I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 941 Don't Laugh!Do not laugh

Chapter 941 Don't Laugh!Do not laugh

After all, the three of them went to the stone table in the pavilion, on which there were already brewed tea, some fruits, exactly three teacups.

Originally, the other teacup was for Xiao Hui to drink water, but this naughty monkey could not settle down, and when he got to the courtyard, he climbed up the tree to play on his own.

Chunhua poured a cup of tea into the senior sister's teacup, and then poured tea into both his own and Xiaobai's teacups.

Senior sister Xu Yingying took the tea, put aside the tea leaves floating on it, took a sip, moistened her throat, and then took another sip.

Chunhua saw that the senior sister had finished drinking a cup, and quickly refilled it for her, saying: "This is jasmine tea. The tea exudes a faint fragrance. After taking a sip, the fragrance and sweetness of the tea will fill your mouth and throat."

The senior sister picked up the teacup and took another sip: "Well, this tea is really fragrant and sweet in the mouth."

Xiaobai and Chunhua also finished their first glass, and then poured another glass.

Then the senior sister drank another sip of tea to moisten her throat, and said to Xiaobai and Chunhua: "Your basics are still well practiced. Swordsmanship is not only the basic skills, but also needs to test your flexibility and reaction ability. Your weakness is the strength of swordsmanship. It’s going round and round, and more practice is needed.”

Xiaobai and Chunhua listened to the analysis of senior sister Xu Yingying, and suddenly realized: "Indeed, what the senior sister said is right, we practice the flow of movements that pay too much attention to moves, and the reaction will slow down. If the opponent attacks quickly, it will It is too late to make a corresponding counterattack, so that it is easy for the opponent to grasp the weakness."

The senior sister patted Xiaobai and Chunhua on the shoulders: "Yes! It's good that you can understand; tomorrow is the third round of competition, I hope it can be helpful to you."

After all, Senior Sister Xu Yingying drank the remaining tea in the cup in one gulp, then got up and told them: "It's getting late, you guys are almost done practicing, go back and rest quickly! Remember, martial arts also takes time to accumulate. , Haste makes waste."

Seeing that the senior sister got up to leave, Xiaobai and Chunhua also got up and prepared to see them off, Chunhua responded: "Well, thank you, senior sister for your guidance, we will go back after practicing for a while.

Xu Yingying picked up the sword on the stone table and was about to move away. Chunhua saw half a bag of jasmine tea in the purse on the stone table, so she immediately picked it up and asked: "Senior sister, there are some jasmine tea here. Seeing that Senior Sister liked drinking it just now, I will give this bag of scented tea to Senior Sister to drink!"

Xu Yingying took the purse containing the jasmine tea from Chunhua's hand, nodded and said: "This tea is really delicious, so I will accept it without hesitation!"

After Xiaobai and Chunhua watched the senior sister Xu Yingying leave, they continued to practice for a quarter of an hour. This time, after listening to the senior sister's guidance, they made adjustments, and their reactions and flexibility became quicker and smoother.

The crescent moon in the sky seems to be surrounded by a layer of fog, approaching the middle of the sky.

Xiaobai and Chunhua drank the remaining tea in the courtyard.After a short nap, he began to summon Xiao Hui.

After calling a few times, I saw a phoenix tree next to the courtyard shaking.

After shaking for a while, I saw a monkey's head protruding from the fiery red branch. It turned out that Xiaohui was clinging to this Phoenix tree to play.

The phoenix tree under the moonlight is in the blooming season. The flowers that bloom are fiery red. When this tree blooms, the leaves are also uniquely red. The leaves in the middle are all red, and the branches next to them are green, like It is like the tail of a phoenix, delicate and unique.

Under the darkness of night, the reflection under the phoenix tree is rustled by the wind. Looking down at the reflection under the tree, it looks like the sparkling water surface of the lake swaying with the wind.

This scene is exceptionally beautiful, if it wasn't for Xiaohui playing on this tree, he would probably be able to watch this scenery for a long time.

The naughty monkey finally came down from the tree when he heard the call. Xiaobai threw a date to it, and it caught it with a jump. It is estimated that no one is faster and more stable than the monkey's limbs.

Xiao Hui took the big green jujube, put it in his mouth and started to chew.

When Xiao Hui finished eating the green dates, Xiao Bai yawned a lot, and the feeling of fatigue spread with the yawn.

Seeing Xiaobai yawning again and again, Chunhua said, "It's getting late, let's go back and rest too!"

"Okay!" After saying that, Xiao Bai picked up Xiao Hui, and went back to the bedroom side by side with Chunhua.

Back in the bedroom, Xiao Wu and Lu Lu had already fallen asleep on their stomachs on the table. The two of them borrowed a book from the Library Pavilion. It was said to be an excellent storybook. As for taking Xiao Hui to the courtyard, they didn't even follow her.

Seeing them sleeping soundly, Xiaobai closed the storybook for them, and "Legend of Strange Flowers" was impressively written in the storybook.

Xiao Bai shook his head, and whispered: "I really don't know, what's so good about this book that it can make both of them fall asleep."

Chunhua smiled and said nothing, patted Lulu on the shoulder, ready to wake Lulu back to his room to rest.

After taking a few shots, Lulu just turned his head in one direction and continued to sleep.

After all, it is uncomfortable to lie down on the table to sleep, Xiao Bai also wants to wake Xiao Wu to sleep on the bed.

So he patted Xiao Wu's shoulders a few times, calling her name, only to see that Xiao Wu and Lu Lu had the same appearance, and turned their heads to change directions and continued to sleep.

"I can't even wake them up." Xiaobai and Chunhua made a helpless gesture.

Xiao Hui was in high spirits, seeing the two sleeping soundly on the table, made a "squeak", and jumped onto the table from Xiao Bai's arms.

Xiao Hui got on the table, bouncing left and right, there was a vibration on the table, which woke the two people up.

Xiao Wu woke up, and saw rows of blushing marks on her little face being pressed by her arms, and looked at the monkey jumping on the table with a dazed and cute face.

Lulu woke up, let go of his arms, raised his head; wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"Hey! This is," looking in the direction of Xiaobai's eyes, and saw a puddle of "liquid" under Lulu's outstretched arm.

Looking carefully, it was Lulu who drools while sleeping, and the saliva is like a small pond, glowing with light.

Now, both Xiaobai and Chunhua couldn't help laughing at Lu Lu, laughing loudly: "Lu Lu, your saliva can raise fish; could it be that you had a dream of eating delicious food?"

Xiao Wu, who was still in a daze at first, heard them talking and laughing, and looked at Lu Lu, sure enough, there was indeed a puddle of saliva.

I couldn't help but joined the team of ridicule and laughed out loud.

Lu Lu quickly looked down at the table, and immediately felt embarrassed, blushing up to the neck.

"Don't laugh! Don't laugh!" Lu Lu panicked as he picked up the rag from the corner of the table and quickly wiped off the saliva.

However, it is of no use. It is estimated that this stalk can give them a few gloating laughs for a few years.

Even Xiao Hui at the side seemed to be infected by them, imitating their appearance, holding his stomach, baring his teeth, trembling every breath when he laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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