I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 945 Discovery of the Exit

Chapter 945 Discovery of the Exit
Chapter 940 Six

The sound was a bit like the sound of flapping wings; so the three turned their heads to find the source of the sound.

I looked to the left and to the right, but I didn't see anything; could it be a hallucination?
"Plop", another click, Xiaobai and the others looked up, and a gray-black shadow passed by.

As the fast-flying shadow was fixed on the beam on the right, when I took a closer look, it turned out to be a huge "eagle", with a strong body and the size of a big "goose".

It is conceivable that the imprint on the table belongs to this eagle.

The eagle stopped on the beam of the house, staring straight at Xiaobai and the others, the eyes were so sharp that people couldn't help but step back consciously.

Xiaobai felt curious: "How did this eagle come into this room? Could it be that someone deliberately kept it here?" Then he looked around, and the doors and windows were all closed.

"Then what does the eagle eat?" Lu Lu also felt strange.

Suddenly, the eagle flapped its wings again, and a white object fell from the beam.It just fell and rolled to Lu Lu's feet.

Lu Lu looked down: "Why does this thing that fell look like a human hand bone?"

Xiaobai and the others saw five skeletons that looked like human finger bones.

Thinking that the eagle is a carnivore, as long as it locks on the prey, it will hunt the prey, and it is also very smart.

Immediately, the three of them gasped, feeling their hairs stand on end.

The eagle's eyes never left their bodies, as if looking at its prey, waiting for an opportunity to hunt and kill them. Their staring eyes made them flustered.

The three kept backing away until they approached the corner, only to realize that there was no way to escape.

So they looked at the position of the door over there, and then they moved towards the door against the wall, not moving lightly one step or two, and paying attention to the movement of the eagle.

Finally moved to the edge of the door, Xiaobai pulled the doorknob hard, but it couldn't be pulled, and after pulling it hard, he still couldn't move, only then did he know that the door couldn't be opened at all.

The squeak of pulling the doorknob alarmed the eagle standing on the beam.

"Plop," the eagle stared at its sharp eyes, spread its wings, lowered its sharp claws, and glided towards Xiaobai and the others.

Seeing that the eagle's sharp claws were about to reach out, Xiaobai immediately took out his sword and swung it over. The eagle dodged it, then flew back in a circle, and then came to catch its prey again.

This time it glides even lower, seeing that its sharp claws are about to grab Chunhua's arm.

Xiaobai swung her blood-piercing sword and slashed at the eagle's claw that was about to hook Chunhua's arm; unexpectedly, when the sword touched its claw, it made the sound of steel colliding, and actually sparked.

The eagle failed to catch Chunhua's arm, and flew back in another roundabout.

Xiaobai recalled that moment: "I just collided with the eagle's talons, the sound and sparks, I was looking at the golden color of its talons, could it be that the eagle's talons are covered with golden armor, even a sharp weapon like the bloodbath sword can't hurt it a cent.

The eagle circled twice and saw that it hadn't caught its prey, so it flew back to its beam and stopped, but its eyes, which were born to be a master of hunting, never left its prey for a moment.

Xiaobai, seeing the eagle's attack stopped: "The eagle's talons have been put on golden armor. Someone must have raised them specially. We must quickly find a way to avoid its predation, or when it rests, the attack will be slower than the eagle's attack." It was more violent than before."

"But the doors and windows are closed here, we can't escape even if we want to!" Lu Lu looked at the closed doors and windows of the room, distressed.

Chunhua looked around: "Obviously this was deliberately set up. There is no escape exit. Those who enter this room must pass the eagle's barrier, and the key is to find the escape exit."

Just when the three of them were struggling with no countermeasures, a big mouse climbed up the gap in the secret passage, saw someone, and fled to the corner.

Seeing a big mouse climbing up from the gap in the secret passage, Xiaobai immediately moved the stones above to block the gap in the secret passage, forcing the big mouse to have nowhere to escape like them.

Lu Lu was a little puzzled by Xiaobai blocking the gap in the secret passage: "Why do you need to block the gap in the secret passage? If it doesn't work, we can hide in the secret passage for a while!"

Xiaobai explained: "The big mouse climbed up from the gap, and the eagle would definitely prey on it, and the mouse is an expert at escaping. In this closed room, the mouse can smell the air outside, so it must be Can find an exit for us."

Sure enough, the mouse crawled around and saw that there was no exit, but the mouse was moving around, and the eagle had already spotted it. When the eagle flapped its wings again, the mouse also felt a dangerous aura approaching.

The eagle swiped its wings and was about to hunt the mouse. The mouse quickly climbed up the eagle's beam. The eagle flew into the air and turned around again. Xiaobai and the others happened to be behind.

Then, the eagle started to attack Xiaobai and the others again, and Xiaobai held up his sword to resist the eagle's sharp claws; this time it was more swift and fierce than the last attack, the eagle kept changing positions up and down, and Xiaobai also To follow the attack of the eagle, change up and down.

Chunhua looked at the mouse's crawling track, and found that the mouse stopped at a place on the left after it got on the beam, and rubbed against that position vigorously with its small paws.

The eagle's swift attack made Xiaobai a little overwhelmed. When he was not paying attention, the eagle's beak pecked her arm, drawing a bloodstain.

Seeing that Xiaobai was injured, Chunhua and Lulu drew out their swords and together with Xiaobai resisted the eagle's claws, saying to Xiaobai: "The mouse is rubbing against the left side of the beam, I think there There should be an exit."

Hearing what Chunhua said, Xiaobai glanced to the left side of the beam.

Sure enough, I saw the mouse in that position, using its claws back and forth, crawling and rubbing.

It was too late to say, but it was too late, Xiaobai turned around quickly, letting Chunhua resist the eagle's claws first.

She threw her bleeding sword in the direction of the mouse, and the sword rushed towards the direction where the mouse was rubbing.

The mouse was frightened and fell down from the beam with a bang. The eagle heard the movement behind it, stopped attacking Chunhua, and turned around to chase the mouse.

The bloodbath sword slammed into the window frame on the left side of the beam, and then spun back into Xiao Bai's hand.

"Missed! Try again!" Xiaobai drew out the Bloodbath Sword again and flew towards the left side.

The Bloodbath Sword flew towards that place again, but this time it hit the target.

There was the sound of the window frame cracking and falling, and a ray of light from outside brightly illuminated the room, where the exit was hidden.

Xiaobai and the others were overjoyed when they saw the blood-piercing sword crash out of the exit.

After looking at the height of the beam, the next step is how to get on the beam and go out from this exit.

(End of this chapter)

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