I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 953 Entering Another Space

Chapter 953 Entering Another Space
Just when the three of them were fascinated, they saw a flash of white light on the wall, which made them unable to open their eyes.

When they opened their eyes again, they found that the three of them were standing in a lively market. The crowd kept walking around, and the vendors were shouting. It was very lively.

Xiaobai just wanted to grab a villager to ask where it was, but found that his hand seemed to be transparent, passing through the villager's arm, and he couldn't grasp the villager's hand at all.

Just as he was trying to figure it out, the two children took the sugar figurine and ran straight through her body and ran forward. They turned to look at Chunhua and Lulu, and found that it was the same situation. They pass through their bodies, and their figures are as transparent as they are here.

Xiaobai tried to make a sound, but found that his vocal cords seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't make a sound.

So she went to a peddler not far away and waved her hands in front of his eyes, but the peddler didn't respond.

Xiaobai had an epiphany and thought: "They are transparent in this space, and all the villagers can't see them at all, so why do they appear in this space?"

Looking at Chunhua and Lulu again, Chunhua and Lulu also stared in surprise, wondering what's going on?

"Mother, mother, I want to eat sugar man!" An immature child's voice interrupted their mutual surprised eye contact.

Not far away, a little girl with a double bun was holding the hand of a woman, and beside the woman was a boy who was about the same height as the girl.

I saw the girl with a round and cute face, wearing a brocade gauze skirt, clamoring for sugar figurines, while the boy on the side was wearing cotton and linen clothes, looking at the peddler who sold the sugar figurines next to him The sugar man swallowed his saliva.

Xiaobai re-examined the service of girls and boys, and found that these are the "girls" and "boys" in the jar?

Boss, give me a sugar man!I saw the woman took the girl to the sugar seller's booth, and escaped from the purse of the clothes with a handkerchief containing a string of copper plates.He asked again: "Boss, how much is a candy man?"

"Two papers for one piece, how many do you want?" The boss looked at the girls and boys beside the woman and replied kindly.

"Just buy one!" The woman took out two pennies from her handkerchief and gave it to the boss.

"Little girl, see which sugar figure you like, and take that one." The boss smiled and asked the girl to choose by herself.

The pinched sugar figurines include tigers, cows, horses, sheep, and rabbits.

The girl ordered the rabbit, and the boss pointed to the rabbit and said, do you want this?

The girl nodded, and the boss took down the pinched rabbit and gave it to the girl.

The girl took the sugar figurine excitedly, while the boy beside him didn't ask his mother for it, but looked at the remaining sugar figurines that the boss had put on the booth, and swallowed his saliva.

The girl took a candy figurine, took a sip, jumped and said to her mother, "It's so sweet!"

The mother looked at the girl who was content to eat the candy figurine and said, "Can I give my brother a bite too?"

Only then did the girl realize that her mother only bought it for her, but her brother did not.

The girl walked to the side of the boy and said, "Brother, brother, shall we eat together, one bite for you and one bite for me."

The elder brother nodded, and then the picture on the shadow appeared, the girl and the boy added a piece of sugar figurine, giggling.

Looking at this warm scene, Xiaobai and the others were even more puzzled why girls and boys were put into jars and turned into mummies.

Just when they were puzzled by this, the style of painting changed, and a few people in official clothes appeared in the woman's house, pushing the woman and a man; this man should be the father of two children Father.

I saw the two children hiding behind the woman and their father. The officer dragged the woman and the man forcibly. During the pulling, the woman was pushed to the ground by the officer. When the woman fell down, she hit the table and passed out on the spot. .

Seeing his wife fainted, the man rushed over to support her, and the two children also held their mother's hand and cried loudly.

Seeing that no one was protecting the child, the officials stretched out their arms and hugged the girl, while the other went to the other side and hugged the boy.

The girl and boy who were being hugged struggled vigorously, but how could they break free from the arms of the officials when they were young.

Seeing that the officer was holding his child and was about to go out, the man rushed over and hugged the foot of the officer holding the boy, preventing him from taking the child away.

Seeing that the man was hugging his ankle and not letting go, the officer kicked the man violently with his other foot, and the man vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The official sent away with the child in his arms.

After watching Xiaobai, they were all very angry. They robbed children in broad daylight. What is the difference from robbers.

Then the painting style turned to a courtyard with tall furnishings and a gorgeous pavilion. I saw a man in official uniform and a lady in a gorgeous silk tulle dress sitting in the pavilion drinking tea. On the table, there was a group of servants around, and the servant girl poured tea for them.

Those dressed in official uniforms must be the dignitaries of the imperial court, and the noble ladies should be the wives of officials.

After a while, I saw a Taoist in a yellow Taoist robe on the long corridor in the yard, and several officials behind him walked from the corridor towards the official and the lady with two children in their arms.

Walking up to the officials and the noble lady, the Taoist priest in yellow robe first bowed to the officials and the noble lady, the official waved his hand, and saw the Taoist priest, asking the official to hold the child whose hands and feet had been tied up with rope placed in the courtyard.

After the child was placed in the courtyard, he saw another servant carrying a table, holding two jars, incense burners, incense burners, paper money and other objects placed in the center of the courtyard one by one.

Wait until the next person arranges these objects.

I only heard the Taoist chief ask the officials and the noble lady for instructions: "After I do it, use this pair of golden boys and jade girls as sacrifices, and the princess will have a son in one day.

The official waved to the lady and ordered the priest to start the practice.

The Taoist priest backed away and went straight to the sacrificial table placed in the courtyard by his servants. He inserted a piece of paper money into the lit candle with a sword and lit it. After the paper money was burned, he took a bowl, which seemed to contain something A liquid; is dark red.

He went straight to the girls and boys with the bowl, cut their fingers with a dagger, took a few drops of blood, and blended it into its bowl.

After taking the child's blood, he returned to the sacrificial table and began to draw amulets on the yellow straw paper with the liquid in the bowl, while still chanting words.

After the talisman was drawn, he swung its sword again, and all of them were chanting incomprehensible incantations.

After doing this in a circle, he lit the incense, bowed respectfully to the sky for a few times, then stood up and inserted the lit incense into the incense burner.

(End of this chapter)

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