I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 929 One fish is too little, you have to catch it

Chapter 929 There Are Too Few Fishes, You Have To Catch

The bottle cork also fell off, the liquid flowed on the ground, and the smell became stronger and stronger. Unexpectedly, this potion can repel spiders and bats, which just means that this is a life-saving potion, which saved them twice in a row.

"Hurry up and pick up the potion and see how much is left. This bottle of potion is amazing." Maybe there are more miraculous effects waiting to be discovered by us.After Chunhua finished speaking, he quickly picked up the medicine bottle, sealed the mouth of the bottle with a cork, and put it back into the bag.

The four of them were exhausted from the fight with the bat, and they all suffered some skin wounds that needed to be bandaged, so they all sat down and wrapped the cloth strips in their bags to bandage the wounds scratched by the bats.

After a short rest, "Let's leave this place as soon as possible, maybe the bats will come back to this place later, and the smell of the potion will become weaker and weaker, otherwise, if you come back, the remaining potion is not enough. Hua looked at the secret passage in the distance, and reminded everyone to get out of the bat's lair quickly.

"Well, we have to leave quickly, and we don't know what's waiting for us ahead, so it's better to leave here as soon as possible," Xiao Bai reached out to hold Xiao Wu, agreeing with Chunhua's opinion.

After finishing speaking, the four of them supported each other and walked forward. There was a winding and narrow path in front of them. After passing through, they heard the sound of water. "There seems to be the sound of water flowing in front. There should be a water source in front. We didn't bring much water. Just to see if we can replenish it." Chunhua shook the sheepskin bag for storing water, and there was indeed not much water left in it. .

Walking in the direction of the sound of the water, and walking through a section of stairs, I saw a swift river flowing along the cave to the outside next to the stairs along the bottom of the cave.

"With water flow, there must be an exit along the direction of the water flow," Xiao Bai looked at the water flow, as if seeing the exit.

"Go down and have a look. Everyone also drink some water, and then look for the exit." Chunhua and Lulu went down first, followed by Xiaobai and Xiaowu.

After the four of them descended the stairs, they came to the side of the river. The river was very fast, with white waves. The pebbles under the water can be seen, round and round, as smooth as jade, and they look sparkling. There are no small shrimps swimming beside the stones.Xiaobai squatted down and washed his hands by the river. The river water was very cold. The river water was like an ice spring in the cave. The water spontaneously ignited and was icy cold. He took a handful of water and washed his dirty cheeks. After taking a sip of river water, I immediately felt very cool and comfortable, as if washing away the exhaustion I had just felt. Chunhua, Lulu, and Xiaowu also used the river water to wash the wounds on their bodies and the dirt on their cheeks. After drinking the river water, they immediately , the four of them became handsome, "It feels comfortable after washing your face! The water is so cool, so comfortable! Lu Lu couldn't help but sigh!
Suddenly, a splash of water splashed towards Lulu, and it was Xiao Wu who playfully waved the water towards Lulu's face. "Xiao Wu, you dare to splash me!" As he said that, Lu Lu also picked up water and splashed it at Xiao Wu.The splashed water was dodged by Xiao Wu, and directly splashed onto Xiao Bai's body, Xiao Bai was not to be outdone, and also picked up the water and splashed it at Lu Lu, just like this, the four of them played a water fight, the water splash Bursts of laughter and screams echoed in this ethereal cave, which seemed to be full of vitality.

After playing for a while, the sound of "gurgling" came from Xiao Wu's stomach, "It seems that the stomach is playing empty tricks!" Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Wu's grunting stomach with a teasing smile and laughed.

Xiao Wu was embarrassed by being laughed at, "It's been so long, I'm already hungry!"

hungry!Just see what to eat!After Chunhua finished speaking, he opened the package, there were still a few steamed buns left, and each person handed one as he spoke.

"This steamed bun is too dry, is there anything else to eat?" Lu Lu frowned after biting the steamed bun

"No more, only steamed buns." Let's just eat it, and we can find some fruit to eat when we go out, Chunhua comforted

Xiaobai looked at the river, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Look! What's in the river?"

Looking into the river, I saw fish swimming in the river, about the size of four fingers, "Looks like a good fortune, we can catch fish and grill them!" Lu Lu stared at the fish, lifted his Trousers, eager to go down the river to catch fish.

The river is relatively turbulent, so be careful, Chunhua warned.

Let me catch fish too, Xiaobai also raised his trousers, ready to go down the river with Lulu to catch fish.

After lifting the trouser legs, Xiaobai and Lulu went down the river. The river covered their knees. The fish felt the sway of the water and could run away. It bumped into Lulu's leg. Lulu salvaged it with his hands, and the fish slipped from her leg She slipped away, caught nothing, but didn't catch it, so she slowly approached the fish, and the fish was driven to Xiao Bai's side. The hand slowly approached the side of the fish, "Slowly, slowly, don't stir the water," whispered to remind the deer who wanted to get closer, and saw a fierce stabbing of the little white hand, "Caught it! Caught it With a quick sound, Xiaobai's hands left the water quickly, both hands tightly held the fish's back, and he walked towards the river holding it.

He gave the caught fish to Chunhua, Chunhua took the fish, and surrounded a small fish pond with pebbles by the river, and kept the fish in this small pond temporarily.

"One fish is too little, we have to catch it!" Lu Lu continued to fish in the river.

There are still prawns here, and Xiao Wu caught the river prawns by the river. The prawns are not as slippery as the fish, so they are relatively easier to catch.So all of a sudden, Xiao Wu caught several crystal clear shrimps.

Xiaobai and Lulu went to the river again to continue fishing, and Lulu found another fish. This time, she also imitated Xiaobai and approached the fish calmly and slowly, watching the fish when it was about to run away, suddenly With one hand, he quickly pinched the back of the fish, "I caught one too, I caught it!" Lu Lu was holding the fish and was about to jump up excitedly. Breaking free from her hands, she fell into the river, the splash of water came from the face of the deer who instinctively wanted to catch the escaped fish, hahaha... Xiao Wu's mocking laughter came from the river, "I don't want you to Hold on tight, let the fish run away, and give you river water to wash your face."

Lulu looked at the escaped fish with a full face, and grimaced helplessly, "I can only catch it again, see if I don't catch it; next time it falls into my hands, don't even think about running away."

Xiaobai found another fish. This time, she wanted to try her sword to see if she could catch the fish, so she took out the bloodbath sword. When she walked towards the fish, she approached slowly, held her breath, and swiped the sword with the sword. He aimed straight at the fish that didn't know the danger was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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