I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 951 Entering the Second Door

Chapter 951 Entering the Second Door
The first wooden door crawling was a life-and-death experience. Xiaobai and the others rested for a while, and then sealed the entrance with the wooden door that had originally sealed the hole, in order to prevent the big snake from making a comeback after resting.Second, after sealing the wooden door, you can also make a mark on the wooden door to warn that later people entering this hole is dangerous.

After sealing the door, Xiaobai carved a big "X" on the wooden door with a sword as a reminder to those who came later.

"Then, there are still two wooden doors in the room, and I don't know which one is safe, so I can only choose one at will." Xiao Bai looked at the remaining two wooden doors and said helplessly.

"Which one should you choose?" Lulu said as he ran to the two wooden doors, knocked on each door a few times, and listened with his ears to see if there was any movement inside; After listening, she stretched out her little finger to dig her ears and said, "There is no sound from the two doors, so which one to choose, it's up to you to decide!"

Xiaobai went straight to the wooden door next to the wooden door he had climbed through, and said, "Just this one! You can't see anything from the outside, and you can only know if it's the exit when you go in."

Chunhua nodded: "Yes! Just follow Xiaobai's and choose this one."

After speaking, Xiaobai began to press the sword against the upper edge of the wooden door, and thrust the sword sharply into the gap between the wooden door and the hole. With a little effort, the door was pried open.

When the hole was opened, it was also dark, until a few seconds after the door was pried open, suddenly there was an oil lamp hanging on the upper edge of the hole.After prying open the door, the outside air poured in, and the lights turned on automatically.

Seeing the light shining in the cave, Lulu said excitedly: "There is a light here, so this should be the exit. It seems that we have chosen the right one, and we can go out directly from here."

After Lulu finished speaking, she wanted to dive into the hole, Xiaobai held her back, and took a look into the depths of the hole: "Don't be too happy, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is a light, and it may not be a trap. , it’s better to be careful, let me take the lead!”

Xiaobai climbed into the cave first, Chunhua followed, followed by Lulu.

The three of them began to crawl inside, and with the light shining in the cave, the road conditions became clearer, and they didn't need to fumble, and the speed increased a lot.

After crawling for about 30 meters, the road ahead became dark, and compared with the side with lights, it formed a sharp contrast.

Xiaobai stopped at the last place with a light, and Chunhua's voice came from behind: "Why is there no light in front of Xiaobai, is it dangerous!"

Xiaobai responded: "Well! I don't know yet, stop and observe first, and be ready to retreat at any time if there is danger."

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was no movement in the dark place, Xiaobai looked up at the hanging oil lamp, and found that the lamp could be removed. If it was removed, it would be better to walk forward with the lamp to illuminate it than to explore the road in the dark many.

So Xiaobai propped up his body, sat directly on the ground with his legs, raised his arms and stretched to the place where the oil lamp was hanging above his head, twisted the iron coil that fixed the oil lamp, and took off the oil lamp from above.

After taking off the oil lamp, the road below the oil lamp became clearer. Xiaobai held the lamp in one hand and supported the ground with the other to crawl forward.

Chunhua and Lulu just need to follow Xiaobai's crawling track and crawl forward.

Just as he was crawling about ten meters away with the oil lamp in hand, a strange wind suddenly appeared and blew out the oil lamp in Xiao Bai's hand.

Seeing that the lights suddenly went out, Lulu screamed uncontrollably, it's okay not to scream, this scream really startled Chunhua and Xiaobai too.

Without the lights, the left, right, front and back are pitch black, and the outline of the hand can barely be seen until the palm of the hand is raised in front of the eyes.

Seeing that the lights were off, Xiaobai didn't climb any further, another gust of wind blew by, and the feeling of the wind made people's hairs stand on end. It was cold and gloomy, and Lulu couldn't help shivering, saying: "This Why is the wind so cold?"

At this moment, there was a sound in the cave accompanied by the wind, which sounded like "giggle" laughter.

This laughter, like a child's voice, seemed to reveal a strangeness.

Hearing this sound, Xiaobai and the others' hearts beat faster, and Chunhua asked in advance: "Did you hear it? There is a strange sound, a bit like the sound of children "giggling" laughing."

"I heard it! I heard it! I thought I was the only one who heard it." Lulu replied quickly.

After the wind passed, the laughter seemed to have stopped, and Xiao Bai and the others held their breaths, but they didn't hear it anymore.

Xiaobai looked at the oil lamp in his hand, and discussed with Chunhua and the others: "Why don't we climb back and light the lamp before walking on the road ahead! This way we can see the road ahead clearly and avoid danger in time."

"Well, it's okay, anyway, it's not too far away from the place with lights, so let Lulu light it!" Chunhua also thinks that it's safer to have lights.

So Xiaobai passed the extinguished oil lamp to Chunhua, and Chunhua passed the lamp to Lulu.

Lulu, after receiving the oil lamp, turned his body, ready to climb back to light the oil lamp.

The voice of Lulu talking while crawling came from behind: "You guys wait, wait until I light the lamp."

Xiaobai and Chunhua lie on the ground, take a rest, and wait for Lulu to light the lamp.

Another gust of wind blew, and the "giggle" laughter sounded again. Xiaobai held his breath and listened carefully. It seemed that the sound was louder than before and sounded clearer. The sound of children laughing is very close, but the sound coming out of this environment is also creepy.

Just when Xiaobai and Chunhua were fascinated by the sound, the deer behind had already lit the oil lamp and slowly crawled over. Seeing Chunhua in front lying on the ground motionless, he stretched out her With his right hand, he slapped Chunhua's calf vigorously, which made Chunhua tremble in fright.With a kick of his leg, he kicked Lu Lu directly on the nose.

Lulu held his nose and said in pain, "Why kick me, didn't I see you not moving, so I slapped your leg, it hurts like hell!"

Chunhua turned his head, looked at Lulu holding the oil lamp in his hand, covering his nose, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's okay! No matter who told you to come back, you didn't make a sound, and even slapped my leg."

Lulu rubbed his nose: "I didn't come back to see you lying on the ground, motionless, I didn't even notice when I came back, I wanted to scare you, who knew you kicked me in the nose."

Chunhua moved, turned around, touched Lulu's nose, and asked, "Are you all right! Xiaobai and I heard that strange sound again, and we were fascinated by it, so you came back."

"Hush!" Xiaobai turned his head and made a silent gesture to them.

The cloudy wind blew up again, and Lulu hurriedly protected the oil lamp with his hands to prevent the wind from blowing out the oil lamp again.
(End of this chapter)

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