Chapter 939 Wenbi
Xiao Bai noticed Xiao Wu's strangeness, and asked softly: "Xiao Wu, what's wrong?"

Xiao Wu wiped away the tears that were about to overflow from the corners of her eyes with the skirt of her clothes, and responded firmly: "It's okay, I just remembered the past, I missed my mother, I remembered my father and younger brother, and I don't know where they are, whether they are still in this world."

Xiaobai hugged Xiaowu, comfortingly whispered in her ear: "Whether they are here or not, you are your mother's support, you have to live strong, and become stronger, so that you can protect the loved ones you want to protect .”

"En!" Xiao Wu responded, wiping away her tears, she believed that her father and younger brother must still be alive.

Although Chunhua and Lulu don't know what happened to Xiaowu, they know that it must be a sad past. In this era, countless relatives have been lost due to the war. The disciples in Meishan are not burdened with the hatred of their family and country.

Chunhua also comforted Xiao Wu and said: "No matter what happens, we must move forward bravely, just like we are learning martial arts now, just to become stronger, not afraid of any danger and threat, and we can protect well anytime and anywhere loved ones and myself."

"Yeah! We're all going to be fine," Xiaobai, Xiaowu, and Lulu all nodded in response.

The first round of competition on the ring side is coming to an end, and the last group has also been called, and soon the second round of competition will begin.

Xiaobai and the others rested on this step for about half an hour, and then heard the sound of a gong, and the first round of the competition was over.

So the drums on the other side of the big arena were also sounded, reminding the disciples participating in the competition to gather in the arena.

When Xiao Bai and the others heard the sound of the drum, they came down from the steps and walked towards the big arena.

When we got to the side of the big ring and stood still, we saw a flag placed on the left and right sides of the ring.

The size of the flags is the same, the difference is that the colors are different, the left is a red flag, and the right is a green flag.

While the disciples were discussing what was going on with the flag, the disciple of the Great Elder came to the center of the ring and announced: "The disciples who won the first round will line up next to the red flag, and after they are arranged, they will be regrouped Carry out the second round of competition.

After finishing speaking, the disciples who had advanced in the first round of competition all moved closer to the red flag and formed a long queue.

Xiaobai, Chunhua and Lulu also lined up among them. Xiaowu could only watch the battle and cheer for them if he didn't win.

After a while, the queue was already lined up.

On the arena, several senior brothers carried a lottery box and placed it in the center of the arena.

"It looks like it's time to draw lots again to decide who our opponent is." The disciples who lined up were discussing in low voices in the audience.

The senior brother who passed on has already come to the center of the ring again, coughed slightly again, and said: "Please be quiet, everyone."

After hearing the senior brother speaking in the arena, the disciples who were discussing and discussing below fell silent.

Then he said: "For the second round of competition, we will still follow the order of the lottery. It's just that this round of competition is literary. Martial arts are of course important. We are not far behind in the literary test. There are two questions in this test. After the lottery is drawn , will be divided into red and green groups.

Lulu murmured to Chunhua and Xiaobai in a low voice: "It turns out that the red and green flags are for grouping. I don't know if the essay questions are difficult or not."

Xiaobai waved his hands and said, "Chunhua shouldn't be afraid of Wenti; we are a little troubled."

Chunhua patted both of them on the shoulders and said, "It's okay, if the soldiers come to block them, and the water comes to cover them, it shouldn't be too difficult."

After finishing speaking, the disciples in front of the line had already walked to the ring to draw lots. This time, they were divided into two groups of red and green according to the colors marked on the lottery.

Those who got red sat on the futon with the red flag holding the lottery, and the green ones moved to the green futon to sit down, and small benches began to be placed where they sat on the futon.

Those who have drawn lots are seated on the futons, and the benches are almost finished.

Xiaobai and the others are at the back of the queue, and the lottery drawn by Xiaobai is marked in red, and they have to sit on the red flag side.

Chunhua and Lulu drew the lottery with the green mark, so they had to sit on the side of the green flag.

Almost everyone has finished drawing lots, and both sides are just full, and the number of people happens to be even.

After seeing that everyone was seated, a few seniors took several boxes of pens, inks, papers and inkstones and began to distribute them in front of the red and green flags.

Everyone received a pen, ink, paper and inkstone for one point, obviously, this was used for the test questions.

While the front is sending out, it is passed to the back at the same time, and the distribution is completed in a short time.

Seeing that everyone was ready, the senior brother said: "The title of the red flag is; take the moon as the title, and write a poem."

This question didn't seem too difficult, so Hongqi's disciples all picked up their pens and started to work on the question.

Xiaobai muttered: "Take the moon as the topic. The master seems to have read a poem with the moon before. Let me think about it." So he racked his brains to recall it.

This memory seems to be a little hard to remember, as if there is such a sentence, "I miss my hometown."

Chunhua sees that the title of the poem on the red flag is the moon, and seeing that Xiaobai has not written for a long time, it happens that the small benches of the two are not far away.

So Chunhua called Xiaobai in a small decibel voice: "Quiet Night Thoughts"

Xiaobai heard someone calling, and looked aside, it was Chunhua.

I heard Chunhua seem to be saying: "Thinking at a quiet night."

Xiaobai shook his head at Chunhua, never remembering what Jingyesi was writing.

Chunhua began to read the first line in a low voice again: "The moonlight is bright in front of the bed." The poem was recalled to Xiaobai.

With this thought, Xiaobai repeated: "Moonlight in front of the bed, isn't it?

When Chunhua heard Xiaobai's retelling, he almost fainted out of breath, so he lowered his voice again: "Yes, there is moonlight in front of the bed," not "moonlight."

Xiaobai waved his hand, but still didn't hear clearly.

Therefore, Chunhua raised the decibel again and said, "Yes, the moonlight is bright in front of the bed."

"Cough" the little junior sister in the green flag behind, don't whisper.The decibels were too loud, and Chunhua's senior brother who was invigilating the exam heard the sound.

Fortunately, this time Xiaobai finally heard clearly, nodded at Chunhua, and began to write.

Xiaobai recalled the content of the poem: "The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Look up at the bright moon and look down at your hometown. I recited this poem last time when I watched the moon with Chunhua and the others, but it has arrived. At the critical moment, I can't remember it.

Xiaobai patted his forgetful forehead, "Fortunately, Chunhua reminded me, so I remembered." So he quickly started to write down,

The brother invigilating the exam took out the topic from the green flag again, and wrote a poem on the topic of "Spring".

There are also many poems with the theme of "spring". Those who can write start to write vigorously, but those who can't write are still scratching their ears.

This test question is not difficult for Chunhua, and he wrote a spring poem: "Jingkou Guazhou is a river, and Zhongshan is only a few mountains away. The spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river. When will the bright moon shine on me?" return.

(End of this chapter)

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