I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 944: An Eagle Appears

Chapter 944: An Eagle Appears
Xiaobai made an inference: "After entering the room, I smelled a fragrance. This fragrance is a faint fragrance. When I first entered the room, it was difficult to detect the fragrance floating in the room."

"Until they breathe through their nostrils, the fragrance has already invaded their bodies, and this fragrance can anesthetize their nerves, causing limbs to become weak and their minds to fall into lethargy."

"From this series of memories, it is not difficult to deduce whether the four people who came in before had the same experience as them."

"Hmm! Indeed, after we also smelled a fresh fragrance, the limbs that you mentioned began to lose control, and then we fell on the floor of the room and didn't know anything. We woke up here. "Lulu heard Xiaobai say this, it is indeed the case, this fragrance is indeed the culprit that caused them to faint.

Chunhua looked at the front of the secret passage, and said to Xiaobai and the others: "I found that this secret passage is not very dark, and I can see the surroundings clearly, so it means that there is light through this secret passage, no matter how much it is. , let's walk along the secret passage first to see if there is an exit."

After finishing speaking, the three of them supported the body to move forward with their hands on the wall of the secret passage.

After walking about tens of meters, I found that there was a wall in front of me, and there was no way.

Walking to the side of the wall, Lulu was a little frustrated: "What to do, there is no way, I thought there was an exit here, so I am stuck here!"

"Check first to see if there is any mechanism on the wall." After Chunhua finished speaking, he directly touched the surface of the wall with his hand, wanting to find out if there was a secret door switch or the like.

Although the surface of the wall is low concrete, and the wall surface is also uneven, but you can feel that it is a thick and hard wall.

Chunhua touched the entire wall, but did not trigger any switches, and the wall was also motionless.

At this time, Xiaobai also walked over, and suddenly she found a touch of whiteness on the road under her feet, so she raised her head and looked up.

I saw a beam of light flickering on the slate above their heads, and the light projected on the road under her feet through the gaps in the slate above their heads.

Xiaobai looked at the light thoughtfully, and thought to himself: "The height of this secret passage happens to be not high, so there is light refracted on it, which means that the exit is here on the upper stone slab."

Xiaobai suddenly realized, and said to Chunhua and Lulu: "I found the exit, you see, there is light coming from above, and the exit is above our heads."

Lu Lu followed the direction pointed by the little white finger, saw the light shining, and immediately felt relieved: "Great, I finally found the exit. I thought we were going to be trapped here."

After Xiaobai finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and touched the stone slab. The height was just enough to touch the stone slab above.

So she moved her hand to the side of the stone slab that was shining through the light, and exerted the strength in her hand, trying to see if she could push the stone covered on it.

The strength of a person is too weak, and the stone slab is relatively heavy. Xiaobai gritted his teeth and poured strength into his hands, only to see the stone move only a little bit.

Chunhua saw that Xiaobai was struggling so much, so he also raised his hands to help Xiaobai push the stone together.

Seeing that they were all pushing against one side of the stone, Lulu also raised her hands to exert strength on the other side of the stone.

Gathering the strength of three people, the stone was pushed away at once, and the light shone along the opening of the stone, and the passage became brighter and brighter.

Xiaobai jumped up through the gap opened by the stone, looked at the outside environment, and saw that the stone exit turned out to be a room, and there was nothing in the room except a table.

After coming down, Xiaobai said to Chunhua and Lulu: "There is a room up there with only one table. It seems that this passage leads to this room. Let's go up and have a look first."

Chunhua and Lulu nodded. Lulu looked at the height and asked, "How do we go up?"

"I have a way, look at me!" Xiaobai looked confident, as if he had found a way to climb up.

After Xiaobai finished speaking, he stepped back in the direction of the passage to a position ten meters away.Chunhua and Lulu looked at her with some puzzlement.

Xiaobai stood still and shouted at them: "Stand aside first, don't block the exit of the stone.

Chunhua and Lulu do as Xiaobai says.

I saw Xiaobai running like an arrow off the string, and when he reached the exit of the stone, he jumped with all his strength, and grabbed the supporting platforms built by the rooms on both sides above the hole with both hands.With a lift of his feet, he smoothly went up to the room above.

Chunhua and Lulu watched Xiaobai go up, and couldn't help sighing: "Xiaobai's physical strength is too good!"

After Xiaobai went up, he took a nap while panting.

Then he went to the gap again, poked his head, stretched out his hand, looked at Chunhua and Lulu in the secret passage, and said, "Come on, grab my hand, and I will pull you up."

Chunhua is thinner than the deer, so Chunhua holds Xiaobai's hand first, Xiaobai takes a deep breath, gathers strength on his hands, and with a sudden pull, Chunhua climbs up the rock wall of the dark passage with his feet , stepped on the supporting platform with his strength, and went up to the room smoothly.

Xiaobai and Chunhua came up, and only Lulu was left below.

The two stretched out a hand each for Lulu to grab, and they worked together to pull Lulu up.

After going up to the room, the field of vision became wider, and Xiaobai and the others looked at the room again.

This room is indeed relatively empty, with only one table.

Xiaobai walked towards the table, looked at the table, there was a lot of dust on the table, but what was it?

Xiaobai found that there were marks on the dust on the table that were similar to fingers, but not like human fingers.

Xiaobai called Chunhua and Lulu: "Come and see, this mark."

Hearing Xiaobai's call, Chunhua and Lulu walked quickly to Xiaobai's side.

Xiaobai looked at his fingers and compared them, and the imprint appeared to be slender.

"These don't seem to be human fingers, and these three are long and one is short, thin and long, but they look like..." Chunhua looked at the imprint a little uncertainly.

"I think it looks like chicken feet!" Lu Lu replied without thinking, and then she continued, I saw three long ones and one short one, and the fingertips were so slender, just like the chicken feet of my big rooster.

"Pfft." Xiaobai only thought it was funny: "Could it be that Jufeng Pagoda raises a big rooster in the room."

When Chunhua heard what Lulu said, he also confirmed his own thoughts. I think this imprint is also like "birds" or "chicken" as Lulu said.

The room looks like the doors and windows are closed, and it doesn't look like "chickens" and "birds" will be raised here.

"But where did this mark come from?" Xiao Bai was staring at the paw mark on the table in a daze, when he suddenly heard a thump.

(End of this chapter)

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