I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 930 Articles of Association

930 The Return
There was a splash of water when the sword entered the water, and the Bloodletting Sword inserted straight and accurately into the fish's body, and the water beside it was instantly stained red, and blood burst out.

The fish was stabbed by Xiaobai's sword, Xiaobai raised the sword, the fish fluttered twice, but never left the sword, so he caught the fish again, Xiaobai took the fish from the sword and threw it to the river, "Next!" Chunhua successfully caught the fish thrown by Xiaobai.

Got it!Got it again!Not far away came the good news that Lulu caught the fish again. This time he learned from the failure of the last time and caught the fish safely, and finally successfully sent the fish to the small pond in Chunhuadui.

Just catch another one, everyone will have a grilled fish to eat, Chunhua shouted to the two who were still fishing in the river
Xiaobai seemed to have found another one. Seeing her holding the sword and preparing to plunge straight into the river, the sword fell into the bottom of the water, and there was another splash of water. Xiaobai lifted the sword, and the sword and the fish came out of the water. It will not disappoint, the accuracy is 100%, the sword goes in and the fish comes out, and the harvest is full.

Xiaobai took out the fish and threw it to the shore, Chunhua caught the fish, enough, enough!There are four fish, hurry up and prepare to grill the fish!Chunhua waved for them to go ashore.

Xiao Bai put away his sword, Lu Lu almost went to the river, and Xiao Wu was still catching shrimps by the river.

After landing, Xiaobai and Lulu went to find some firewood for making a fire, Chunhua used the dagger he brought to deal with the caught fish, and Xiaowu found some long sticks, sharpened them and prepared to skewer the shrimps for grilling.

After a while, Xiaobai and Lulu went back to the river with a bundle of wood they had picked up, and started to light a fire. Chunhua's fish were also processed, and Xiaowu's shrimps were also skewered. After the fire was lit, The four of them sat around the fire, grilling fish and shrimp at the same time; the fish on fire began to brown, and the oily sound rang through the skin of the fish, and the shrimp's eyes quickly changed and turned red as soon as they were grilled next to the fire. It is also oily, the fish and shrimp are full of fragrance, and the hungry can't help feeling even more hungry.

The prawns are roasted first, because the prawns are easier to cook than fish, so they started to eat the prawns first, remove the skin of the prawns, the meat is fresh and tender, and the prawns raised by the sweetness of the river water are really more delicious. After eating, "There is still fish left that is not cooked. We can only wait for the fish to be cooked."

Lu Lu wiped his mouth, and turned over the fish roasting in the fire, greedily. "Bake it for a while and it's ready to eat. Both sides of the fish are already browned. The oil sizzled on the skin of the fish, and the fragrance spreads. "It's ready to eat." Chunhua put the grilled fish on his hand Handed it to Xiao Bai, and then flipped the other fish. The other fish were almost ready to eat. Chunhua distributed the roasted fish to Lu Lu and Xiao Wu. Almost each of them could eat one. The meat of the fish was white and tender. It is tender, smooth and not greasy, and it tastes very good. Soon, all four of them finished eating.

After eating, he rested for a while, "It's time to move forward and find the exit." Xiao Bai extinguished the fire with river water, calling Xiao Wu and the others to get ready to move forward.

"Let's go along the direction of the river. The bottom of the water should be the exit," Xiaobai looked at the direction of the water, and walked towards the direction of the river. Chunhua and the others followed closely behind. .

With the direction of the water flow, moss and some plants gradually appeared on the side of the road, "This should not be far from the exit." Chunhua looked at these fresh plants and concluded that the exit was just ahead.

"Look, there is a light ahead," Lu Lu found the light, and everyone looked up, and there was a light in front of them, probably because they stayed in the cave for too long, and the light was very dazzling when they saw it with their eyes. , The eyes looked in the direction of the light with some tingling and blurring.

"Finally we've reached the exit," Xiao Wu shouted excitedly.

Well, let's go out quickly, if you don't go out, you won't know what it looks like outside, Xiaobai is also excitedly urging everyone to go to the exit of the light.

After a few quick steps, the four of them arrived at the exit very quickly. The sun shone on the leaves beside them, the breeze was gentle, and the air was fresh all the way. Their eyes looked in the direction of the sun, and the light reflected colorful lights. It's like the sun," Xiaobai covered his eyes with one hand, looked at the sun's rays, and sighed calmly.

"Yeah, I can't feel the breath of the outside at all inside, and there are traps and dangers all over the inside. The time inside seems to have been as long as centuries. It's great. Fortunately, I finally found the exit and came out. Chunhua also stretched in the direction of the sun, stretching his numb nerves and whispering.

"Let's go, let's go back quickly, I miss the food in the restaurant, and Xiao Hui, I don't know Xiao Hui, a naughty monkey, we haven't gone back for so long, are you worried about us?" Xiao Wu looked at the road at the entrance of the cave. The path down the mountain, the lush trees, can't help but think of Xiao Hui and Master Zhang.

Well, it's been so long, it's time to go back quickly, and Xiao Hui needs to change her medicine, and the cave should be notified to the masters as soon as possible, and the secret techniques inside need to be kept safe by the masters.Xiaobai marked the direction of the cave entrance, so that it would be easier for the masters to find the cave entrance when the masters came, so that the treasures in the cave could be properly kept.

Follow the downhill path at the entrance of the cave, pass through the forest, and find the way you came. When you reach the familiar distance, you can quickly return to the familiar courtyard.

As soon as he entered the gate of the courtyard, he saw some senior sisters hurriedly walking towards the main hall. Xiaobai quickly grabbed one of the senior sisters and asked, "Did something happen in such a hurry?"

"Don't you know, today the masters of the main hall summoned all the disciples to announce something, so everyone rushed to the main hall, you should pack up and go to the main hall to gather," the senior sister hurried to the direction of the main hall up.

"I didn't expect that the masters would have something to announce as soon as I came back. I happened to tell them about the cave. Go back and change into clean clothes. Let's go." Xiaobai patted the dust off his body and said.

After returning to the residence from the courtyard, after changing clothes and feeding Xiao Hui, several people hurried to the main hall.

Arriving at the main hall, there was already a black crowd standing neatly in front of it. It seemed that all the people had gathered here. When Xiaobai and the others arrived, they were almost standing at the door. Looking at the outline of the elders, they were all in a hurry. It's small, and there are still disciples who came to gather one after another, they all stood outside the door, and I don't know if they can hear the elder's voice.But the hall is so empty, and there are echo walls on all sides, it should be audible.

After waiting for a while, everyone was almost there. The elders and masters in front had already sat in the center. Standing next to them were the senior disciples of the elders. Senior sister Xu Yingying was also standing beside the master, looking carefully. another acquaintance

(End of this chapter)

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