I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 942 Giant Peak Tower

Chapter 942 Giant Peak Tower

Lulu can only sigh: "I am careless in making friends."

After a while, they were all tired of laughing, so they stopped laughing at her.

Seeing that the lights in other bedrooms had started to turn off and everyone was going to bed one after another, Chunhua and Lulu went back to their bedroom together.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Wu simply cleaned up the table, and Xiao Hui also cleaned up the monkey nest. Xiao Hui's monkey nest was built at the beam of their bed, and it was built with a few simple wooden boards. It was also a little cold, so they sewed a quilt for it with a few small pieces of cloth used to make clothes.

From time to time, the quilt would be thrown off by Xiaohui and onto their beds, so they had to tidy up Xiaohui again, and then let Xiaohui climb up into its nest with the quilt when it was time to sleep.

After finishing it, the little monkey stopped making noises, and Xiao Bai and Xiao Wu were also very tired, lying on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

The moon recedes, the sun rises, and the morning dew is covered with flowers, plants and trees.

It is not the rooster that wakes up the morning, but the cuckoo on Meishan Mountain. The sound of "cuckoo" resounds throughout the mountain.

Those who got up earlier started to wash up.

Xiao Bai opened his eyes, stretched his sore arms on the bed, shook Xiao Wu next to him, and urged: "Xiao Wu, it's time to get up!"

Xiao Wu squinted her eyes, rubbed the corners of her eyes with her hands, slightly opened her eyes for a look, then quickly closed them again, probably because the corners of her eyes were a little irritated by the light after waking up.

Xiao Bai, after getting up and getting dressed, he pulled up Xiao Wu who was still lying on the bed, and urged: "Get up quickly, I'll be late later!"

Finally the lazy cat got up too, and went to the restaurant to have a simple breakfast after washing up.

Just when he was about to go to the hall, he heard the sound of drums, three times in a row, it was the sound of drums from the big ring.

The sound of the drum means that today's third round of competition is about to start. This is the sound of the drum that summons all the disciples to the big ring.

Xiaobai, Xiaowu, Chunhua and Lulu make an appointment to go to the arena together.

When we came to the big arena, all the disciples were almost there.

I saw that several elders were already seated on the sandalwood chairs in the ring, and it was still the elder's disciple who presided over the ring match.

I don't know, what was the competition in the last round?I heard that the third round will be more difficult... There are many discussions in the audience, and there are all kinds of discussions.

After a while, I saw the senior brother who had been passed on appeared in the center of the stage again.

"cough"!He coughed again, seeing that everyone's attention was focused on the ring.

He then announced: "Please keep quiet; today is the last round of this year's competition, this round is the final round, and this round of competition is about task challenges.

When the audience heard that it was a task challenge, many disciples were very puzzled, and the discussion started again, "I have never heard of such a challenge."

There was a commotion in the stands, and then he said: "I believe that many disciples have never heard of the "mission challenge". This is a new rule drawn up by our masters this year, and it is quite a challenging endurance and wisdom competition."

The audience became quiet, and the senior brother went on to say: "The rules are as follows. Disciples who have advanced, please listen carefully. We have placed ten maps on the top of the Jufeng Pagoda in Meishan. Those who climb the tower to win the map can follow the map. The route finds ten pennants that we inserted, and the winner of the pennant is the winner of this competition, and the disciples who will advance to the second round will follow us to Jufeng Pagoda in an orderly manner."

As soon as they heard that it was Jufeng Pagoda, many disciples started discussing it like a pot exploded.

New disciples may not know it, but as long as they have completed one year, it can be said that everyone knows it.

Jufeng is [-] stories high, inside...

Xiaobai and the others have never been to Jufeng Pagoda, but they are all talking about this pagoda, so they can't help but wonder why everyone's talk has changed.

So, when I saw a senior brother next to me telling my fellow disciples about the Jufeng Pagoda, I leaned over to listen.

The giant peak is [-] stories high, and it is said that the gods and beasts watching the tower and the Vajra man guarding the tower are locked inside...

The undead who can break through the past have to shed their skins... This year's martial arts competition is unprecedentedly difficult!
Xiao Bai and the others heard the discussion of the seniors, and Xiao Wu sighed: "It sounds really scary! Then you have to be more careful!"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of the gong was heard, and the stage began to announce: "The third round of advanced disciples, follow us to the Jufeng Pagoda."

Therefore, no matter whether they were advancing or watching the competition, everyone began to follow the team in front and approach the Jufeng Pagoda.

I probably walked through several courtyards, shuttled through several halls, and walked up a steep stone path.

After climbing the stone steps, I saw a huge attic in front of the floor tiles made of flat stones. I saw that the gate was closed, and there were three large characters "Jufeng Pagoda" written on the door plaque.

Looking up at the top of the tower, the top of the tower soars straight into the sky, so tall that it seems to be traveling between clouds.

The following can not help but sigh, the majesty of the Jufeng Pagoda.

Going forward is in front of the gate of the Jufeng Pagoda. The [-] people who have advanced have already been lined up, waiting for the gate of the tower on the first floor to open.

The door was closed tightly, and it looked calm, without the slightest wave.

After the sound of the drum, the brother ordered that the [-] disciples who had advanced could enter the pagoda to search for the map.

I saw that the senior brother walked to the door, raised his hand and knocked on the door three times, then took a step back, and with a heavy sound, the door unexpectedly rose slowly.

The door slammed, rose to the height of the top, and then stopped.

Looking inside, I saw two disciples with shaved heads and a baguette in their hands, who were dressed in monk's yellow robes, came out to greet them.

After the monk saluted and greeted the elder, he stood on both sides of the door, holding a French stick in one hand and propping it on the ground, and folded the other hand in front of his chest.

With an order, the brother ordered the sixty disciples who had broken through the third round to enter the pagoda.

Xiaobai, Chunhua, and Lulu followed the disciples who had advanced this round and entered through the gate of the pagoda.

After entering, what catches the eye is a Tathagata Buddha with cushions under it, and the incense for worship is all listed on the sacrificial table.

After everyone entered, there was another bang, the door fell, and the light was closed.

When they turned their heads and saw the door closed, everyone looked around nervously to see if there was any danger.

Strangely, as the gate closed, the two monks who greeted them into the pagoda also disappeared without a trace after the gate closed.

Looking around on the first floor, apart from the Tathagata Buddha, there seems to be nothing special.

So some disciples picked up the incense and knelt down devoutly under the futon below, praying for the blessing of the gods.

Then everyone saw that there was nothing unusual after kneeling and worshiping, but everyone worshiped the gods in an orderly wave after wave.

(End of this chapter)

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