I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 950 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 950 Lead the snake out of the hole
Xiaobai could make the big snake succeed, and blocked the big snake's mouth with his sword in time.

The sharpness of the Bloodletting Sword cut the snake's mouth, the snake shook its head in pain, threw the sword out of the snake's mouth, and shrank back.

Xiaobai took advantage of the gap when the snake retracted, turned his body around, and crawled back with all his strength.

Seeing that Xiaobai wanted to escape, the snake quickly twisted its body to catch up.

After Xiaobai quickly crawled for a few meters, he saw the light coming from the entrance of the cave.

Chunhua and Lulu were already waiting for her outside the cave.

Seeing the light, Xiaobai tried his best to crawl out, just when the snake head was about to bite her ass, Chunhua and Lulu took Xiaobai's hand and tried hard, but the snake head did not bite Xiaobai, fell to the ground.

After pulling out Xiaobai, the three quickly retreated, and the big snake had already chased him out of the cave.

With the light, Xiaobai and the others finally saw the outline of the snake clearly.

The body of this snake is as thick as the mouth of a bowl, the whole body is black, and the skin is shiny and shiny. The most noticeable thing is that there is a bright red crown on the top of its head, which is as red as the crown on a rooster.

Just after coming out of the cave, the snake twisted its neck and looked first to the left, then to the right, and actually observed the surrounding environment.

It was also the first time Lulu saw such a smart snake and exclaimed: "This snake is really evil!"

Chunhua looked at the bright red crest of the snake and said: "Looking at the red crest on its head, it means that this snake is very poisonous. I heard from the ancestors that the brighter the skin color of this species of snake, the more poisonous it is. Be careful not to let it bite you."

Maybe it was because the snake stayed in the cave for a long time. After leaving the cave, it didn't immediately attack Xiaobai and the others. Instead, it curled its tail into a ball, stretched its neck, spit out snake letters and looked up and down.

Seeing that the snake didn't move, Xiaobai and the others looked at this big snake with a cockscomb vigilantly.

After a pause of about a moment, the snake's blood-red eyes began to move to stare at the place where Xiaobai and the others were, and then it stretched its neck and began to slowly slide towards their direction.

Seeing its posture, Xiaobai knew that it was going to attack them. This is the inherent high posture of a snake attacking its prey.

The snake slid closer and closer to them, and when it was less than one meter away, it stopped, wagging its tail, and spitting snake letters repeatedly.

"You can't sit still, you have to take the initiative to attack. It wants to wrap its tail around us." Xiaobai reminded Chunhua and Lulu based on his experience in fighting snakes in the cave.

Chunhua looked at Xiaobai and asked, "Then what should we do now, how can we take the initiative to attack?"

Xiaobai looked at the tail of the snake: "The three of us are gathered together, and its tail is long enough to bind the three of us at the same time. Spread it out first, you and the deer will be scattered on the left and right sides of the snake, and I will go to it In front of it, we cooperated with the left and right pincers and hit it seven inches."

After speaking, Chunhua and Lulu moved to the left and right sides of the snake respectively, and Xiaobai went to the front of the snake to attract the attack of the snake head.

Seeing that they were all scattered, the big snake knew that it could not bind them with its tail at the same time, so it stretched its neck even longer.

When it reaches the position where it can attack Xiaobai, it suddenly opens its bloody mouth and starts to attack Xiaobai, while Chunhua attacks with the sword on the right side of the big snake. Moved the tail of the snake and whipped Chunhua to the edge of the wall.

Seeing that the snake's tail hit Chunhua, Lulu attacked the snake's body from the left. Unexpectedly, the snake's reaction speed was still very fast, and the snake's tail swung to the left quickly, and Lulu was also thrown aside by the snake's tail.

Xiaobai has been entangled with the snake head all the time. Xiaobai found that when she turns left, the snake head will pause for two seconds. If she turns right at this time, the snake will wait another two seconds before attacking her; If it changes its left and right positions, its attack speed will slow down, and the opportunity may be between these two seconds of exchange.

Xiaobai began to try, stepping to the left first, and sure enough the snake was on the right. Seeing that Xiaobai was shifting to the left, he twisted the snake's head to move to the left. The snake always paused for two seconds when changing positions with Xiaobai.

So after mastering this rule, Xiaobai began to move his bow from left to right, and the snake's head would slow down by two seconds every time it changed. So Xiaobai took the opportunity to let Chunhua and Lulu attack the snake's seven-inch position quickly.

After listening to Xiaobai's words, Chunhua and Lulu are ready to attack the snake's Qicun at any time.

Xiaobai kept jumping back and forth, and the snake's head turned slightly dizzy. Seeing that the snake's pause time slowed down further, Xiaobai shouted at them: "Hurry up and hit it seven inches."

After receiving Xiaobai's order, Chunhua quickly struck out, holding the sword and rushing towards the snake's abdomen seven inches away, and stabbed through with the sword.

The sword pierced the snake's belly, and the snake flicked its tail in pain, pushing Chunhua aside.

The dizzy big snake, which was being swayed by Xiaobai, was stabbed in the abdomen. Immediately, it opened its bloody mouth even wider, but it still couldn't resist the severe pain from the abdomen. The snake twisted its head and pulled out the abdomen. The sword that came out was bitten out.

The moment the snake's head turned around, Xiaobai raised his sword and slashed at the snake's neck, cutting a bloody mouth, and the blood spurted out.

Both the neck and abdomen were injured, the snake raised its head and let out a cry, its head landed heavily, its tail was also loosened to the back, and completely spread out on the ground.

After the snake's head fell to the ground, it let out a low cry, and the snake's breathing became trembling frequently.

Although the snake suffered a serious setback, the wound did not endanger its life, but the pain made it lose its fighting spirit, so it twisted its heavy body due to the injury, turned its head and walked towards the arch hole.

"It should be going back to the cave to recuperate." Xiao Bai put down the sword in his hand and whispered after watching the snake's head swim into the cave.

"I was still fighting high just now, but I didn't expect that after being injured, I would still have such a pitiful and lonely mood." Chunhua looked at the back of the snake leaving, watched its tail disappear into the hole, and sighed!

"It's pitiful, it's not pitiful, come and take a look at my ass that hurts just now!" After speaking, Lu Lu rubbed her butt vigorously with both hands, baring her teeth!
Seeing her like this, Xiaobai and Chunhua covered their mouths and laughed: "Yes, yes, yes, you are pitiful, come here quickly, we will rub your butt for you."

When Lu Lu saw them approaching, each of them stretched out a hand to strike at her buttocks. He was so frightened that he quickly backed away, begging for mercy as he retreated: "No, no, I'd better rub it myself!"

This opportunity to tease Lulu could not be missed, so the two of them reached out to Lulu's ass and gave her a massage service, only to hear Lulu's two shouts echoing in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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