I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 955 Finding the Stone Steps

Chapter 955 Finding the Stone Steps
Crawling and crawling, there was a curve in front of her. Chunhua crawled ahead, saw her walking through the curve, and heard her joyful voice: "I see the exit, there is light ahead, hurry up!" , Climb quickly."

After speaking, Xiaobai and Lulu were also overjoyed, and said with a smile, "That's great."

Seeing that I was able to go out, the speed naturally increased, and I climbed through the curve, and after a few meters of crawling, I saw light shining through the wall of the cave in front of me.

Chunhua took the lead to climb to the wall of the cave, which was also sealed by a wooden door.

So Chunhua put down the oil lamp in his hand, inserted the sword into the crack of the door with both hands, and pushed forcefully from the inside to the outside.

Hearing a "bang", the door was pushed open, and strong light entered the cave. The light was unusually dazzling. It must have been in the cave for a long time, and the eyes couldn't accept the light outside for a while.

After Chunhua pushed the door open, he crawled out directly, stood up and stretched his sore body from crawling for a long time, and then guarded the side of the cave entrance to meet Xiaobai and Lulu who hadn't come out yet.

Xiaobai handed the altar to Chunhua who was outside the cave. He stood up with all his strength after crawling halfway out of the cave, took a deep breath, and sighed: "The air outside is better!"

Chunhua carefully placed the jar under the table in this room.

Then he took the jar that Lu Lu was holding, and put it side by side with the previous jar.

Then Lulu also crawled out, and it was the room again!Lulu got up and looked around the environment.

After coming out of the hole, Xiao Bai sat down on the ground, picked up his trousers and looked at his worn-out knees.

The skin on the knee was broken, with little blood stains drawn, and it was a little painful to touch.

After rubbing some Jinchuang medicine powder that he brought with him, he handed it to Chunhua and Lulu to apply some as well.

Xiaobai got up and began to carefully look at the room he was in now.

Compared with the previous room, this room is relatively clean and tidy, without any dust, and the light is better. The key point is that there are not only tables, chairs, but also tea on the table.

He picked up the tea and smelled it, but there was no smell, the water was still fresh.

Xiao Bai then poured a glass of water from the teapot with the cup next to it, took a sip, and the sweetness entered his throat.

I haven't drank any water since I entered the pagoda, and my mouth is cracked. If I don't drink some water, I will be dehydrated.

After taking a sip, Xiaobai felt nothing unusual, so he called Chunhua and Lulu to come over for a drink.

When Lulu heard Xiaobai say that there is water to drink, he immediately ran over and said: "There is water to drink, if you don't tell me earlier, you will be as thirsty as a fish."

Gudong Gudong, Lu Lu drank a large glass of water.

Chunhua also came over, and Xiaobai also poured her a full glass of water, and Chunhua took the glass and drank it.

The three of them drank tea and quenched their thirst, and each began to look around the room.

Chunhua touched the tabletop with his hands, then looked at the touched fingers, and said: "This table is also clean, there is no dust, and there is tea, which means that this room has been cleaned; Since someone cleans it, there must be a door to get out of the room."

"Then we just need to find the door here and go out." After Xiaobai finished speaking, he went to the opposite wall to look for a hidden exit.

Lu Lu patted the wall while saying: "This room looks simple, but there is not even a mark of a door."

Xiaobai also beat the wall up and down with his sword and said: "There is always a common problem in the room, that is, the exit is never so simple."

Chunhua continued the conversation between the two of them: "So pay more attention to any different decorations, or any different characteristics."

"Hey! It seems to be hollow!" Lulu's voice broke the silence of their respective searches.

Chunhua and Xiaobai quickly surrounded Lulu to see what she found.

I saw that Lulu was still beating on that place, which was a small compartment: "The sound of knocking is indeed a hollow sound."

Chunhua also tapped his ear and said, "The compartment is indeed hollow."

"Then open this compartment and see what's inside." After speaking, Xiao Bai inserted his sword into the gap in the compartment, and with a little force, the compartment opened.

I saw a rope hanging in the opened compartment, and at the bottom of the rope was a pearl.

The upper edge of the compartment is empty, and the upper end of the rope is tied in the suspended space.

"This rope is hidden in the compartment, and it must be tied to a mechanism." Chunhua analyzed.

Hearing what Chunhua said, Xiaobai responded: "Well, this rope must be controlling a certain mechanism or manipulating a hidden weapon. You all stand back first and wait for me to pull it. If there is a hidden weapon, it is best to get it in time prevention and avoidance."

After speaking, Chunhua and Lulu took a few steps back.

Seeing that they all retreated to a relatively safe distance, Xiao Bai stretched his right hand in.

Holding the hanging pearl with his hand, he pulled down with his right hand, Xiaobai withdrew his hand, and instinctively stepped back.

After pulling, there was only a shaking sound, and the thick wall behind them should trigger the mechanism to shake a few times, and then began to rise slowly.

Xiaobai and the others quickly turned around and watched the wall rise.

When the wall was halfway up, they saw stone steps emerging from the inside of the wall.

After the wall had completely risen and stopped, Xiaobai and the others picked up two jars and quickly passed through the wall.

The wall sensed that people had passed, and there was a bang, and the door closed again.

After Lu Lu passed through, the gatekeeper closed the door so quickly, and sighed: "The mechanism of this wall is really flexible. You can open it slowly. When it is closed, it doesn't give you any time. It just closes with a bang." Yes! If I knew who made it, I really want to worship him as my teacher!"

"It's better not to pray, go out and pray again!" I don't want to stay inside anymore.Xiaobai patted Lulu on the back.

After passing through the wall, you can see a stone step that can be climbed up, and it is one-way, there is no step down, only up.

Looking at the side of the stone steps, it is actually decorated like a room.

Looking at the stone steps, I thought that when they first went up to the second floor, they didn't see the stairs to the third floor. Walking around the second floor, there were rooms one by one.

Looking at the stone steps in this room, Xiao Bai suddenly understood: "It's not that there are no steps on the second floor, but it's hidden in the room."

Chunhua went on to say: "As for those who go to the second floor, they have to pass through the room to successfully find this room with stone steps."

Xiaobai nodded at Chunhua and said, "Yes, you can only go up to the third floor after you find the room with the stone steps."

"That is to say, when we entered the first room, we were hit by rosemary, and then it was the beginning of breaking through the level on the second floor." Lu Lu finally understood.

(End of this chapter)

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