I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 947 Defeating the Eagles

Chapter 947 Defeating the Eagles
With his back against the corner of the wall, Xiaobai quickly moved to the position of the table, and jumped onto the table with a single leap.

Chunhua drew out her saber, attracting the firepower of the eagle, and at the same time let Xiaobai climb up the beam along the knotted cloth strips that she had just torn off the hem of her skirt.

Seeing the strip of cloth left by Chunhua, Xiaobai jumped to grab it, kicked on the wooden stake with both legs, and climbed up the beam in two or three strokes.

Seeing that the eagle was about to catch Chunhua's back, Xiaobai swung his sword and hit the eagle's abdomen. The eagle flashed in pain, but missed Chunhua.

Taking advantage of Eagle's abdominal injury, Xiaobai urged Chunhua to crawl towards the exit.

Before climbing two steps, the eagle turned around again, so the two began to resist with their swords.

With the strength of the two of them, plus the fact that the eagle was also injured in the abdomen, he resisted for a while, then crawled two steps, and slowly got closer and closer to the exit of the beam.

Lulu followed the beams to the interior of the room, ready to meet Chunhua and Xiaobai at any time.

Finally climbed to the position of the exit, the eagle also saw the exit of the hole, knew they were going to escape, and chased after them even more.

Seeing that the eagle became more aggressive, Xiaobai reminded Chunhua in a low voice that the eagle's abdomen was injured, which is its weak point, and we only need to attack its abdomen.

Watching the eagle swoop down, Xiaobai and Chunhua aimed their swords at the eagle's abdomen, and both swords fired together.

Finally, the sword hit, and both swords pierced the eagle's abdomen. The eagle screamed, fluttered its wings, broke free from the blade, and fell back to the ground.

Xiaobai and Chunhua heaved a sigh of relief, their tight nerves could finally be relaxed, and the eagle was finally defeated by them.

The fallen eagle was injured. Although his life was safe, the pain in his abdomen probably prevented him from flying high in a short period of time.

Looking at the eagle that fell to the ground from the beam, Xiaobai and Chunhua looked at each other and smiled.

When Chunhua crawled out from the exit, Lulu asked anxiously: "Are you all okay! Xiaobai, how is it?"

Seeing that there is no danger now, Chunhua wants to play tricks on Lulu.

Xiaobai was still behind Chunhua, and Chunhua deliberately coughed slightly, implying that Xiaobai should not speak.

"Xiaobai, she was..." Chunhua prolonged his voice deliberately, and wiped the corners of his eyes pretending to be sad, and pretended to wipe away his tears with the front of his clothes.

Seeing Chunhua wiping tears sadly, and saying that Xiaobai..., Lu Lu immediately collapsed to the ground like an eggplant beaten by frost, hugged her head and cried loudly: "I'm sorry, Xiaobai, it's all because of me." about you!"

Seeing the success of the scheme and seeing Lulu's sad expression, Chunhua said again: "Ahem!" twice.

Xiaobai poked his head out quietly from the exit, and said with a smile, "Who is dead! The fortune teller said, I can live to be a hundred years old! Lulu, why are you crying?"

When Lulu heard Xiaobai's voice, he immediately raised his head and saw Xiaobai's face full of smiles.Lulu couldn't believe it and covered Posha's eyes that were still crying just now, the mood was like a roller coaster.

When Lulu realized what was going on, he shouted: "Chunhua, how dare you lie to me!"

Chunhua giggled and said, "I didn't say Xiaobai..., it's your own imagination, so you can blame me!"

Lu Lu, with a look of grievance on his face: "Whoever made you hesitate and wipe your tears is clearly trying to punish me!"

Chunhua jumped along the stakes in this room, slid down, and stood safely.

Next, Xiaobai also moved to the stake. Although Xiaobai was injured, it did not affect her flexibility. She grabbed the stake, slid, and landed safely.

Chunhua was still giggling at Lulu, while Lulu hugged Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, if you didn't jump down to save me, you wouldn't have suffered so many injuries! When you let us escape the exit first, I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to come back, woo woo..."Lulu couldn't help but choked up when he thought of what had just happened.

Xiaobai responded in pain: "Don't hug so tightly, it hurts!"

Lulu quickly let go of his arms around Xiaobai, took Xiaobai's hand and asked eagerly: "Are you okay, I'm sorry, I hurt you! I didn't mean it."

Seeing that Lulu was so nervous, Xiaobai smiled and comforted her: "Fool, I'm fine, it's just that the wound just hurt a little bit, I can live to be a hundred years old!"

Seeing this, Chunhua came over and comforted Lulu: "It's okay, the eagle has been defeated by us, and it doesn't have any good fruit to eat. It's licking its wounds in that room now." ?”

When Lulu heard Chunhua say that they had defeated the eagle, he gave a thumbs up excitedly and exclaimed, "You guys are really amazing! Hmph, I really want to stare at it to see if it is still fierce."

Chunhua heard Lu Lu say this, and teased: "No, no, don't look at it, if it comes back to life, I won't be able to beat it anymore."

Hearing what Chunhua said, the three couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Chunhua tore off a few strips of cotton cloth from his skirt, bandaged Xiaobai's wound, and looked around the room.

There is only such a table in this room, which looks no different from the room next to it.

It is that the direction of the window and the door seems to be different.

The door on this side is set on the south side, and the windows change with the door, and they are also tightly closed.

It took a little time to bandage Xiaobai's wound, and he didn't feel anything strange or dangerous during this time. Relatively speaking, this room is relatively safe.

Xiaobai walked to the door, wanted to pull the latch, tried to open the door, but couldn't pull it.

Lu Lu went to the window and tried to push the window, but the window couldn't be pushed.

Xiaobai felt strange: "Since there are doors and windows, why can't they be opened?"

Chunhua went around the room again, looking at every corner of the room, carefully checking if there was anything special about it.

Sure enough, in a corner of the room, Chunhua found writing on it. She swept away the dust floating on the writing with her hands, and called: "Come here quickly; there are writings here."

Xiaobai and Lulu heard that Chunhua had discovered the handwriting, so they hurriedly surrounded him.

After sweeping away the dust covering the handwriting on the wall, Chunhua began to read from the first word of the handwriting: "Looking for more, deserted, desolate and miserable."

Xiaobai heard Chunhua read this line of verses, and couldn't help asking Chunhua in doubt: "What do these sentences mean? What are they? ?”

Chunhua nodded: "Well, that's pretty much what it means, but there's a sentence in front of it: "Looking for and looking for"

Literally understood, it is indeed describing this meaning. "

(End of this chapter)

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