Chapter 954
After finishing, the Taoist priest turned around and ordered his servants to open the jar that had been prepared in advance.

Then he ordered people to untie the ropes that bound the girls and boys, and signaled the officials to put the girls into one jar, and put the boys in the other jar.

After putting it in, they spread a red cloth and ordered them to seal the lid on the jar.

After sealing it, let them carry the altar to the sacrificial table.

Xiaobai watched with tears in their eyes as they used such cruel methods to kill such two lovely children. How much he wished he could rush forward to save these two poor children, but they could only watch and couldn't even make a sound. not come out.

There was a violent tremor of the body, and when Xiaobai opened his eyes, the sweat dripped down his head, and he found that he was leaning against the wall, still in the cave, and the two jars were placed on the opposite side, Chunhua and Lulu were lying next to him, and the oil lamp was on her. On the right hand side, a goose yellow light flashed.

Seeing that Chunhua and Lulu hadn't woken up yet, Xiaobai patted them on the shoulder and woke them up.

Chunhua and Lulu are also sweating.The first movement when he woke up was exactly the same as Xiaobai's, it was a violent body shaking.

Lulu opened his eyes, grabbed Xiaobai's hand and asked: "Have you seen it, save them quickly, it's so pitiful!"

Xiaobai wiped off Lulu's sweat, patted her on the back, and said, "This is another dimension where they brought us into their past, and we can't save them."

The corners of Lu Lu's eyes were still wet, and tears flowed to her skirt, the bitterness that she wanted to save but couldn't save rushed out.

Xiaobai said indignantly: "It's all to blame that pair of dignitaries and that yellow-robed Taoist priest, for their own self-interest, they would use this method to mutilate children. It's not too many to kill him eight hundred times."

Although Chunhua was also sad, she was curious about how they entered another dimension. Could it be that the ghosts of the girls brought them into their former dimension through dreams.

After pondering for a while, Chunhua said: "Have you ever thought that we entered the space of girls and boys before they were alive? They let us enter through dreams. What do they want to tell us through this dream?" .”

Hearing what Chunhua said, Xiaobai and Lulu returned to what Chunhua said from their hatred for the girls and boys who were murdered.

Xiaobai nodded, looking at the shadow that no longer appeared on the wall: "Chunhua is right, take us to the space where they were alive and watch what happened to them, maybe they want to entrust us with something."

Xiaobai paused, and continued: "However, the end we saw was that the Taoist priest put the altar on the sacrificial table, and it was over. Why did the altar containing their remains appear in the Jufeng Pagoda?" In the tunnel in the middle, this has never been known."

|"In the past, in the village, I heard from my grandfather that if the ghost of the dead has a dream, then there must be some wish that has not been fulfilled or the heroic spirit has not been rested in peace." Lulu said seriously.

Recalling what he saw in another dimension, Chunhua analyzed: "Girls and boys were persecuted and put into jars, and were affixed with amulets by bad Taoists. Presumably, their souls must have not been saved, and they had to rest in peace without salvation. "

"So they entrusted the dream to let us save them and let their heroic spirits rest in peace." Xiaobai suddenly understood what Chunhua was analyzing.

"Then how can we save them? The dream didn't tell us what to do!" Lu Lu looked bewildered.

Xiaobai and Chunhua don't know how to save their souls, and no one has said that this is indeed a problem.

The three fell into deep contemplation, thinking about how to help them.

Chunhua looked at the jar opposite them again, the jar still contained the bodies of girls and boys, judging by the dust outside the jar and the degree of drying of their bodies, it must have been sealed up here for a long time.

Thinking about this, Chunhua seemed to understand, patted Xiaobai's arm, and said, "I think I understand, what they want to tell us, and how to help them."

Hearing that Chunhua said that she knew, Lulu walked up to Chunhua: "Then tell me quickly, how to help them save lives, as long as they can be used, I will get them."

Chunhua went on to say: "Think back to the last picture of them during their lifetime. They were persecuted to stay in this small jar, and they were pasted with amulets. Now we found out that they entrusted us with a dream. And you see the pictures on the jar. From the dust and the dryness of their remains, it is known that they have been staying in this jar all this time.

"That is to say, if they stay in this jar, their souls will not be able to rest in peace. They hate this jar that seals them up." After listening to Chunhua's explanation, Xiao Bai immediately understood what Chunhua meant.

Chunhua nodded: "Yes, I think they just want to tell us that taking them out of here and letting their remains be buried in peace is the best relief for their souls."

Lu Lu patted his thigh and said, "So it's that simple, then let's take them out together! Then find a place with good Feng Shui to bury them and let them rest in peace."

"It's strange to say that since entering the dream they entrusted, the strange wind and laughter have stopped." Xiao Bai sat and looked at the goose yellow burning fire and felt that it was unusually bright now.

Chunhua looked at the unfinished road ahead again: "I think they entrusted us with their dreams because they believed that we could help them, so they stopped teasing us."

Lu Lu looked at the air-dried remains, and asked with some difficulty: "Then how do we take their remains out? It's not indecent to take them out of the jar and carry them on the back!"

Xiaobai patted Lulu on the back of the head: "Thinking too much! How can you carry them like this, let them be exposed outside without fear of frightening the little friends outside!"

Lulu scratched his head: "Then how do you take it out!"

Chunhua also patted Lu Lu's head, and said: "Stupid, you, don't remove them from the jar, let them stay in the jar for a while, let's move them out first, wait We're out and we're taking their bodies out of the jars and burying them properly."

Just do what you say, Xiaobai first covered the top of the jar with a red cloth, and Lulu moved the lid that sealed the jar to close the lid.

After getting ready, they took charge of each jar one by one, and this time Chunhua walked ahead with the oil lamp.

Without the strange wind, the crawling became much smoother, but the speed of crawling became much slower because of the need to carry the jar.

After climbing for a while, the pants were obviously worn out, and a layer of skin was worn off the knees.

(End of this chapter)

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