I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 952 The Shadow on the Wall

Chapter 952 The Shadow on the Wall

As soon as the wind blew, the strange sound sounded again, and this sound felt a step closer.I still heard the "giggle" laughter like a child.

After the wind calmed down, Xiaobai turned his head and said, "Pass over the oil lamp! Go ahead and see what's there."

Lulu carefully handed the oil lamp to Chunhua, and Chunhua handed the lamp to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai holds the lamp with his left hand and protects it with his right hand, and moves with his legs to illuminate the road ahead.

I saw a corner ahead, and the road conditions at this corner became even narrower.

The light of the lamp can only be reflected on the wall covering the corner, and the inside cannot be seen; Xiaobai can only move forward to the corner by moving his feet while protecting the lamp.

Just when it was about to approach the corner, the wind blew again, and the flame of the lamp was blown to one side. Xiao Bai quickly wrapped it with his right hand to prevent the wind from blowing the lamp, causing it to go out again.

The "giggling" laughter started again, and the wind seemed to be getting stronger. Xiaobai was blown by the wind and couldn't open his eyes. He squinted his eyes, and suddenly saw two shadows appearing on the wall inside the corner; Pass.

The wind stopped, and so did the laughter. Xiaobai rubbed his eyes, and once again shone the light on the wall where he saw the shadow just now, but there was nothing.

When the wind was strong, Chunhua and the others lay down on the ground to prevent the sand and stones from blowing into their eyes. When the wind passed, they saw Xiaobai staring at the wall in a daze with the oil lamp on, and asked, "Xiaobai, is there anything inside?" what?"

Xiaobai turned his head and said: "When the wind was strong just now, I seemed to see two shadows flashing on the wall inside. When the wind stopped, I didn't find any shadows. Maybe I was wrong. uncertain."

Chunhua heard what Xiaobai said, moved quickly, climbed to Xiaobai's side, let Xiaobai shine the oil lamp forward, she stretched her head to look at the wall that Xiaobai said, and indeed saw nothing.

Chunhua patted Xiaobai on the shoulder, perhaps it was this strange sound that made us alert, and it is not necessarily a hallucination.

Lulu listened to their conversation from behind, touched his cold arm and said, "This voice makes people's scalps feel a little numb. Shall we continue to climb?"

"Go forward. Except for the wind and the sound, the road ahead seems to be the same." Although Xiao Bai felt weird, he still wanted to find out.

So, Xiaobai maintained the original forward posture, and Chunhua followed behind her like a deer, moving towards the narrower road around the corner.

After a while, he moved to the position where Xiaobai had seen the shadowed wall before, and was about to move forward.

The wind picked up again, and Xiaobai hurriedly wrapped his right hand around the oil lamp to prevent the wind from blowing out the fire.

The laughter of "giggle, giggle" sounded, and the sound of this laughter seemed to be more ferocious.

It made people's scalp tingle and their heart beat up and down, and the sound of the wind became louder along with the laughter, so loud that Xiaobai, Chunhua and Lulu couldn't even open their eyes.

Lulu couldn't bear the giggles, and laughed eeriely, and cursed from behind: "The wind is too strong, who is laughing, if you are a hero, show your face, don't be scary here, come out and fight."

The sound of the wind began to decrease, and the sound of "cluck, cluck, cluck" also decreased with the wind. Xiaobai opened his eyes and watched the oil lamp in his hand turn from blue to light yellow. He felt that there seemed to be eyes on the wall looking at him. Xiaobai turned the lamp and looked at the wall, only to see a shadow with double buns flashing past.

Xiaobai was convinced that he saw it clearly, and shouted: "Who is it, don't run!"

Xiaobai moved his feet and chased after him, and Chunhua and Lulu followed suit.

The shadow disappeared after running for a few meters. Xiaobai stopped when he saw that the shadow was gone.

This shadow is small, and there are double buns on its head, it seems that it is still young.

What's even more strange is that there seems to be only shadows, but no people, which is weird and ruthless.

Xiaobai felt strange, so he used an oil lamp to illuminate the left side of the place where the shadow disappeared, looking for clues of the shadow. On the left side, there was nothing but the wall, so he moved the oil lamp to shine on the right side.

The right side is also the wall, but there seems to be something under it. Xiaobai moved the oil lamp downward, and saw two jars under the corner of the right wall, which were earthen jars, and the top was sealed.

There was still a red cloth stuck under the sealed lid, and the jar was like a big jar for wine in a tavern.

At this time, Chunhua and Lulu followed closely.

Seeing that Xiaobai was staring at these two jars, Lu Lu took a look and said, "Isn't this the jar used to hold wine? Could it be that someone has hidden the wine here."

After finishing speaking, she wanted to hold an altar with her hands to have a look, but Xiao Bai stopped her: "Don't move, this doesn't look like a bottle of wine."

Lulu quickly withdrew his hand, and Xiaobai continued: "I just followed the shadow and disappeared here, and these two jars are placed here. I feel that this is not a coincidence, but it guides us here."

Chunhua looked at the jar, and found that there was a yellow paper pattern under the jar.

Chunhua squatted down, pulled out the paper from the jar, and found that the red talisman was drawn on the yellow paper.

Xiaobai looked at the paper pattern Chunhua was holding, and said, "I've seen this kind of talisman. It's only when mages preside over the villagers that they draw talismans to help exorcise evil spirits and keep them safe. "

Xiaobai and Chunhua looked at each other: "Could it be..."

"What is this?" Lu Lu asked eagerly seeing that both of them were playing tricks.

Xiaobai directly used his sword to pick off the cover of a jar, and lifted the red cloth.

Lulu poked her head to see what was inside, and saw that she covered her face and "vomited" and turned her face away.

Inside the jar was a mummified corpse, with two buns tied on the head, the facial features and body were sealed in the jar, and the body was dressed in a brocade gauze skirt, and after years of sealing, only the skin and bones remained after drying.

Xiaobai then picked up another jar and the red cloth. This jar was also a mummy, with a bun tied up. Looking at it, it was a boy, wearing cotton and linen clothes. Bones gone.

Looking at these two small corpses, Xiaobai and Chunhua also vomited.

Lu Lu cursed indignantly: "Who is so inhumane, with such cruel means, that even children will not be spared!"

Reminiscent of the shadow with her hair in a bun, Xiao Bai said: "That shadow is this little girl, and the laughter must be made by these two brats!"

Chunhua looked at the talisman in his hand: "Then why do they guide us here?"

Suddenly the wind picked up, Xiaobai quickly turned around against the wind and protected the oil lamp.

Giggling, giggling laughter, accompanied by the wind, saw two small shadows on the jar appear on the wall.

The girl was whispering to the boy, and the girl was still holding a candy figurine in her hand, giving the boy a bite, and herself, and then the two of them giggled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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