take out the sheepskin water bag you carry with you, and feed Xiao Wu with saliva. Frowning, and the expression of pain after being poisoned, I couldn't help but feel distressed, "Xiao Wu, you must persevere, you will be fine." Xiao Bai clenched her hand, encouraging Xiao Wu who was lying down.

After about half a stick of incense, Xiao Wu's lips began to fade, and gradually became rosy. It should be that the medicine has taken effect. Looking at the wound, it did not turn black. "Fortunately, the lip in the jade bottle It’s the antidote, otherwise it’s going to be bad,” Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her face turned better, and then give her more water, her lips were a little dry, and as she spoke, Chunhua picked up the water storage She picked up the sheepskin bag, helped Xiao Wu, and gave her a big mouthful of water, cough cough!Xiao Wu drank water, choked on the water when she woke up, opened her eyes, and looked at the three people who came into view, still a little weak.

Very good!Very good!Xiao Wu, you are fine.Lu Lu shook Xiao Wu excitedly, his excitement was beyond words.

Don't shake, don't shake, she's still weak now, Chunhua held Lulu who was looking excited, Xiao Wu looked at them and smiled slightly, whispering "Scared you!"

"No, I was scared enough. Fortunately, you woke up, otherwise we will never forgive you in this life. Xiao Bai cried with joy, and hugged Xiao Wu. It was too dangerous, and I regretted coming in."

In this place, it was difficult to come in and go out, there were many traps, so he could only go forward, and rested for a while, Xiao Wu's energy gradually recuperated and improved.

"Since the potion in the jade bottle is the antidote, and the smell of the potion is very strong, if the potion is opened, will the poisonous spiders in the cobwebs disappear, and we can pass safely?" Chunhua thought of Yu Yu. The smell of the potion in the bottle may be able to restrain the spider.

"Try it and you'll know;" as he said, Xiaobai opened the bottle, walked towards the direction of the spider web, and stirred the mouth of the bottle, and a miraculous scene happened, the spiders smelled the smell and scattered , and the web was also retracted by the spider itself, and the scattered spiders followed the wall and crawled towards both sides until they disappeared around the corner.

It was really useful, this jade bottle was reserved for restraining poisonous spiders, it was so amazing, Lu Lu couldn't help but sigh the power of the potion.

"Okay, we can pass;" Xiao Wu, let's help you pass!Chunhua and Lu Lu supported Xiao Wu and walked forward following Xiao Bai's pace.

Slowly, the four of them also walked to the corner where the spider disappeared, and saw a candlestick on the right. The candlestick was lit with a kindling, and it was bright instantly. There was a round stone arch in front, and there were two candlesticks at the door. Light it up, and it becomes brighter here. Looking around, there are strange-shaped stone pillars again, and there seems to be something inside the arch.

Approaching the arch, lit by candles, looking inside, there are actually many wooden boxes neatly placed inside, moving closer to the wooden box, I saw that the wooden box was covered with dust, although it was separated by dust, it could be seen that the box was still It was intact, Xiaobai blew the ash on the wooden box, and knocked, "There should be something inside, and the sound is solid."

(End of this chapter)

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