I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 928 Look at what else is ahead

Chapter 928 Look at what else is ahead

"It seems that this "Blood Sword" recognizes you as the master, linking the whole process together, the Blood Sword, because your blood seeped into its sword, broke through the wall, and you have its blood in your hand. The scabbard, I think you are its master, only you can pull it out, swing it, command it, this is a spiritual sword, it can feel the master's blood, no one can control it except you ;When we hold it, it trembles strongly, resists, and even attacks. This sword is a spiritual sword!" Chunhua sorted out his thoughts carefully.

Xiaobai put the sword back into the scabbard, stroked it, and said, "I am the master of the Bloodletting Sword, no one can pull it out and use it."

Yes, from the moment your blood flows into the sword, the Bloodshed Sword regards you as the master, and it only recognizes you. No one can pull it out, use it, or command it.Chunhua confirmed to Xiaobai again

Congratulations, Xiaobai, you got a peerless sword.Xiao Wu's unconcealable excitement was beyond words.

Lulu was also very excited to congratulate, Xiaobai, this sword is amazing, really amazing, congratulations.

"In that case, Bloody Sword, follow me from now on." Xiao Bai pulled out the sword, stroked it, and another drop of blood slipped into the sword until it disappeared on the tail of the sword.

Sure enough, the sword lives up to its name, Bloody Blood, your blood can melt into the body of the sword and become one with you.Chunhua also joked.In short, it is a great joy to get such a good sword.

With this sword, I hope I can play its role, act chivalrously, punish evil and promote good, and support justice.

"Let's go, see what else is ahead," Chunhua found an exit from an arched door ahead, Xiao Bai put away his sword, followed behind, and walked towards the arched door.

There is still no light outside the arch, and it is illuminated by torches. It is a damp path with a wet road surface, and there are still strange-shaped stone pillars on it, dripping with drops of water. "Walk slowly, be careful of slippery" Chunhua is in front remind them.

After walking for a while, I felt a coolness behind my back, and a black shadow passed by. Xiaobai held up a torch to illuminate it. The flying was really fast, and he disappeared before he had time to see it clearly. A shadow passed by, but I saw nothing." Xiao Bai put down the torch to illuminate the road, and the four of them continued walking.

After walking for a while, there was a sound of thumping. The black shadow passed by, and it seemed to be relatively large. When the shadow passed by, it covered the entire top of the head. The four of them stepped back one after another and gathered together. Said the torch, "Hold up your torches, everybody; see what it is."

After hearing what Xiaobai said, the four of them raised their torches together and raised their heads to look up. The top was higher than the ground, it was dark, and seemed to be moving. Looking carefully, Xiaowu's torches were so frightened that they When they fell to the ground, there were countless red lights flashing in the dark place, like pairs of eyes, "Huh!" The black shadow passed by, but this time they could see clearly that it was a huge bat flying over their heads , and then perched and climbed on the rock. I saw the bat's blood-red eyes flickering, its limbs were very strong, its claws were also very sharp, and its long and pointed fangs.Because Xiao Wu's torch fell to the ground, startling the clinging bats, all the bats on it flew up.

Xiaobai held up the torch again, and everyone focused their eyes on the dark figures above. It was even more shocking to see that the twinkling red light turned out to be the eyes of bats, which meant that countless people had inhabited it. There are only bats, and they are all huge in size. Some of them cling to rocks, and some fly and circle and change positions.

"Oops, we have arrived at the bat's lair; there are all these giant bats here, what should we do, and obviously, we have alarmed them," Lu Lu looked at the bats circling above in horror, at a loss.

There was a gust of wind, it was a bat, swooping down to attack, Xiaobai turned around cleverly, dodged, the bat flew by, unexpectedly, next, there was the sound of bats gliding and swooping in all directions, "No! They are attacking collectively." Feeling a more dangerous atmosphere, Xiaobai reminded that the bats that came down first attacked them, "Hurry up and take out your sword and protect the torch. We must not let the bats get rid of our torch." Extinguish, or we will become a dish of them." Then, Xiaobai and the others drew out their swords, and the bats approached, resisting for a while, and the shadow of the sword slashed the bat's sharp claws, and cut off the attacking fangs, escaped the first wave of impact.

Next, the bats above kept swooping down. This kind of resistance inevitably exhausted Xiaobai and the others physically and mentally, and their arms were also scratched by the sharp claws of the bats. The bats attacked violently and became their food, so we have to think of a way quickly," Xiao Bai frowned, wondering if there was any good way to drive the bats away.

ah!With a scream, Xiao Wu's arm was firmly grasped by the bat. The bat stood on Xiao Wu's shoulder, bared its fangs, and was about to bite her neck. Xiao Bai quickly turned around and waved the Bloodbath Sword , chopped the bat in half, and the bat fell to the ground without biting Xiao Wu. "Xiao Wu, lean on my back, be careful of bats attacking from behind." As he said that, Xiao Bai supported Xiao Wu to lean on his back, and the two resisted back to back, Chunhua and Lu Lu also resisted back to back , another wave of bats swooping down, another fierce battle.

Suddenly, because of the fight, a bottle fell out of Chunhua's baggage, and the cork of the bottle also fell out, and a strong smell came out. The smell was unpleasant, but the smell seemed familiar , I seem to have smelled it somewhere, just thinking about it, I suddenly saw a bat that was about to dive down, because I smelled this smell, I turned around and flew to the rock wall on the other side, and then, the flying bats all headed towards Flying to the rock wall on the other side, I saw light shining through the rock wall there. It turned out that it was an exit, and the bats avoided that exit.

Seeing that the bats were running away and no longer attacking, Xiaobai could finally let go of his highly vigilant nerves and fight fiercely with his hands, and finally he could stop, "What is it? Even bats are afraid of this smell. This smell is so familiar, I want to Get up, it’s the bottle of medicine from the jade bottle.” Just as Xiaobai was thinking, he quickly picked up the torch to illuminate the place where it just fell, and sure enough, the bottle on the ground was the jade bottle that drove away the spiders, scattered on the ground.
(End of this chapter)

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