I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 949 Encountering a Snake

Chapter 949 Encountering a Snake
After the wooden door was opened, the passage behind the wooden door was pitch black. This passage was shaped like an arch bridge, and the air inside was also circulating.

But the passage is short and narrow, and can only be entered by one person crawling.

If three people go in, they can only climb forward one by one.

"Then let's start with the first wooden door!" Xiao Bai took the lead in squatting down, knees bent, palms on the ground, ready to crawl forward into the arch hole.

Chunhua followed behind Xiaobai, and Lulu followed closely behind.

The visibility in the cave is relatively dark, but fortunately it is straight, and there are no obstacles in the process of crawling.

It's just that I can't see clearly, so Xiaobai has to touch the front every time he crawls in front, to see if there is anything blocking the way.

After climbing about 20 meters, Xiaobai's hand seemed to have touched something. It felt slippery and cold, and it seemed to squirm a bit. Xiaobai was startled and quickly withdrew his hand.

Chunhua was behind Xiaobai and touched Xiaobai's heels. Seeing that Xiaobai didn't move, he hurriedly asked, "Xiaobai, what's wrong? Why don't you move forward?"

Xiaobai was just remembering the tactile sensation of touching that thing in her hand just now, it was soft, cold, and slippery, it couldn’t be... Chunhua’s voice interrupted her meditation, so Xiaobai replied : "Just now my hand touched something slippery, soft, and cold, and the light in the hole couldn't be seen clearly, so I didn't know what it was.

Chunhua listened to Xiaobai's description, and said: "Slippery, soft, and chilly, why does this thing feel so like a "snake"?"

When Lulu heard that it was a snake, he said in horror: "Xiaobai, there are snakes, so let's climb back quickly, it's too dangerous!"

Although Xiaobai had the same guess as Chunhua, but she couldn't see it, she wanted to try to touch it again to confirm whether it was a "snake".

So, Xiaobai stretched his hand forward again, to the position just now, but he didn't touch the thing just now, and touched the side, but he didn't touch anything.Xiaobai whispered: "Could it be just an illusion?"

Chunhua heard Xiaobai whispering, and asked Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, what's wrong? Did you touch something again?"

Xiaobai took another step forward, and replied: "I just touched forward again with my hand, and found that I didn't touch what I touched before."

Seeing Xiaobai take a step forward, Chunhua warned: "It's better to be careful, if it's a "snake", it will be troublesome.

"Yeah!" Xiaobai decided to climb up again, but every time he climbed, he had to use his hands to find out the way ahead.

After about five steps forward, Xiaobai's hand was about to move forward for the sixth step; the feeling came again.

Xiaobai's hand touched that cold, slippery, soft thing again, this time Xiaobai didn't stop immediately.

Instead, he touched it forward, and with this touch, the thing actually moved and slid, Xiaobai's hand felt the small tapered tail.

Xiaobai yelled sharply: "Lulu, climb back quickly, there is danger ahead!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Xiaobai had time to turn his body around, he saw a pair of blood-red eyes protruding from the dark place in front of him, slowly approaching.

The light from the blood-red eyes allowed Xiaobai to see the figure of this thing clearly. It was a giant snake as big as a bowl.

Originally, it perched vertically in the arch hole, but who knew that some uninvited guests like Xiaobai broke into its territory; they even touched its tail.

Looking at the big snake's eyes and figure, Xiaobai was stunned for a moment. She didn't wake up until Chunhua patted her heel, and shouted: "Quick! Climb back quickly! The snake turned its head!"

Hearing Xiaobai's cry, Lulu turned around and crawled back desperately, followed by Chunhua and Xiaobai.

However, how can a human crawl faster than a snake? Although a big snake is bigger, its gliding speed is also very fast.

As Xiaobai crawled back, he still looked back to see how far the big snake was chasing after him.

The speed of the big snake continued to increase, and the sound of its tail slamming against the cave wall could be heard.

Seeing that the big snake's blood-red eyes were about to catch up, Xiao Bai knew that if he didn't stop it, it would bite his ass.

So Xiaobai pulled out the Bloody Sword and told Chunhua and the others to climb forward quickly, while she stopped and prepared to fight the snake to the death.

Seeing that Xiaobai did not follow, Chunhua turned his head and saw the blood-red eyes of the big snake. It really makes people shudder in this dark hole; Xiaobai is one meter away from it, Chunhua shouted to Xiaobai : "Xiaobai, why don't you climb! Climb quickly, the big snake is right next to you."

Xiaobai knew that it was impossible to climb over it, so he said to Chunhua: "Go out and wait for me first, this place is too dangerous, and you are here, I still worry about you, don't worry, I will stop it."

After hearing Xiaobai's words, Lulu and Chunhua had no choice but to climb forward. The hole was too narrow, and they couldn't help Xiaobai if they stayed; they had to go out.

The sound of Xiaobai drawing his sword echoed in the cave, and the big snake stopped a meter away from Xiaobai when he heard the sound.

Xiaobai took a deep breath and looked at the big snake one meter away from him. It stood upright with its blood-red eyes open, its neck was swinging back and forth, and the snake vomited. This is the snake sensing its prey and ready to attack at any time. action.

Xiaobai clenched the sword tightly in his hands, the dense sweat on his head slid down his cheeks, and he never dared to let go of his eyes and stared at the big snake hovering in front of him.

The snake began to move its body slowly, swinging its blood-red eyes and twisting its neck, as if it wanted to enjoy its prey.

One step, two steps, Xiaobai meditated in his heart as the snake gradually approached her body.

Just two steps away from her, Xiaobai preemptively swung her sword and slashed towards the snake's head.

The big snake dodged cleverly, then swung its tail and whipped towards Xiaobai.

Xiaobai's back was whipped several times by the snake's tail, and the force of the snake's tail was more painful than the whip.

In order to avoid the whipping of the snake's tail, Xiaobai quickly rolled backwards a few times, and touched the back that hurt from the whipping of the snake with his hands. The bloodstains on his back penetrated the skirt of his clothes, and his fingers were sticky, smelling like blood.

Seeing that Xiaobai was retreating, the snake slid forward even more bravely. Xiaobai swung his sword to resist while retreating.

The snake kept changing the length of its tail, trying to wrap Xiaobai around it.

Xiaobai could only retreat while defending. The entrance of the cave was too narrow, and he couldn't use it at all. He had to try his best to lead the big snake towards the entrance of the cave; as long as he was outside the entrance of the cave, there would be room for him to compete with the snake.

The big snake watched Xiaobai keep retreating, and seemed to know what Xiaobai was thinking. It speeded up its gliding, opened its mouth, and wanted to bite Xiaobai's neck, causing Xiaobai to die.

(End of this chapter)

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