Chapter 946
Xiaobai saw the mouse running around in the room, and the eagle was chasing after him. He said to Chunhua and Lulu, "Now is a good time to escape."

Xiaobai looked at the corner on the right, and it happened to be a wooden pile connected to the beam of the house.

So he said to Chunhua and Lulu: "Climb to the beam by following the stake, and climb to the exit that has been opened by following the beam."

After finishing speaking, the three of them quickly walked to the side of the stake.

Xiaobai asked Lulu to squat halfway, and Lulu understood, knowing that Xiaobai wanted to use Lulu's shoulders to climb up to the top of the stake, so he could quickly climb up to the beam.

Lulu squatted on the ground and said to Xiaobai: "Come up, I can hold on."

Xiaobai nodded, first stepped on Lulu's right shoulder with his right foot, then stepped on with his right foot, and stepped on it with his left foot, obviously Lulu's body shook under the force.

However, after a brief shake, Lulu gritted his teeth, got up and maintained a half-squat posture, supporting Xiaobai close to the top of the wooden stake.

At this moment, the eagle's sharp claws had hooked the mouse's neck, and the mouse squeaked fiercely, and blood flowed down the mouse's neck; the mouse was dying.

Then the eagle also folded its wings, stood still on the ground, pecked open the skin of the mouse with its sharp beak, and began to eat the flesh and blood of the mouse.

Under the support of the deer, Xiaobai successfully hugged the wooden post with both hands, and then hooked his feet to the beam above. He moved in coordination with his hands and feet, and then hugged the beam with both hands smoothly; Flip on top of the beam, and then you can straighten up and sit on the beam.

After sitting on the beam, Xiaobai asked Chunhua to move the dusty table to the side of the stake.

Chunhua and Lulu immediately moved the table to the side of the stake.

Xiaobai asked Chunhua to stand on the table while supporting the stake.

After Chunhua stood still on the table, Xiaobai stretched out his hands and took Chunhua's hand. Chunhua's feet could also use the wooden stake to borrow strength, and climbed up the beam smoothly.

After Chunhua got on the beam, only Lulu hadn't gone up yet.

At this time, the eagle has almost eaten the mouse.

As soon as Lulu climbed onto the table, he heard the sound of wings flapping.

"No! It's an eagle!" Xiaobai also heard the sound of the eagle's flapping wings, and then hurriedly shouted at Lu Lu who had just stood still on the table: "Hurry up and grab my hand, and climb up the wooden post with your feet! "

Just as Chunhua stabilized on the beam, when he heard Xiaobai's shout, he also stretched out his hand to let Lulu quickly hold her hand.

When Lulu stretched out his hands to pull their hands, it was too late, the eagle had already flown over, and a claw came down, scratching the back of Lulu's hand, Lulu let go of the pain, and fell directly to the ground .

Xiaobai watched Lulu fall, and didn't care too much, turned over, quickly jumped onto the table, went down to Lulu's side, and drew out his sword to resist the sharp claws that were about to come down to grab Lulu's neck.

The back of Lu Lu's hand was scratched by the eagle and had three bloody wounds. One hand covered the other, and the pain hit her heartbreakingly, causing her to curl up on the ground.

Xiaobai defended against the attacking eagle with his sword while helping Lulu get up.

Seeing that Xiaobai couldn't resist, Chunhua yelled, "Hey! Look this way!"

The eagle heard the sound and saw Chunhua on the beam, which was provoking it.

Then he reversed his target and attacked Chunhua.

Taking advantage of the eagle's diversion, Xiaobai quickly helped Lulu up, tore off a piece of cotton cloth from the hem of his clothes, and bandaged the injured part of Lulu's hand to stop the bleeding wound.

After hemostasis, Lulu's complexion became better, so Xiaobai helped her onto the table, and told Chunhua who was still fighting with the eagle, "I'll attract the eagle later, you take Lulu Pull up the beams. Then you go out through the exit first."

Chunhua heard Xiaobai's order, and while circling with the eagle, he shouted, "We're going out, so what do you do?"

"You go out first, I will find a way!" After finishing speaking, Xiaobai told Lulu again: "I will lure the eagle away later, you quickly grab Chunhua's hand and climb up the beam, and then you start from the exit out.

Lu Lu looked at the injured hand, and said with some guilt: "I'm the one who dragged you down; if I wasn't injured, I would have gone out."

Xiaobai comforted Lulu and said: "It's not your fault, but this damn eagle; don't worry, we can go out, you go out first, you're safe, then I can deal with her with peace of mind!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaobai threw the scabbard vigorously at Ying who was dealing with Chunhua.

The scabbard just hit the eagle's leg muscles, and the eagle fell to one side in pain; then it quickly flapped its wings to maintain its balance.

When it turned its head to stare at the direction the scabbard was coming from, Xiao Bai saw that its eyes were burning with even greater anger.

The eagle fluttered its wings, then glided down quickly and attacked Xiao Bai.

Seeing the eagle approaching, Xiaobai dodged sideways, skillfully avoiding the eagle's attack.

Then the eagle turned back and continued to attack Xiao Bai in a row. Xiao Bai could only resist the eagle's sharp golden claws with the Bloodbath Sword.

Taking advantage of the time when Xiaobai drew away the eagle's firepower, Chunhua made Lulu stand on the table, and stretched out his hand to hold Lulu's hand.

With the strength of Chunhua's upward pull, Lulu put her legs on the wooden stake, and then circled the beam of the house. Chunhua pulled her up, and finally got on the beam of the house.

He looked at Xiaobai who was struggling with the eagle, and was constantly changing positions to deal with the eagle.

Chunhua then switched places with Lulu, letting Lulu crawl along the beam to the exit first.

Lu Lu bowed up, put his legs flat on the beam, bent his knees, supported the plane on the beam with his hands, and began to crawl step by step towards the exit pierced by the Bloody Sword, followed closely by Chunhua to protect him. This her.

After a while, the two finally climbed to the exit.

Chunhua first let Lulu crawl out along the exit, Lulu stretched out his head to look at the exit, and said in surprise: "Below this exit is another room."

Chunhua urged Lulu to climb forward quickly: "Don't worry about it, let's go out of this room first."

The beams of the room are interconnected with the beams of this room, so the deer passed through quickly.

Seeing Lulu crawling over, Chunhua turned to look at Xiaobai.

I saw that Xiaobai's other arm was also pecked by the eagle, and the blood was flowing; but he still fought hard with the eagle.

"You can't leave Xiaobai here alone to resist, I want to go back and help her, Lu Lu, you wait here first, don't crawl over here again!" Chunhua told Lu Lu to stay where he is.

She followed the beam and climbed back to the position where there was a table top on the beam.

After climbing to this position, she loudly told Xiao Bai to come up to the table.

Xiaobai heard Chunhua's voice, and moved to the table step by step while resisting the eagle's attack, as Chunhua said.

(End of this chapter)

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