I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 927 Or, Give Me The Sword

Chapter 927 Or, Give Me The Sword

"Don't open it yet, in case it's a trap," Chunhua reminded, fearing that the box might be a trap for the trap.
You all stand back first, I will open, in case it is a trap, you can avoid it, Xiaobai, waved them all back a little, said, ready to open the box, there was a bang, and the box opened.

I saw that the inside of the box was blue, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a book with a blue cover.

A book, Xiaobai took a book and looked at it.

"What is this word?"

"Hey, being illiterate is just a headache! Chunhua, come here quickly and see what these books are about?"

At this time, they all came closer, Chunhua, took the book from Xiaobai, and glanced at it, this book is: "Sword Forging,"

Could this be the long-lost book of swordsmithing? It is said that those who get this book can forge the best weapons, and they are extremely sharp and can be broken continuously. Unexpectedly, it is hidden here.

After reading the book, this book is rare in the world, if it is taken away by someone with a heart, it is endless killing.

"Looking at the other boxes, the rest of the boxes have been opened by Lu Lu one after another, and each box contains a book, all of which are secret arts that have been lost in the Jianghu, all of which are collector's editions.

"Since it is hidden here, we must protect these books from bad people, so let them be stored here first, go back and report to the master, and then it is more appropriate for the master to keep them." Chunhua said and put the books Left intact; box covered.

Looking around the inner room, in addition to these boxes, there is actually a sword pierced into the wall on one wall. The tip of the sword is covered with dust, but the blade is still shining brightly and emitting light. The blade was so sharp that the scabbard fell to a corner of the wall.

"This sword has been inserted into the wall, we can try to pull it out." Xiaobai said and walked towards the sword.

When he reached the wall where the sword was inserted, Xiaobai tried to pull out the sword. He was holding the hilt and pulling hard, but he couldn't pull it out. "This sword seems to be stuck on the wall, it doesn't move!"

"Let me try!" Lu Lu was eager to try, rubbed his palms, and was about to draw his sword, but his face was flushed, his veins were protruding, and the sword remained motionless.

"This sword is so strange, it's so difficult to pull out, the wall doesn't seem to be that hard, but it just can't be pulled out, see if there are any mechanisms in the attachment." Chunhua began to look at the wall while speaking. What's so special? While touching the wall next to it with his hand, he tried to see if there was a mechanism to control it.

Xiaobai looked at the scabbard, and was about to squat down and pick up the scabbard that fell aside; when he picked it up, he blew off the dust that was covered on the scabbard. The pattern on the scabbard was also carved with dragon patterns. It is also very exquisite, and it is inlaid with this gemstone. After blowing off the dust, it is very bright and has a royal demeanor. This should be a sharp weapon made by the royal family; look carefully, and there is a row of carved small characters on the upper left corner of the scabbard. "Bleeding Blood Sword," this should be the name of the sword, "Bleeding Blood," could it have something to do with the sword?
Xiaobai took the scabbard and walked to the side of the wall where the sword was inserted, observed it, and stroked the sword with his hand. Although the blade was old, it was still very sharp. Xiaobai touched it casually, and drew There was a bloody hole, and the blood flowed rapidly along the lower part of the sword, and disappeared as it flowed through the gap.

Suddenly, the wall shook violently, the sword trembled on the wall, only heard a sound of "嗖", the sword was launched, and quickly turned around, and then stabbed towards Xiaobai's direction
Seeing the sword approaching him, Xiaobai instinctively blocked it with the scabbard in his hand, the closer he got, the more he could feel the sharp edge and the domineering magnetic field, getting closer and closer, so close, bang!After colliding with the scabbard, the sword actually paused in the air, and there was a sound of "swoosh", and the sword was automatically inserted into the scabbard.This scene is amazing. After finding the scabbard, the sword recognizes its owner and returns automatically.

Xiaobai, clenched the sword that had just returned to its position, shook his head, couldn't believe his eyes, held the raised sword firmly, retracted it, and then tried to pull out the sword that had just returned to its position, there was a crisp sound of a sharp blade, easily I pulled it out, and the sword didn't shake anymore, I waved it, accompanied by the wind in the room, with a crisp sound, and slashed towards the stone pillar next to me, bang!The stone pillar was lifted with a sword and cracked on both sides.

"This is really a peerless sword, so sharp and unparalleled in the world." Xiao Bai couldn't help but sigh with such great power if he didn't swing it. Everyone's eyes widened, seeing such a sharp sword for the first time.

The sword is so sharp, Xiaobai worried about accidentally hurting someone, so he quickly put the sword back into the scabbard

Everyone approached, looking at this magical and powerful sword, "Why did the sword suddenly come out?" Xiao Wu touched the scabbard in disbelief, and couldn't help being very puzzled
Xiaobai shook his head, carefully organized his thoughts, the sword cut my hand, blood flowed into the wall, the sword shook violently with the wall, and then flew out, bleeding sword, "I understand" Xiaobai suddenly realized, "The sword trembled after absorbing my blood, and then I used its scabbard to resist. The sword sensed that it was my own body, so it stopped attacking and returned to the scabbard, but is it someone's blood? Can it trigger the attack power of the sword?"

"How about, give me the sword, I'll try it! I'll know," Chunhua suggested

Xiaobai handed the sword to Chunhua.Chunhua was about to pull out the sword, but to his surprise, he couldn't pull out the sword with all his strength, "It's strange; I can't pull it out."

Let me try too. Lulu took the sword from Chunhua and drew it vigorously with his right hand, but the sword didn't move at all.

Then, Xiao Wu tried again, but the result was still the same, and she couldn't pull it out.

"It was so easy when I pulled out the sword!" Xiaobai couldn't help wondering, the sword returned to her hand, Xiaobai exerted a little force, and there was another crisp sound of the sword being unsheathed, the sword was pulled out easily, Xiaobai again Insert the sword, pull it out again, and it still comes out easily.

Seeing Xiaobai pull out the sword easily, the remaining three people sighed, "Why can you pull out this sword so easily? Does it recognize you as the master? There is no mechanism on the sword!

Full of doubts, Chunhua asked Xiaobai to draw out the sword again, wanting to see what was special about it.

Xiaobai pulled out the sword and handed it to Chunhua. Unexpectedly, as soon as Chunhua touched the hilt, the sword would not listen to the command and shake violently. To rush out of her hand. "No! Xiaobai quickly catch it," Chunhua tried his best to hand the sword back to Xiaobai. ,

Xiaobai took the sword again, strangely, the sword became obedient when it returned to Xiaobai's hand, no longer shaking, except for its own weight, it was as smooth as water, returning to a still state.

(End of this chapter)

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