I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 943 Entering the Tower

Chapter 943 Entering the Tower
Xiaobai, Chunhua, and Lulu saw that everyone had worshiped, so they followed suit, took incense sticks on the table, lit them, knelt down devoutly on the futon, inserted the incense sticks into the incense burner, folded their hands together, and kowtowed reverently. They slammed their heads three times, praying for the blessing of the gods, and bless them to pass the level smoothly.

It took a little time to worship the Buddha. After all the worshipers were done, everyone began to look for the stairs to the second floor of the pagoda.

Finally, I walked around the Tathagata Buddha and saw the stairs to the second floor at a corner.

Holding a sword in one hand, the one walking in front bowed slightly forward, moving forward with vigilant steps.

Slowly went up to the second floor, I saw several rooms at the corner of the stairs, and the doors were closed tightly. Looking at the end of the corner, they were all the same rooms, except for the orientation, the appearance of the doors, patterns, and carvings , are almost identical.

Go around in a circle and go back to the stairs that came up. The strange thing is that you can't find the stairs to the third floor.

Then, someone began to whisper: "Why is there no stairs here? Could it be that the stairs are hidden in these rooms."

Xiaobai also found it strange, but it really wasn't unreasonable to say so.

Everyone circled around, not daring to open the door of the room at will, after all, what is in the room is unknown.

But since there is no way, only the room is left, and everyone's goal can only be to explore the passage to the third floor in the room.

So a few more courageous ones opened the first room near the stairway first, only to see that the four of them opened the door and just reached the threshold, the door unexpectedly closed automatically with a bang.

Terrified, the disciples who followed closely behind quickly retreated, not daring to move forward.

After a while, seeing that there was no sound in the room, the rest of the people panicked even more.

Xiaobai, Chunhua and the others were also staring at the first room. Indeed, since the four entered, there was no sound of fighting, and there was not even the sound of clashing swords. This is really puzzling.

Going forward to have a look, Xiaobai whispered, "The calmer it is, the more dangerous it may be."

Xiaobai walked over the people in front, and walked cautiously to the door of that room, tilted his head, and put his ear against the door, trying to hear if there was any sound inside the room.

However, there was no sound, so Xiaobai saw that the window was made of paper, and he only needed to poke it lightly with his finger, and a small hole the size of a finger could be broken in the window.

Xiao Bai slowly moved from the door to the window, stretched out the index finger of his right hand to gently poke the paper window frame, and sure enough, a small hole the size of a finger was easily poked with the fingertip.

Seeing the small hole, Xiaobai put his left eye close to the small hole and peeked into the room.

There was a table and two chairs directly opposite the hole, and then she moved to look at every corner of the room.

Moving the angle to look at the corners of the entire room, "There is no shadow of anyone at all."

Xiaobai couldn't believe it, so he rubbed his eyes again, and looked into the room again while moving the angle.

I confirmed that I was not mistaken. Indeed, the four people who entered seemed to have evaporated from the world. There was no trace of them in the room at all, which was really shocking.

After Xiaobai retreated to a safe distance, he was still thinking about what was going on.

The people around surrounded Xiao Bai one after another, and asked eagerly: "What's in there, what happened to those four people.

Xiaobai himself also felt strange, and replied: "There is no one in there, only two chairs and a table."

Hearing Xiaobai said that there was no one inside, the rest of the people immediately began to discuss in a panic: "Why is there no one? There are four people who obviously went in. How could there be no one? Did I read it wrong... Could it be that there is no one in there?" What kind of evil thing, after the four of them entered, there was no sound...

Talking about everything, the only thing that is certain is that they really disappeared out of thin air.

Chunhua also felt very strange when he heard what Xiaobai saw, and analyzed: "It is impossible to disappear out of thin air. Could it be that there is a special mechanism, and they have been ambushed since they entered."

After listening to Chunhua's analysis, Xiaobai felt that this assumption is not impossible.

"Just go in and have a look and you will know, and you will be closer to the truth." Xiaobai suggested to Chunhua and Lulu.

"Well! Instead of guessing here, why don't we go in and see what kind of demons and monsters there are." Chunhua also agreed with Xiaobai's proposal.

Lulu raised the sword pinned to his waist, and said to Chunhua and Xiaobai: "Since this is the case, what are you waiting for, let's go!"

So, Xiaobai, Chunhua, and Lulu pushed aside the wall surrounding them and walked to the door of the first room.

Xiaobai was in front, Chunhua and Lulu followed behind.

Xiaobai drew out the bloodbath sword as a defense, pushed the door of the room with the back of his hand, and the door opened with a bang.

Xiaobai stepped in through the threshold first, followed by Chunhua and Lulu.

When Lulu's foot just stepped over the threshold, a strange thing happened, and the door closed itself with a "bang".

Xiaobai and the others immediately clenched the sword in their hands, leaning back against Chunhua and the others, turning around to see if there was any danger approaching.

Suddenly, Xiaobai smelled a fragrance, a faint fragrance, and when he was about to ask Chunhua and Lulu if they smelled it, they all suddenly went limp.

Xiaobai was about to use his hands to support them, but found that his limbs were also limp, and he had no strength until he fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, I looked at Chunhua Lulu who was also lying on the ground, lying next to her, and then her eyelids began to become heavy, until she tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't open them, and her consciousness began to fall into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiaobai shuddered, kicked his legs, and opened his eyes in an instinctive stress response.

Standing up quickly, my hand felt a warm and soft object, and when I turned my head, it turned out that it had touched Lulu's mouth; next to Lulu lay unconscious Chunhua.

The two of them hadn't woken up yet, Xiaobai looked around, and they were not in that room at all, but lying in a dark passage.

Apart from the three of them, there was no one else in the passage.

This secret passage is not very spacious, and it is only one passage, and the height is also very high.

Xiaobai knelt down, first patted Lulu's face, and then Chunhua's, trying to wake them up.

Lulu opened his eyes in a daze, touched his head that had woken up from drowsiness, looked at Xiaobai, and muttered, "Where is this?"

Then Chunhua also woke up. Like Xiaobai, Chunhua sat up straight out of the instinct of physical stress.

Just looking at this narrow passageway, he also looked dumbfounded.

After they regained some strength, Xiaobai squatted beside them, recalling what happened after they entered the room.

(End of this chapter)

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