I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 940 Senior sister, why is it you?

Chapter 940 Senior sister, why is it you?

Lulu is also on the side of the green flag, and it is the same as Chunhua's test questions; I was thinking about it and didn't know how to write it. I thought: I have actually learned a lot of "chun" poems, why do I not know when it's time to use them? Can't remember it either? "

Looking at Chunhua aside, she found that she had finished writing, so Lulu called Chunhua's name in a low voice.

Chunhua heard another voice, turned to see Lulu, and looked at her helpless eyes, and knew that she must not be able to answer the test questions.

So I thought of the simplest poem describing "spring" for her; then whispered the first line of the poem to Lu Lu: "Spring sleeps without dawn."

After hearing this, Lu Lu suddenly realized: "That's right, isn't this such a simple song about Spring Dawn just a poem about spring? Why did I forget it?"

Lulu was excited for a while, and even forgot that this was an exam question, and shouted: "I remember, I remember, Chunhua is still the best of you."

Immediately, the brother invigilating the examination shot Lu Lu a blind eye like a glare, and Lu Lu quickly lowered his head in fright.

After Chunhua’s reminder, Lulu was familiar with this poem, so he began to write it on his answer sheet: "Chun Mian does not feel dawn, and he hears hooves everywhere. The sound of wind and rain at night, how much do you know when flowers fall."

This poem can't describe "spring" very well, and Lu Lu was secretly delighted, but fortunately Chunhua reminded her, otherwise, many brain cells would have died trying to write a poem.

After about one stick of incense, it was time to hand in the papers. Everyone put their own names on the poems they had written and handed them in. The rest of the time was reviewed by a few uncles.

After all the test questions were handed in, I heard the senior brother announce the rules for reviewing the test questions: "The elimination system is adopted, and those with typos will be eliminated directly, and those whose content has nothing to do with the test questions will be eliminated. Those who read their names will be eliminated."

I saw a few senior teachers and uncles open their test questions, and the ones that passed were placed on their left side. If they were called by name, they would be eliminated. Elimination means typos or content that has nothing to do with this test question.

Some people were named one after another, Xiaobai and Lulu were a little nervous, because they were a little afraid that they had written a typo.

Chunhua is calm and confident.

Finally, all the test questions were reviewed, and none of the three of them were named, which meant that they had successfully passed the second round of the test.

Xiao Wu excitedly applauded the three of them: "It's great!"

Looking at those who sat on the futon and were not eliminated, there are still 60 people, which means that they will advance to the third round of the competition.

The setting sun falls, and the sky is full of colorful clouds.

As soon as the gong sounded, the senior brother announced: "Today's two competitions are over, and the third round of competition will be scheduled for tomorrow. Tomorrow will compete for the ten winners of this competition; the disciples who have advanced this time go back Take a good rest and prepare for the third round of competition tomorrow."

After speaking, everyone began to disperse in an orderly manner.

Those who were promoted laughed and laughed all the way, some who were eliminated sighed, and some vomited bitterness with their classmates.

Xiaobai and the others, although Xiaowu was eliminated in the first round, it didn't affect their good mood.

Talking and laughing all the way back to the residence.

Xiao Hui, after more than a month of recuperation, the wound from the snake bite has also healed.

Opening the door, I saw it jumping excitedly into Xiaobai's arms.

Xiao Bai caressed Xiao Hui's head, and said, "Are you being naughty?"

Xiao Hui blinked, bared his teeth, and shook his head, this appearance still looks quite cute.

Xiao Wu opened the package brought back from the restaurant, which contained bananas, apples, and plows that Xiao Hui liked to eat, and this time, she also brought some chestnuts just picked by the chef of the restaurant.

Seeing so many delicious foods, Xiao Hui leaped onto the dining table cleverly, tore off a banana, and directly put it in his mouth after peeling it.

Chunhua looked at Xiao Hui eating deliciously, and remembered that the senior brother had visited it, and discussed with Xiao Bai and the others: "Recently, the senior brother has visited Xiao Hui, and he saw that his injury is almost healed. It should be; Xiao Hui will be brought back to the First Elder in a few days."

When Xiao Wu heard that Xiao Hui was about to be picked up, she said very reluctantly: "Is it so fast, can I pick up Xiao Hui later."

Although Xiao Bai was reluctant to give up, but as I said before, Xiao Hui will return it to the First Elder after he recovers.So she comforted Xiao Wu: "It's not that we won't see Xiao Hui anymore, the senior brother also promised us that we can visit it anytime."

Xiao Hui quickly finished eating the bananas, then took another apple and gnawed on it, not paying attention to what Xiao Bai and the others were talking about.

The weather was getting late, a crescent moon was hanging in the sky, and scattered stars were shining brightly.

Having nothing to do, Xiaobai, Chunhua and Xiaohui are gesturing with swordsmanship in the courtyard.

Coincidentally, Senior Sister Xu Yingying passed by the corridor of the courtyard and saw Xiaobai and Chunhua demonstrating sword skills.

After watching for a while, Xu Yingying came up with a plan and wanted to test their sword skills, so she covered her face with the silk scarf she carried with her, pulled out her saber, jumped, and stabbed the sword at the Xiaobai and Chunhua who practice swordsmanship.

Seeing a masked man appearing suddenly, Xiaobai and Chunhua reacted quickly; they immediately turned the edge of the sword in their hands, twisted and stabbed at the masked man.

Xiaobai and the others combined their swords and attacked the masked man at the same time. Unexpectedly, the masked man's martial arts skills are so strong that they can quickly dodge and resist the attacks of the two of them. Moreover, her movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, and this move seems very familiar , is the same as some of the moves in this sect.

The masked man held a sword and beat Xiaobai and Chunhua who were retreating steadily.

Xiaobai saw that the moves were so familiar, so he asked sharply, "Who are you? Why are you using our own martial arts."

The masked man didn't answer, but turned around, and quickly stabbed the sword at Chunhua, pointing straight at Chunhua's neck, and stopped when he was about to stab the throat, turned around and captured Chunhua.

Xiaobai questioned the masked man again: "Who the hell are you, let her go!"

At this moment, the masked man lifted the veil and said, "It's me!"

Xiaobai and Chunhua saw the familiar face and said in surprise, "Senior sister, why is it you!"

Xu Yingying took back the sword on Chunhua's neck, glanced at them each, and said, "Seeing that you two are still here so late to demonstrate your swordsmanship, I just want to test how good your swordsmanship is."

Xiaobai heard that the senior sister wanted to test their swordsmanship, so he asked eagerly: "What are the shortcomings and weaknesses of our swordsmanship, and I hope the senior sister can give some pointers."

Chunhua also echoed: "Yes, senior sister, it's still early at night, let's go to the pavilion to have a cup of tea, and by the way, I would like to ask Dian to point out our shortcomings."

(End of this chapter)

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